Plustek SmartOffice Series- Product Introduction
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Introducing efficiency document scanners for workgroups and departments
MobileOffice AD480
- 20ppm, small compact and functional
SmartOffice PS388U
- 30ppm, extrodinary scanning performance
SmartOffice PL4080
-40ppm, effective scanning speeds
SmartOffice PS3180U
-80ppm, high-speed and high productivity
Network Scanner PN30U
-30ppm, network scanning
MobileOffice AD480
- 20ppm, small compact and functional
SmartOffice PS388U
- 30ppm, extrodinary scanning performance
SmartOffice PL4080
-40ppm, effective scanning speeds
SmartOffice PS3180U
-80ppm, high-speed and high productivity
Network Scanner PN30U
-30ppm, network scanning