BE AFRAID JAKE! Mike Tyson FEROCIOUS NEW training for Jake Paul

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BE AFRAID JAKE! Mike Tyson FEROCIOUS NEW training for Jake Paul

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Nobody will ever be as terrifying as Prime Mike but old Mike is still Scary AF


It’s like decades later and people still don’t understand the concept of “old man strength “ that shit is no joke.


You can tell Tyson love this. Back to his roots preparing for a fight.


One of Tyson's greatest strengths that I don't see people talk about much is his willpower. When he got in the ring, he was imposing his will upon another person.


Mike has nothing to loose, if he wins, he’s a god ! If he looses he’s sixty years old and past his prime which no person will blame him for, on the other hand Paul looses either way, if he looses he’s a joke that lost against a great fighter past his prime, if he wins it’s the same way, as far as I’m concerned it’s a career ending move for Paul, he’ll never be taken seriously again as far as a real heavy weight champion, but what do I know, although my moneys on Mike


Dude has had an amazing and painful life. He has more scars on his heart than Frankenstein but came back to become such a beloved figure and still looks like he could wipe the floor with 99% of the world's population. Such an inspiring human being.


If Jake doesnt play the distance game he could get his lights turned off pretty early. Tyson at 57 is still an absolute machine.


Well.. it doesn't matter if he wins or not, or if this is real match or a show. What matters is someone at 57 yrs young can still have this youth of strong punches and fitness. Iron Mike Tyson for real.


Mike Tyson is incredible, and it's an inspiration how he keeps up his training. At age 53 and as a practicing martial artist, I see him as a model for anyone who practices boxing or the martial arts. His fighting ability is an indication of mind over matter.


Tyson at 57 years old is far faster than I've ever been in my entire life. Even at my Army indoctrinated best. Tyson is a true legend.


Remember, it wasn't very long ago Tyson said, he didn't like going to gyms and he didn't want to be that guy? Fitness is magic.


Old man Tyson gonna knock Jake
The fuck out 😂


I am also of vintage 66. I also play sports with people of various ages. I am rooting for Mike.


Everyday I watch something involving Mike Tyson, I gain a little more respect and admiration for him.

I still cant wrap my head around this fight though. If he loses by knockout, thatll just irritate the shit out of me. If he loses by decision, its a win. If he knocks JP out, its a blessing.

Just dont like the age gap and the disrespect to Tyson. The man is a legend, not only in sports but even after sports. He has evolved into a wise man with a lot to give to this world.

I dont want to see that tarnished. Good luck Mike Tyson.


His control is amazing! His ability to hold back when he punched dude glove off was insane


Mike's power and speed on day one are freaking ferocious!


For some reason I see determination in mikes eyes. I think he is going to come into fight beyond shredded. It just looks like he is trying to prove to himself that he can do it, and not to anybody else. He may feel that even though it’s an exhibition match his legacy is on the line to this kid. This will be no exhibition match! GOAT ALL THE WAY.


Jake Paul, credit to you for getting rich of fighting guys who can not box . This man is going to demolish you and hurt you it's his instinct to destroy what's in front of him and mark my words he will hurt you bad boy


The Mike before the Buster Douglas fight was most probably the most exciting heavyweight of all time. Best to remember him that way ..


Mike Tyson is in incredible shape for a 57 year old. If he can stay this good despite spending his time relaxing, imagine how good a condition he can get into if he takes it seriously. There are over 100 days to go until the day of this fight. Tyson will roll back the years.
