Climate Crisis is Even More Dire Than the New IPCC Report Says

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The IPCC's new report is groundbreaking, but it misses crucial points on climate tipping points and feedbacks that could make the crisis even more urgent, says Durwood Zaelke of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development

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"We have danced around the Wake up my friend. Go home and spend time with those you love. We are in hospice. Time to realize and understand what little time we have.


Seems Guy McPherson is not such a nut after all ay? It has been surreal watching the experts fall in line, one by one, to tow the same line. The stock market declines, bunker businesses flourish and the planet parishes. What a wonderful time to be alive!


Now that the climate denier stage is over we enter the stage of "we can fix it." Once that stage is over we can move on with the reality of the situation


We're doomed! And all this Disneyland hope prevents us from addressing the issues head on.


this is one of the most important interviews I have ever seen in my life. thank you all at the real news for publishing this clip.


So the alarmists were right after all that most of the scientists were underestimating the science.


Information, action, and optimism that might have helped 30-40 years ago.
At least he admits it’s an emergency 🚨.


Unfortunately humanity is treating this lije a death and going through the 5 stages of grief. We are in the denial dtage and seem to be stuck there. By the time enough leaders move out of this stage i think against all my hopes it will be too late.


Whenever a climate alarmist mentions Jerry Brown as some sort of "climate hero", I immediately turn off. True, Brown is better than Donald Trump, but that's a really low bar to cross. The truth is that we need to stop burning ALL fossil fuels right NOW. No exceptions! And that, unfortunately, will NEVER happen (not even in a relatively progressive state like California).


I would yell "FIRE!' but our theater has no exit. The positive feedback loops have started. It is to late to do anything. The Exxon scientist saw this during the 1980's. If I was the CEO of Exxon at that time I would have done just what he did. The best we can do is to maintain social stability as long as possible.

The forces of nature are in place and beyond our control. Just three too hot and or too wet or too dry springs and food for billions of people disappears.

We humans have enjoyed @ 10, 000 years of stable weather. That window for agriculture is closing.

Soon, world food production will fail. When do we plant our corps? Any culture is three days of hunger from disintegration.

There is no place to migrate to. Where are you going to go?

Scientist are not politicians, theologians, philosophers, or poets. Their knowledge of or use of rhetoric to warn of our situation is at best poor.

It is now clear that homo-hubris-sapiens are about to disappear. Our society is just another about to disappear. Nothing new here, this is quite natural. We humans are just part of a natural cycle. Any scientist can tell you this. But no politician will or can tell you the truth. Dictator or democrat; no politician can, will, or should tell us these obvious facts regarding our habitat.

The human response to climate change seems like the human response on Easter Island as they were cutting down their last tree.

They thought their god's were more important than their trees. Then they learned that their god's could not create trees.

We think that profit and finical growth are more important than the environment. To the economist the environment is extraneous to our economy. We are about to learn that profit and finical growth can not create living organisms.

The god's of profit and finical growth have made us blind to the absurdity of cutting down the last trees on our island.

I have passed through a morning period. I am embracing my death. I try to love all I see. In my view it is too late to "do" anything. Our day has passed.

Just for the record, I have spent most of the last 25 years wandering about in the wildernesses of the Colorado Rocky's, the highlands of Northern California, Maui, and my beloved Central California Coast. I could do this because to get food all I had to do was go to town.

When there is plenty of wild life, living off the land is very difficult. My hat is off to our ancestors.
We are looking at the collapse of habitat for all manuals as well as fish, birds, and vegetation. There will be no "living off the land."

I have been hungry in the wilderness. Lethargy and weakness take over. Every action takes great effort. It appears to me to be a hard death. But perhaps no more difficult a death than those who have gone before us.

It is as if the spector of death has appeared at our party. Everyone at the party sees it. No one admits it at first. A few whispers, that's about it.

A rumor of the spector begins to spread. A rumor that everyone at the party can see and does see. It is clear that the spector of death has not come for a particular person but this time has come for everyone at the party; including our pets.

As the last grocery store closes I plan to be wandering up a unnamed stream.

Into the unknown I go as we all must.

Good Luck to You.



How can one convert Mars into a habitable place, when it can't even protect earth from slowly being unhabitable?


Why don't you guys interview Guy Mcpherson about climate change if you want the "Real News."


The comment sections in videos like this it's what stoping me from having kids, now that their future is doomed . We see more and more consequences from what climate change is doing, but the masses are so brainwashed and do nothing, it's irritating.


If we cut emissions we will lose aerosol masking, what will we do with the loss of its cooling effects?

How will we counter the loss of AEROSOL MASKING?

How much greenhouse gas is produced by the carbon capture devices?? How much is produced during the production of these devices?? Is it a NET REDUCTION?


I think these folks are living in a dream world if they think anything can keep temperatures below a 4 or 5 degree rise in the next 15 to 20 years. We are shaken and stirred and soon to be baked! I’m old and may or may not see the worst but my children and grandchildren will inherit a lot of pain due to my generations refusal to take action 25 years ago!


The planet is fine the people are fucked- George Carlin


Ah being alive isn't really all it's cracked up to be.


Always some dose of hopium "we we we Yeah, but you can't do any of the "fixes" in the remaining time we have until habitat collapse. Any mitigation will require a massive input of carbon fuels, and a lot of time, to build out. So, the mitigation will have to fist mitigate itself before it can begin making inroads in the total carbon burden.
Keep in mind that there is at least a ten year lag between the time a bolus of CO2 is released and the time it manifests fully as higher surface temperatures.
So, let's stop mining and burning all coal. then this happens. The amount of CO2 released will be diminished somewhat, as coal emits twice the CO2 per unit of heat output compared to natural gas (mostly methane). But nat. gas. leaks into the atmosphere via uncontrolled releases from storage facilities, pipelines, compressors, dryers, and loading terminals. It is over 150 times more potent a GHG compared to CO2 upon release, 86 times more potent after 20 years, and 34 times after 100 years. It will oxidize in the atmosphere if there are sufficient hydroxyl radicals to react with it. The OH- radical is formed at higher altitudes by impingement of cosmic and X rays on water vapor. The water vapor is increasing, but the radiation isn't. So the rate of formation of OH- is constrained. Then there are other molecules which are competing to react with the OH-. This will slow the rate of oxidation for the methane. The reaction products of the methane / hydroxyl reaction includes CO2, molecule for molecule. The coal also provides dimming, or an aerosol parasol. The SO2 and black carbon soot reflect heat back to space from the upper atmosphere, reducing the heat reaching the surface. Lose the dimming, and we will see RAPID heating at surface level that will take place over 2 years on TOP of the underlying heating already underway.
Keep burning coal and load uo the atmosphere with CO2, creating long term heating while the parasol affords some mitigation of the surface temps.
Stop burning coal and have less long term heating, but you will get short term intense heating. Seems to me that the long term outcome is moot if you don't survive the short term.


Worse than expected—getting to be a mantra


Never felt so hopeless as when listening to this guy make excuses for the professional losers of the Democratic party.
