Smurl Family Haunting | Ed And Lorraine Warren Case

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In this video I take a look into the alleged true events of the smurl family poltergeist haunting. The Smurl Haunting refers to claims made by Jack and Janet Smurl of West Pittston, Pennsylvania, United States, who alleged that a demon inhabited their home between 1974 and 1989

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This is all true! My parents were friends with them! I still to this day live just right over the bridge from them 10 minutes


Great video and creepy music! I love paranormal cases like this one


I live not to far from the home driven by the home, i seen the black shadow.i been there a few times.the whole neighborhood is haunted, i don't feel their lying, only they and God knows what happened.however, the chair photo has nothing to do with the family or the planning on going by the home again, good job on the video, the music score is creepy too, i heard it before somewhere, thanks


"The Haunted" is about this haunting. Great movie. You Tube


I know this has to do with nothing with the video but you look like avril lavigne


Theirs a film on this story also called haunted


Is she whispering? What’s up with the sound?


Lady your so uninformed on this case it's unbelievable and total robs your entire channel of any authenticity!
NEIGHBORS, 3 on each side also had their own haunting activities for over a year after it was supposedly over.
Pretty sure you just watched the movie or read a book then simply regurgitated the authors opion.
People doing what your doing cause so much harm, it's almost to much to ask us to believe there is no malaise or ill intentions on your part.
People doing what you've done here are the reason the church needs to be so defensive towards those seeking help from such horrible things. I wonder if it were to happen to you or your loved ones might you even care? You definitely won't help, that's obvious from your comments and attitude.
GOD BLESS you & yours.
