Medical Stories - Ovarian Cancer: Kim's Story

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According to the American Cancer Society, a woman's risk of getting ovarian cancer during her lifetime is about 1 in 78

In this special episode of Medical Stories, we meet Kim, a mother with stage four Ovarian Cancer. Battling with this life-changing experience, she demonstrates the strength it takes to overcome such a debilitating illness.

Rare Courage features renowned experts: Dr. Robert M. Wenham, Chair, Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, and Dr. Eric Wallace, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

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My God, I wish I was as positive and active after surviving ovarian cancer. My life is a constant struggle and I've been clear for just over 2 years.


Kim's story is inspiring me (I am 52 yrs old, mother of 2 aged 33 and 23) as I was just told yesterday that I have ovarian cancer after ct scan. I feel better about my treatment journey coming up. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤😘🙏


My doctor ignored me as if I was drug seeking. He did send me to a gynecologist. She says things feel fine. I looked like I was pregnant. Back pain, sweating, pain in abdomen. The pain got worse so my plan go to er get problems figured out. They found a football size ovarian tumor. They sent me on a medical jet down to Seattle. They removed the tumor and did a debulking, took out some lymph node’s. Cancer didn’t spread outside the tumor. At the er they told me I would most likely die. I did go visit them when I got home. They were shocked, no chemo, no treatment my decision. That was in May 2011.


Ma'am I cannot believe for one minute that any of your family see you as a burden. You are loved & cherished. Bless you & good luck.


My wife had zero symptoms of her OC, other than a really brief moment of mild pain in her groin (that went away and never came back). Thankfully, we have an amazing OBGYN and he ordered all the right tests, found a mass, and got her in with a gyn onc that week. He probably saved her life by catching the cancer relatively early, before it had spread. There is still a road ahead and she will also have to be monitored closely. However, recent advancements in targeted therapies, most notable PARP inhibitors, have really changed the landscape for ovarian cancer. It would still be great to be able to catch this cancer earlier via screening, but advancements have been made.


THANK YOU, KIM! I needed to hear this now, as my youngest sister is dealing with ovarian cancer. I am struggling with this, needed to know that there is hope.


Kim, your an amazingly strong woman. I pray you have a wonderful and long life. You are an inspiration.


Kim thank you for sharing, please never think you are a burden your family love you .good luck be positive


Kim, sei meravigliosa.
Come procedono le cure ?


Fallopian tumor 7.7cm
Tomorrow post p
Op F/U and staging if froze pathology back. Iwas swimming 3x a week.


YouTube joe tippens cancer story. Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you


I too have ovarian cancer second reoccurrence question what par inhibitors are you on and do you have any side effects?
