She Will Fly Again

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-- She Will Fly Again --

Film Credits:
Directed and Produced by Jason Elliott
Music in the video: Evolution by Thomas Alexander Farnon
Edit, Visual Effects and 1st Camera - Jason Elliott
On Location Sound and 2nd Camera - Tommy Flaxman
Poem Written and Narrated by Lucia Coxon

Special Thanks to the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre and University of Lincoln

Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre - NX611 'Just Jane'

A promotional film showing Just Jane in her true element.

The Poem, written by Lucia Coxon, can be viewed below by following the link:
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For so many reasons the greatest aircraft in history


My Brother is one of the staff fixing NX611 Just Jane. She will fly again. 🇬🇧❤️


My wife treated me to a taxy ride in this aircraft for my 50th birthday.
Sitting there and soaking up the roar of those Merlins as she launches from standing start on the field, the emotions you feel and the thoughts of what those brave crews sacrificed are on a scale as if you'd lost a loved one of your own. If you've never tried it then I highly recommend it, worth every penny towards looking after this old girl.
Also a big well done to everyone involved with Just Jane, restored beautifully and very informative guided tour.
Thank you for a memorable day and We WILL Remember them.


As a Lincolnshire lad I'm proud and touched to see that these lads from all over did a fantastic job that we can never thank them enough...
I've done the taxi ride many years ago... I won the raffle.. Best fiver I ever spent
My eyes moisten when I think of them or see the war graves at Scampton Kirton limdsey or North cotes.... There are so many and we owe you such a debt.. Thank you isn't enough but my generation will never forget....


I had two uncles that one was a navigator! One was a pilot!Sadly my dads brother never came back! My mum's brother lived on and used to come with us on boating holidays! Thank you to all those that did come back and to those that did not! We can never say thank you enough for all the bravery given for your tomorrows ! My mum was a W.R.A.F back then and is now 94! My dad passed away 18 years ago! he worked in the building industry, he looked after some of the construction of the floating harbors among many things back then! I say thank you to all involved back than as we would not enjoy the luxury of freedom today! R.I.P to all those that made the ultimate sacrifice!


I am ex RAAF and have followed Just Jane's story over the years Let's get this lovely old girl back in the air where she belongs!


Dear God - the sound of those 4 Merlin's running - it genuinely brings tears to your eyes. Anyone who did just one mission over Germany was a brave, brave man but to do it again and again and again : words fail me.


In 1967 I was sixteen and just started work in local government. In an office across from mine was a guy who had been a rear gunner in a Lancaster, this guy was a wreck, he got on with his job but hardly ever spoke and when he did it was a sort of nervous mumble, his hands had a slight constant shake and he chain smoked. This was over 20 years after the war ended. There are a lot of people through no fault of their own don't realise what these young men went through in the war. It's thanks to the dedicated people behind Lancaster "Just Jane" that keep the memory of what sacrifices were made by bomber crews and all RAF personnel during WW 2. The Lancaster was a majestic aircraft, watching this video certainly made my eyes water.


For my 40th Birthday i was given a taxi ride in Just Jane, an experience that will live with me for the rest of my days.


As an American, I have always thought the Lancaster was a beautiful bomber, and that the Lanc and the Spitfire were among WW2's most beautiful warbirds.
My uncle was a ball turret gunner on B-24 Liberators, flying out of RAF Shipdham. He had 2 confirmed kills, before being shot down over France on May 1944.
He spent the rest of the war as a POW in Poland. He helped raise me, and he will always be a hero to me. He passed away in 1985.
I would love to get a ride in a Liberator to honor him. My 2nd choice would be a flight in a Lancaster.
God bless the brave men who flew out of England, and especially those who never came home.


An ABSOLUTE treasure .... set her free, to fly again and honor all those that went before her !!!


This beauty is not only a masterpiece of Avro engineering, it’s a symbol of British pride and an honor to all the servicemen who fought and died for what they believed in, a better world. They shall never grow old, we will remember them.


I saw 61 thumbs down for this made sad to think that there are people that have no idea what this represents to the survivors of the blitz in England....this magnificent aircraft and all other bombers that flew every night to give back the same to the enemy...the cost was high for bomber command and for the parents and wife's, brothers, uncle's let's not forget the price paid by the valiant aircrews during those harrowing times...


Very good job on this movie! It really touched me because my father-in-law was a B-24 Liberator ball turret gunner in the US Army Air Corps in 1944, flying with the 492nd out of North Pickenham.
He flew 6 missions, then his plane was forced down in Switzerland due to multiple engine failure and imprisioned, but he and a B-17 crew member escaped through the French underground, and returned to England to find that his entire group had been wiped out in daylight bombing.
My wife and I came from California to visit the UK in 1983, and were able to tour the remains of the base at North Pickenham, and take photos for my father-in-law. He was able to visit there before he died in 1998. It was not until after we visited that he began to talk about his wartime experiences. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit in '83, and wish we could come back again, but for health reasons we cannot. Thank you all for posting, and keep up the great work of preservation for the RAF!! I will be checking out your website for more info.


The plane taking off is really clever anamtion, but still looks amazing!


a beautifully put together tribute.


So I've just shown this to my 6 year old whilst he's holding his brand new model Lancaster (it was a very WW2 bomber themed Santa list this year 🎅🏻😄) and his face when the poem started was amazing 😍. His eyes grew wide and he whispered "that's Just Jane talking!"


I can listen to those merlins all day long, ,no other engine evokes such emotions .
Pure raw power


Nothing compares. The roar from those engines will never disappoint. Never give up, never forget.


She's a beauty. Very well done all! Thank you for investing in this wonderful bird. A grateful canadian.
