Ruby on Rails #92 Github Actions CI (run Tests, Rubocop, Erblint)
Показать описание
⚡️ Here's how you can set up **Github Actions** on a new Ruby on Rails project with:
✅ Postgres
✅ Redis
✅ Minitest
✅ System tests
✅ Rubocop
✅ Erblint
Git repo:
Rails tests CI script:
Install Rubocop, CI script:
Install erblint:
✅ Postgres
✅ Redis
✅ Minitest
✅ System tests
✅ Rubocop
✅ Erblint
Git repo:
Rails tests CI script:
Install Rubocop, CI script:
Install erblint:
Ruby on Rails #92 Github Actions CI (run Tests, Rubocop, Erblint)
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