Why Flutter VS React Native is absurd

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Wow, I didn't think about that. Now you have given me existential crisis as a developer 😂. You are correct its good to look at "The bigger picture". But I think we still have at least 5years before AR becomes mainstream if not more. And given the speed at which RN is expanding ig it's just a matter of time before someone writes a good bridge for them


awesome content.
and one thing more. your video title is what YouTube algorithm is looking for


Because people need constant validation that their current skillset is valid in a long run and that they don't waste time using potentially duying technology. Tbh, either technology servs me a way to earn sweet dollars, leave workspace at 5 and enjoy the life.


We are doing some insanely crazy out-of-the-box development using RN. Never imagined how much we’re actually able to do with a framework like this. Some have even argued our choice and why we aren’t using Unity, a game engine more in line with what we’re trying to achieve and I always simply answer with “if its good enough for FB, its going to be good enough for us”. The only real issue so far has been with unmaintained and buggy but crucial node_modules.

However I can imagine the real power to all of these frameworks will be even more evident when you also have a few dedicated native developers. Thats when you can overcome most of the issues you’ll face using RN or Flutter. The dependency on community extensions comes with pitfalls..

Yet its a magical time to be in, building “native” mobile apps using web ideology.


a balanced view that is well explained. amazing. earned my sub 🔥 keep going!


I appreciate fair, common sensical perspectives. Both seem to be great!


Good perspective. I wonder if anyone will port react native to VR/AR any time soon.


Hey very good take! You are one of the very few people who thinks out of the box.


Hummm... Is it worth it to keep using RN/Flutter, knowing that they might not be able to cover Apple's latest features (AR, widgets, etc...)? And what about Android's latest features? Are Google and Apple going to the same direction it terms of new features? I guess the answer is, if Goggle and Apple are in fact going to focus their efforts on developing the same type of features and if RN/Flutter will be able to catch-up pretty fast.... Then yes, let's keep using RN or Flutter. I will also keep using them to develop basic apps. I have got to have faith in folks behind RN because I don't want to learn swift!


But Since flutter is made by google and google also makes android , atleast if the BIG WAVE comes from GOOGLE side, google will upgrade flutter to new standards . Same not true for react native :/


Great great video, bravo. Although I love react for web I do have the same concerns about RN you mentioned there, for the moment though it's useful for creating powerful apps that are simple. I'm curious, what do you think about unity? It's also a cross platform solution but it's a industry standard, given that it's not made by apple or google nor by Oculus do you think it could suffer from the same exposure ? Facebook has embraced it but what if they release their own SDK? Where do you mark the line between a native standard and cross platform standard like unity and if native always wins how do you handle de complexity and high costs


AR is getting there. (Although we've been saying AR/VR/XR is "5-10 years away" every year for too long, lol.) I just hope it doesn't turn into dopamine overkill.


refusing to learn React and insisting on building a roquette


i am not convinced ar and vr will be big in the future


Google has a tendency to kill projects


In 10 years: Why FluttAR VS React AR is absurd


So what you're saying is, let's use them while they're helping us, but let's not be religious about them, as we don't know what would be more helpful and productive in the future, that we're not in charge of.


According to your argument discussing and comparing every technology is absurd because it's going to be replaced with a newer and a better one. Flutter Vs. React Native is about comparing in the present and it's relevance and meaning lies in this present no doubt.


Flutter and React native are the same.
0:49 it depend how u build your product perfectly and ofc it needs ur skills on every aspect with this two things.
RN and flutter are the same if compare with swift or kotlin. cant agree more than this.


I think as long as it can get the job done, doesn't matter which one to use haha
