Korean Teens React to American Prom Party For The First Time! (Culture Shock)

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I feel it depends on what high school you’re looking at. Like mine I wasn’t allowed to use my phone until I was outside my class.


This was interesting to watch. I’m from the US and graduated high school a few years ago. I think a lot depends on the kind of school and what state you live in. I went to a charter school so we had uniforms with occasional dress down days as an incentive. The school was a college prep school, so most students focused on studying or their respective talent (sports, the arts, etc)




Well, it really depends on the country and school system. As an Asian and lives in the Philippines I can relate with the girls since its very similar. I studied in an Catholic girls school, so it had many restrictions too. In high school, I had uniforms, packed lunch or canteen, seat arrangements, same class rooms, no makeup (and nails), no casual clothing, limited clubs, no phones and more. Now, In college everything is more free and opposite that why I enjoy it better.


For me this is actually what school life is like for me. Although not the prom one because they did that during covid. We do have a dress code, but it's not serious, it's followed. We can leave during lunch. I have an eyebrow piercing and my hair is dyed, lots of girls have acrylics at my school. Uhhhh I know a lot of upperclassmen have arm tattoos. Although this may be what its like at my school, Schools in the US vary, we have public schools, private, all girl/boy schools, some are less strict or more. Just depends on what videos are released and we are able to watch. 😊


Public schools in America vary quite a bit. The state determines quite a bit of the curricula, but the rules and elective classes are decided by local school boards and administrators (like the Principal). Classroom rules are decided by administrators and teachers. So dress codes, rules about phones, and classroom rules (like seating charts) vary widely from school to school. Some public schools do require uniforms, most don't. Many do have dress codes. In my area, it's pretty typical to have rules like no shoulders or mid-driffs showing, no gang colors, no offensive slogans or phrases, and shorts/skirts must go to your fingertips. Since funds mostly come from local taxes, the quality and offerings vary as well. I know someone who went to a school that taught 5 or 6 languages and had AV classes and such. I lived in a poorer area, so our school only had 2 levels of Spanish and French and there were very few electives (band, choir, drama, art, typing, and higher math were about it). This variability is both a blessing and a curse. Because the US is so large, it allows schools to tailor things to their region. I currently live in a rural area that has a lot of farming. Many schools have electives related to agriculture and they have a harvest break where students often get short term employment helping farmers harvest their crops. But it has downsides too because some schools struggle for funds (especially those in less populated areas).


My high school experience was pretty similar to the videos! Though it's definitely different by school and location. I went to a public arts high school ("Dreyfoos"- some of our pep rallys went viral lol). There were no uniforms and dress code was barely enforced. Not much restriction on hair color, makeup, accessories, etc.. Phones were not usually allowed out during class, but they are in between classes and at lunch. I had lots of freedom to enjoy the arts, and it was a great academic environment. I was in biology olympiad and SECME (science clubs). There's also academic honor societies and many fun clubs to join.


I attended a public school in Texas. We had a dress code, assigned seats, no eating in class, no cellphones, no face piercings and tattoos.


Love how they included a video of Erica ha, she's honestly a nice girl


My school had uniforms and you were never allowed to break any uniform rules and there were no days where they'd allow no uniform. We had to walk in a line to go anywhere and were not allowed to speak. We had assigned seats for the classroom as well as the lunch hall. We had about 10 minutes to eat after we got back from the food line. We were not allowed to speak during lunchtime either. My school was a normal public school. They even cut out art and music class eventually. You could not use your phone at all. It was a dreadful place and I hated every moment of it. Edit; I forgot to mention that our school also would ignore human rights and would not allow people to go to the bathroom and they would take someone's lunch from them if they caught them talking.


One thing I learned in life..too much freedom can become your worst imprisonment. 🥴
Great vid. Thanks.


I’m 40 now but always wanted school uniforms in elementary school because of being bullied about clothing. ❤


I don’t know what school she was attending, but it definitely depends on the school and what district or state you live in. Although we had free dress codes, there were still some rules you had to follow like: shorts/skirt can’t be no shorter than the tip of your finger, no spaghetti straps (straps had to be at least 3in), no crop tops or stomach revealing shirts and no sagging pants (nobody wants to see your underwear😒). Phones weren’t allowed out during class hours, unless there’s an emergency… they’re only allowed in between classes(that 5 minutes you have after the bell rings before your next class) and during lunch/after school. At one point girls weren’t even allowed to wear those Nike sport shorts anymore because they started looking too short.


To be honest I think more Americans need to watch this channel to understand what we have going on vs other countries.


I went to a public school in Texas, we had a dress code (like the bottom of your skirt and shorts had to reach the end of your finger tips, 4 fingers wide tank tops ect) but no uniform. They didn't really care about nails or make up but they didn't allow facial piercings but tbh many kids still had them and either put in a clear piece or put a band-aid over their jewlery and that was accepted, tattoos were alright as long as they were school appropriate otherwise they had to cover them up. No unnatural hair colors were allowed but you could do stuff like ombre as long as the colors used were natural. We weren't allowed to use our phones when class was in session but if we were sitting in the classroom waiting for classes to start they didn't mind, some teachers at my school even allowed us to charge our phones at the front of the classroom so we could focus. Other than that, we could use our phones at any other time, we didn't have assigned seats in lunch and we had different lunches through out the day so A Lunch (like 10 or 11 am) B Lunch (12 pm) and C Lunch (1 pm) so when it was time for your specific lunch you just went freely, that's why there was no line up to walk to lunch at my school anyways cuz everyone had a different schedule. As for walking around the class, some teachers allowed it and some didn't, most of the time they want you to stay seated but my teachers liked me because I was quiet and focused on my work most of the time so they would let me and my friends sit out in the hallway to do our work and listen to music ect. So the video was pretty close to how my school was!


most schools still have dress codes and no cell phones allowed during class times but some allow them during passing times


I feel like pretty much all the comments are just saying how none of this is true for them… so I will mention my school as well. We had uniforms (pants and a polo shirt) but the rest were allowed. You could wear a hoodie if you wanted over your uniform, you could get nails, you could get tattoos, get piercings, use your phone in class, snack in class, etc. The only thing was the uniforms for us.


We weren’t allowed to have phones on campus and we have uniforms but some high schools are like that!

Edit: no hair dye, piercings, open toed shoes, “excessive” jewelry, tattoos, etc


Those kids are lucky my schools phones are inside a locker at the front entrance of my school so I could be on the third floor while my phone is in a locker three floors down 😭


the youtuber emily ha is originally korean 😂
