How do I search for my cDNA clone? #shorts

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How do I search for my cDNA clone? To get the most precise search of our website, it's recommended that you use the NCBI accession number of the mRNA transcript. This will bring up all products related to this reference sequence, including true clones, true ORF standards, RNAi products, and CRISPR knockout kits. If you don't know the NCBI accession number, use the gene symbol to search. This often generates more hits than expected because it is a simple text search that may return many splice variants and occasionally unwanted transcripts. If you get too many positives, we recommend using the filter found at the top and left side of the page. If you still can't find your desired product, you should search NCBI to find the accession number. Then repeat the search of the OriGene website with the accession number.