APEC Feb 13, 2021 - Jean-François Geneste, Mike Gamble & Jeremy Rys

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APEC 2/13: Jean-François Geneste, Mike Gamble & Jeremy Rys
For scheduling reasons, this week's session will begin 1/2 hour early! Jean-François Geneste will be discussing a novel approach to gravity-modification via coupling with the electromagnetic force, Mike Gamble will be presenting on a study of the Earth's gravitational system, and Jeremy Rys will be discussing concepts in materials engineering for alternative propulsion engineering. We also have lots of experimental updates, new ideas & rapidly growing list of new conference attendees to welcome to our event!

Our conference presentation schedule includes:

• 11:30am PT: Pre-Conference: Experimental Lab Updates

Mark Sokol, Jeremiah Popp & Todd Desiato will open the event with updates on experimental lab work by Falcon Space, including equipment acquisition, component fabrication, and experimental testing. This session has been moved in consideration for the attendees who arrive early, as well as to make room for all 3 major presenters in today's event.

• 12:00pm PT: Jean-François Geneste: Concepts in Applied Gravity Modification

Jean-François will begin by outlining flaws in mainstream physics models and offering experimental approaches for verification. Then, he will present a novel approach to physics intended to increase the coherency of physical models, which also allows for the existence of antigravity through a coupling between gravity and electromagnetism. He will also discuss expectations of ZPE in a disruptive anthropocentric scenario. Jean-François is the CEO of World Advanced Research Project Agency (WARPA) and a former Vice-President & Chief Scientist at Airbus.

• 2:00pm PT: Mike Gamble: Study Of The Earth's Gravity

Mike will be presenting a comprehensive study on the earth's gravitational system - not just the surface acceleration. His focus is not on the big "G" (the universal gravitational constant), but instead on the little "g" of Earth. He will be showcasing research based on Tesla's work; as well as providing tutorials on waves in general and mathematical modeling. He will also discuss the "WOW Moment" in his research when math simulations lined up exactly with observed results. Mike is a semi-retired Boeing engineer who managed an R&D Lab experimenting with advanced engineering concepts.

• 4:00pm PT: Jeremy Rys: Space-Age Materials for Spacecraft Manufacturing

Jeremy Rys will be presenting on concepts in material design to facilitate antigravity & advanced propulsion concepts, including research into ideas such as meta-materials, Bismuth & liquid-metal compounds, and more. Jeremy is well-known for the scientific & technology analysis on his AlienScientist YouTube channel, the largest of its kind online with over 110,000 subscribers.

• 6:00pm PT: Open Discussion & Ad Hoc Presentations

Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and the Falcon Space team will be available to take questions & discuss ongoing experiments. Please note that our focus is on engineerable experiments & test results.

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Questions During Presentation:
We intentionally gave each speaker lots of extra time to allow for an open discussion after the talk. If you'd like to ask a question, make a note in the chat box with your name and Tim will prompt you to ask your question at an appropriate time in the order it was received. For example, John Doe would write this in the chat, "John Doe here with a question for David". Tim will call on John to unmute himself and ask the question when appropriate.
Рекомендации по теме

I just read an article on red mercury being ran in curtain plasma reactors, seems like it has some amazing applications


If gyros being powered in a sawtooth fashion produces thrust, maybe that means that sawtooth magnetization will do so as well, because you're aligning the tiny magnetic fields of particles like gyros.


I have a comment regarding coil windings shorting AC skin effect == change profile of coil conductor EG enameled flat ribbon


Wondering if the magneto guy has a bad microphone or just too many magnets in the room 🧑🏻‍🔬


Lots to unpack here. I am in TN, if I can be of assistance let me know. I do 3D solid modeling and rapid prototyping for a Japanese automotive company, specifically in speaker design. I have been dabbling in focusing angular momentum and any kind of levitation. I have my own printers and am pretty good at product, jig and fixture design. Hit me up.


GHz already to low they run the ARV is using a THz waveguide