How to Grow Chilli Peppers All Year Round

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In this video, I explain and demonstrate how I grow chilli peppers all year round.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane - the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let's get into it! Cheers, Mark :)
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This lad is the best to watch when you’re kicking back


I am a retired fire personnel (fireman to ire marshal) and have been retired since Dec 1996, so now 74. When I retired, got married for the last time, and moved out into the southwest desert of the USA (the Mojave Desert), and to say the least, gardening is a huge challenge here. Wanted to let you know, that we are doing container gardening using many of your thoughts and tips. Really enjoy your channel, and we are in the process of viewing your older videos. I have to have closed captions, and thank you for placing closed caption, on your newer videos (fire service injury only 2 yrs after getting into the service. Saw on one your videos, that you had 22 things one can use for PTSD. Going to watch that one soon (as well as all yours eventually. Thank you for the down to earth informatiion on all aspects that you show. We are now one of the faithful and thank you for your service...and your channel.


You can tell it is winter in Oz when Mark wears a sweater with his shorts! LOL


Hi Mark
Your videos are entertaining and educational. I also live is south east Queensland so everything you talk about is 100% relative to me.
I’m 70 years old and retired. Recently widowed and living in an inner suburb of Brisbane.
The recent lock down has made me re access my situation. I put in a small raised veggie garden on the front patio of my town house. The veggies went NUTS. In just eight weeks I was overwhelmed with lettuce and bok choy and the tomatoes aren’t far away. I have never had any interest in gardening or growing anything before but now find myself looking at being more self sufficient.
I am fortunate enough to be able to afford and am buying a small farm near Peaks Crossing. It is a blank canvas. I am building a house there. One of my first projects there will be to establish a fenced in veggie garden of about 600m2. My plan is for it to contain a 24m2 shade house, fruit trees and an in ground garden.
The only resources on the block are some firewood and lots of grass which I will mow and use to improve the soil in my garden. I’ll need to bring in cow manure from a local dairy.
Thank you so much for all the knowledge you are sharing. It is making my new dream possible.


I used to have a problem with whiteflies killing my chili plants but found that a couple of cloves of garlic blended with a little water and sprayed on the plants weekly works great. Thanks for your gardening knowledge and passion my friend!


I love U... I live in Norway and can just dream of a garden like yours...but I watch every single video you make...take care and stay healthy happy and safe my YouTube, Instagram and Facebook friend...XX 🌱🌱🌱💕💕💕...


That’s exactly how I dress in the middle of our winter :)


Growing birdseyes is what got me into gardening as a kid. My parents "boring" stuff as a kid wouldn't do it but the chilli's are so easy and rewarding !


This is a great video.

A few years back my mom gave me one of her jalapeno plants for a birthday present. I moved it to a large planter and set it outside... been bringing it in when the weather gets cold (I live in Wisconsin USA -23*c or lower winters) and store it next to my Bearded Dragon's terrarium (UV Lamp) which is also located in our sunroom surrounded by windows on three sides. It has done great and is still kicking to this day. It fruits throughout the winter. I add a small bit of egg shell and orange peel to the planter twice a year or so, and change out most of the potting soil from time to time.

Our growing season is pretty short, but thanks to your videos I've started saving seeds from just about everything, set up some raised garden beds using hügelkultur, and started a number of other projects including canning, and more recently growing some culinary mushrooms. It's a lot of fun and fulfilling work.


Mark, instead of a small table try using a "walker", those rigid upright contraptions elderly folks use to walk around with (holding up traffic for 3 light changes while they cross, ....I'm 71 I can poke fun at my own crew!). The lower brace can support a removable plywood shelf and a larger piece can be attached to the handles to make a tabletop. They are stable, lightweight, weather resistant, can straddle rows in the field or help you by a raised bed. Also useful when working on you car engine to keep tools within reach .The folding model works well also. I have 2.


That yellow rocoto looks like a tiny yellow apple, awesome.


"You've served me well, and I'll take that. Give me that! It's compost for you." *chucks*


I live in Arizona. I overwintered peppers with little to no effort. I covered my plants maybe once and the ones I didn’t cover were protected by their own foliage. Some leaves died but the plant lived! I know I live in a warm place but like mark said foliage is definitely not a bad thing to have


In Saigon here, and i just started a Ghost Chili in a pot. Thanks!


Trying your mini greenhouse milk bottle idea to see how it goes. Your channels are so important right now. I hope everyone is as inspired by your videos as my family has been. All this craziness around us 24/7 and there's still a chill Aussie growing tons of food himself, feeding with his own compost, and making morning glory jokes. For once... someone that's not a downer when they teach. Much Love from TX USA.
PS my two year old loves watching your videos with me. Says "me watch that guy with all the plants and the little axe." (your e.t.).


Chili peppers are my favorite plants to grow in the garden, I usually grow between 80 and 100 varieties of superhot peppers every year and have close to 200 varieties in my seed collection. I also grow all the ones my family actually will eat as well, lol. I have been able to overwinter them outside on my porch a couple times when we had mild winters but normally I would have to bring them inside to get them to live through winter so I just start over each winter from seed. I had an Orange Manzano Rocoto live for 3 years on my front porch in a 30 gallon smart pot. It didn't seem phased by light frost but we had one night dip to 20°F and it killed it this past February.


I cut my chilli plant right back last year for the winter (living in England). This year the fruit yield has more than doubled!


We have cold dark winters with deep winter snow. I wish I could grow anything other than growing impatient during winter 😜😜


Hey Mark! Man I love your videos. You’ve inspired me to try get more self sufficient. Thanks a ton! I’ve made some videos and my family are loving it during these trying times. They’re able to keep up with us from afar. Big thumbs up all the way from Houston!


TY..I live in PA ..I just planted a Jalapeno Pepper and a Red Bell Pepper in my raised garden .. so now I am gonna transplant them this fall so I can maybe keep them alive till next growing season..yay..thank you again would of never thunk it
