IceBreaker Speech Level 1 Project 1 (L1P1) | Toastmasters | Public Speaking | Who Am I Really?

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IceBreaker Speech Level 1 Project 1 (L1P1) | Toastmasters | Public Speaking | Who Am I Really?

This was my very first Toastmasters icebreaker speech I gave at my club to introduce myself (go easy on me, it was nerve wrecking! haha). First project of my presentation mastery pathway.

Welcome! My name is Patricia Calixte aka Patty Pat's Speaking Journey!

*** IN A RUSH? Skip to what you want to see! ***
00:00 Who Am I Really? Public Speaking Toastmasters Icebreaker L1P1 Speech.
00:03 Introduction To The Introduction
00:52 Beginning Of The Speech: Who Am I Really?

This video contains the content of the very first Ice Breaker speech I gave at my club Words on Wings (WOW), on Friday April 30th 2021.

I chose to follow the Presentation Mastery Pathway to help me become better at public speaking. This was my Level 1 - Project 1 speech.

The purpose of this project was to introduce myself to the club and learn the basic structure of a public speech.

I had to write and deliver a speech about any topic.

The speech could’ve been humorous, informational, or any other style that appealed to me.

It had to be between 4 and 6 minutes.

A speech evaluator had to give me an effective evaluation of my speech and delivery style.

Helpful references:

The Power Of Self-Discipline: No Excuses by Brian Tracy:

10 Tips on How To Give A Great Toast!
I received some very encouraging feedback from the club members which was really nice, especially since I actually lost my bearings at some point and had a total blank for a few long seconds. I wanted to disappear but then I made it to the end, what a relief!

Here are some of the other member's comments:

* Wonderful ice-breaker ! Lively, inspirational, and a real « connector » ! Félicitations !!! By the way, I was involved at ICAO with ePassports for a long time. Great field of activity !

* Good visual presentation with plants....good body language. As the ice breaker, it's good. For next time, you might want to work on structure. Thank you for your speech.

* Dear Patricia, As per the name of the Club,....WOW. What a wonderful Icebreaker. If this is the start of your journey, what does the future hold?! Thank you so much for your speech.

* Very enthusiastic and confident speech. Bravo!

* Patricia, a great speech, very natural. You did not lose your verve, pauses were actually welcome to give structure. I like your analogy and that you used actual plants to illustrate it.

* Wow that was an excellent icebreaker speech! Well- structured and balanced with both seriousness and humour. Just don't rely on your notes so much! Great job. BTW I am Haitian too!

*Hi Patricia, what an excellent speech. I enjoyed it very much, what impressive accomplishments you have. I like starting your speech with a question. Tone, facial expression, volume and use of the word of the day were all great! Bravo! You are now ready for the next speech.

* Great first speech Patricia! You clearly explained to us who you are and with a good structure keep up on that line. Room for improvement, I would suggest you to internalize a bit better the speech in order not to get lost. Nerves may have played a bit with you too, but it will get better ;)

* Patricia, bravo! What a great story!

* My pleasure but, again, it is we who thank you. You may have been nervous but that is to be expected. Looking forward to future presentations and roles you take on at future meetings. :-)

*That's also what I would suggest ... Have a five word intro ... three points structure ... use the same sentence at the end to link it ... Really motivating!!

* Well done Patricia. You are a natural speaker. You have all the speaking skills already, vocal variety, body language etc. You exude warmth which makes it easy to connect with you. Confidence in speaking without notes will come with practice..


The Power of your voice can change the world. Find it and use it!

IceBreaker Speech Level 1 Project 1 L1P1 Toastmasters, Patricia calixte Toastmaster, Patricia calixte youtube, ice breaker toastmaster,ice breaker toastmasters,icebreaker toastmasters,level 1 Toastmasters,level 1 project 1 Toastmasters,level 1 project 1 toastmaster,patty pat Toastmaster journey, patty pat , Patty Pat's Speaking Journey
#fearofpublicspeaking #publicspeaking #toastmasters #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingtips #icebreaker
Рекомендации по теме

Hello friends! Please don't hesitate to leave your thoughts, I'm here to learn! What did you like? What do you think can be improved for the next videos? Let me know! Thank you very much for your feedback!


Enjoyed your speeches, how you organized it. The gestures and visual aids. Great speech.


you've hit that nail in the head! what a powerful and phenomenal speech. I have just started at Toastmasters and I found your ice break speech one of a kind! job well done! your English is perfect as well!


I'm sure you completed this Pathway and moved on to the next one by now. But I plan to follow you here since this is also my Path. Great job on your first speech. You were energic, and very personable and I really enjoyed your props throughout the speech.
My gift to you maybe to slow down a little at time it felt like your words ran together. Overall EXCELLENT. I just wrote my first speech and will be sharing it on 5/15/24. LOL


Presentation Mastery is also my Path, I did my ice breaker last month and this month I'm doing my speech about a childhood memory. Thanks for your tips


Wow, I was searching some tips for my ice breaker speech and came across your video. The part about connecting with other women is similar to my journey and really resonated with me.


As far as ice breakers go that is a pretty decent one. You possess a charm and charisma which that carries across the camera. I like the analogy with the plant. I cannot tell you how impressed I am you are documenting your journey. This will inspire other members to rise their game. Keep up the good work Patti.


I like the way you smile and light up when talking about being a citizen of Canada and sharing the props (flags)


Congratulations Pat!! I am so encouraged to see the new thriving plant that you are! And a very well-done Ice Breaker speech. I'm curious to see how you've progressed within your communication/ Toastmasters journey. When I get a chance, I'll look through your other videos in case they answer that question. Lastly, I just finished The Garden Within by Dr. Anita Phillips. That is also a great read if you're interested!


Great idea Patricia. You are of to a great start. I look forward to following you on this exciting toastmasters journey.


I'm so proud of you, Pat! Self discipline is the road to happiness and healthy plants! 😉


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 very inspiring! Thank you Pat!👍🏽😘


I made a comment earlier; however, it seems to have disappeared. Oh well. You rock! Delighted you are a member of Words On Wings club 835, We learn so much from you and appreciate you so much too.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Very well spoken ! Held my attention throughout


I love the plant illustration . Good iob Patty 😃
