Signs of Spirit Attachment - Negative Entity Attachment Symptoms - w/Activation

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Signs of Spirit Attachment - Negative Entity Attachment Symptoms - Includes Removal Activation!

Without the benefit of a lightworker who can determine if you have one, you have to find other ways to discover if you have a Negative Entity Attachment. These signs and symptoms will help you determine if you have a wayward spirit entity in your life.

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This was fun -- I hope you enjoyed my Sleep Paralysis story, and I hope you found the information you were searching for! Feel free to ask me in the comments if you have a negative entity attachment -- I can tell quickly and easily. Or FB-Friend me, and we'll talk about it in messenger. (At the time of this writing, I have time to offer this free service. HOWEVER, if my audience keeps growing, this may be more and more difficult to provide.) I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!! ❤


Everything that you have said im going through right now but God has never left me


I got good spirit attached to me and they are helping me to improve my life every day. Anyone who is experiencing negative entities should try removing alcohol completely and practicing prayer every day to a good benevolent higher power


I resonated with a lit of things you said & have had it for years. I've recently gone thru trauma & grief & noticed I stopped praying, when I had for decades. My faith was challenged in a lot of ways due to me feeling like "Why pray when clearly they aren't answered" after horrible experiences. Then I had a huge betrayal from people I thought were my friends. It got me into spellwork again. I could feel it taking over & made me physically sick.

I've been trying to raise my vibration again but it's hard & glad I found you by accident & did this. I actually felt a little nauseous when I did it, but after felt lighter. Thank you 🙏


Some of these symptoms -Chronic Fatigue, Feeling Monitored or Sadness/Anger out of nowhere) also are quite similar to signs of evil eye/curses/ and even narcissistic abuse (since they mess up the psyche). Thank you for making people aware. Entity removal, Spell breaking and chord cutting help people really quickly. ❤️✌️


7:37 when i get sleep paralysis i Always Say i rebuke you in the name of Jesus IT WORKS EVERYTIME and i feel instant release i jump up and cut the light on ..and simply go back to sleep blocking my brain from over thinking


Thank you. I had a terrible dream and when I woke up from it I felt negative vibrations throughout my whole body. It was such a terrifying experience I could feel the negative energy in my room. I decided to cleanse my space and watch this video and I don’t think I actually have an attachment but even still you helped me feel protected from any possible attachment and for that I thank you <3


spirit has been showing me the letter X all week, i didn't know why, but i knew it was a name. It was you! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart <3


I'm an empath that picks up on people's energies but I do have a spirit attachment that's sexual in nature since 2015. I feel so drained after it gets physical with me and I have very limited energy throughout the day to perform important tasks. I also have severe depression and impulsive rage. I can't control my emotions. I never had anger issues before, in fact I was quite the opposite of what you would consider angry. Everyone around me tells me I become a different person when I'm angry yet no one believes me when I tell them this stuff. Because it's "mental illness".


Im not a person who comments on videos, bc usually i never knew what to say and what not. But after coming across this video and you just shout awaken and when i release that breathe. Its like I chuckled at first. Then as you continue on, a sudden urge of pain and sadness came outt in a deep cry, saying “thank you.” I took a moment to let it out, squeezing my dog while he comforts me. I never felt such a relief in my life. So I would like to say. Thank yoi xane.


Hi Xane just want to thank you for all you do and doing for humanity. I started with this first video and had an amazing experience I saw the entity standing by my foot end of the bed as soon as the activation was finished. It appeared to be in almost human form like with a sheet tightly wrapped around its body seeing no visible parts other than the shape of a medium frame person. At first I did get a shock and called out for my mum and quickly remembered not to have fear but to accept it as a positive for my higher good. And I did. I have also seen the little gremlin type dog around me over the years. I look forward to continuing learning and heal with the help of your videos. I feel the first step in accepting it as my own has been successful. I look forward to continuing with you. Kind regards Reyhan ❤


ever since i have moved into my house it felt really off.I have also had an anxiety attack.Also i have been getting bad grades in school, lack of concentration, and i have been feeling really annoyed.It has triggered me to my anxiety and i lost vision in my left eye. Thank you for telling me this. You're awesome


When you said you got chills saying I want to explore the universe, I got them too! I love your channel!! I’m only 2 videos in! I can’t wait to show these to my friends!


Omg i did the negatice entity removal and after it and after accepting all of that, when i opened my eyes i literally felt the happiest i've ever been


I think I have a negative entity attachment. I have a lot of these symptoms. I will follow your advice on this subject! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for the video. Especially the positive encouragement and the negative energy attachment practice. Just wanna share a bit of my story, I experienced “the one being touched”. One day, i woke up i felt there was ‘an energy sitting on my back’. Until it slowly grew big and it shaped like hands, sometimes its human hand or wings or very rough skin (mind that i couldnt see it, i only able to felt). I went through a very rough time. Now, i still had to adapt and be strong since sometimes it bothers me when i am working (holding my mouth or even hold my knees so i couldnt move so well). The sleep paralyze i experienced a lot, sometimes it always happened after i listened to prayer and felt asleep during that moment. I ever felt there was an energy rushed on my body then tried to hold me or little feets running and stomped on my body. I never really had anyone that could understand my situation so i am glad i found this channel and able to relate. Even, now, i know what to do if incase i got trapped into the ‘sleep paralyze state’. Wish this channel could grow biggg 🎉


I would just like to say that I have had a negative attachment from the point of my mother's passing at the age I was 2 years old. And now I'm 50 and cannot shake it off . It has effected every part of my life and steps in when I'm about to succeed at something positive. shooting me down


I’m trying this at work today. Let’s relax and release


Loved the last part, thank you for that Xane it was indeed a refreshing experience!


I had all those symptoms that you have mentioned. Thank God I am going through deliverance now.
