World's FIRST Bible Reveals GOD is the DEVIL!

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What if everything we thought we knew about God and the Bible is wrong? This video dives deep into the ancient Nag Hammadi texts and the Gnostic belief that the creator of our world isn’t the loving God we’ve been taught to worship but rather the Demiurge—a false god who seeks to control and keep us in ignorance. With hidden wisdom and forgotten scriptures, we explore how the Gnostics saw the material world as a prison and the serpent in Eden as a liberator offering forbidden knowledge.

Discover the radical ideas that challenge mainstream religion, revealing that true salvation may lie in breaking free from the Demiurge's control. From Sophia’s role as the guide to enlightenment to the real meaning behind Jesus' teachings, this video will make you question everything. If you're ready to explore the truth that’s been buried for centuries, hit that play button! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mind-blowing insights.

#Gnosticism #NagHammadi #Demiurge #FalseGod #AncientTexts #SpiritualAwakening #SophiaWisdom #SerpentInEden #ForbiddenKnowledge #HiddenTruth #BiblicalSecrets #JesusTeachings #LuciferLightBearer #DeadSeaScrolls #ReligiousMystery #BreakFreeFromControl
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I can see that 90% of the people in these comments, the devil still has his hands on them...and they worship him as god the god of the old testament is the indeed the devil.. and has killed many people, man, woman, and kids, and said worship me and dont think but have faith in me...which is in darkness..your god said severe me or die and that he was a jealous god.... the great creator would never kill or be jealous or force you to worship or be punish


Even as a child I always thought that the Old Testament dude was an angry jerk, thanks for the enlightenment


2 Corinthians 4:4 (KJV) In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


I'm 65 and have studied gnosticism for half my life. I now am very skeptical of the whole Bible. Think about this: the devil is the author of the Torah and the devil (yaldabaoth) lied from his very genesis. Read about the rape of Eve by the Archons. Read about the Kenoma and the deceptive archons that control it.
It's just as likely the serpent was Lilith (the serpent aspect of Yaldy). They did not become like gods as they lost their immortality and innocence. They also did not die on the day they did eat.
Lucifer may very well be the Jewish Jesus who even Kabbalah says is Samael (the lion aspect of Yaldy) and the rabbis call him messiah ben Joseph come to deceive the gentiles.
The true Aeon Christ was not a human Jew. This turning god into a Jew is extraordinarily evil. But consistent with Yaldabaoth's character. If you study the Kenoma you will see it is populated by REPLICANTS...


If God was the Devil you wouldnt be here anymore. God is Love and righteousness! Jesus is King!


The problem with ancient texts is we can't expect to steal other people's mail and expect to understand it all.


Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

God created all things, and all things are his creation.

The universe is vast and there are still many secrets..

“There is so much to understand, and yet so many people do not have much to understand.”- Forbidden Knowledge

God is everything, without God I am nothing.


This is very interesting because True knowledge is always hidden in the obvious.


30:00 The way this video connects ancient texts with modern interpretations is mind-blowing. It opens up so many questions about the origins of faith


I have been saying all of your stories for years. My favorite is "this world is up side down and back to front. Believe, what they say we must not." the book say very clearly. They believe good is evil and evil is good. Up side down and back to front... Right. I love your work. Thank you.


Isa 5:18  Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin with cart ropes; 
Isa 5:19  who say, Let Him hurry and hasten His work, so that we may see it; and let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, so that we may know! 
Isa 5:20  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 
Isa 5:21  Woe to those wise in their own eyes, and bright in their own sight!


The ‘Marcionite Skinny Bible’ of 146 CE was a very very slimmed down copy of ‘Luke’ and ‘heavily edited parts of the Pauline Corpus’ apparently was the work of two men : Marcion of Sinope (his father was the Bishop of Pontus) c. 80 CE to 155 CE—and his own teacher the Gnostic-Docetist Kerdon of Damasq who taught Marcion that the clan-god of the Jews (YHWH) was really the lesser imperfect DemiUrge creator ‘Yaldabaoth’ (‘daughter of all Confusion’) who was the one who created our imperfect, diseased, stinking, rotten, war-torn cosmos that turned out to be a morass of imperfect putrid filth — and that there was a higher deity above the DemiUrge called variously the ‘Monad’ or ‘The Hidden One’ or ‘The Unknowable God’ who reigns over a perfect Heavenly Realm — and that ‘ho Iesous’ was the ‘Son of the Unknowable God’ whose ministry was to awaken humanity to seeing the divine sparks within all of us…


Put all your trust in God, don't be deceived, GOD is a loving God, He is jealous because of His too much love for His creations that somewhat rebellious .God is faithful, He never changed, same all the time, for eternal Glory to God in the Highest.


The greatest trick that the devil "advisor" ever played on mankind is to get them to believe he was god .


God gave us free will. We create trouble. God is love. You don’t know God. If you did, you would know God is good, all the time.


Accept for the sake of argument what the Gnostics believe. Still certain pertinent questions arise.
Why does the True Benevolent God who is more powerful than the Demiurge, not save humanity from the tyranny of the malevolent god?
How did the Divine Spark come into human?
Who has given that Spark?
What was the mission of Jesus?
Who is the Father God of Jesus Christ? The Benevolent God or the Demiurge?


Remember it says in the new testament that God has no darkness in him which means he has no evil in him so why in pray tell is the god of the old testament killing people it gets worse cause then he starts saying these things right here.

Isaiah 45:7 KJVS - 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.



The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest Bible. So you are not quoting from the oldest Bible!!! Get your facts straight. You really need to find Yeshua before it's too late for you!!!


If Satan is been cast down from heaven to earth, then we that has no power on earth what should we do?

Why not prison him somewhere in heaven and allow us on earth to have peace and rest according to how God wanted it.

There are things we do not understand because Bible is been modified


If God created us to trap souls then there wouldn't be people in Heaven, and Adam and Eve didn't get punished for seeking wisdom but for disobeying him and if people didn't rely on God like a child who relys on his parents then people would feel that they wouldn't need God because they feel that they are God like Satan promised even tho they can die, and God didn't want us to learn BAD knowledge, such as the things the fallen angels taught like how to make weapons and God didn't want us to make robots and do neuralink, he wanted us to be simple and live in harmony🤦‍♂️
