The Best Attack Operators for Beginners - Rainbow Six Siege

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- YouTube Diamond: Zach Aletheia (1)
- YouTube Platinums: David Gauthier, Amata Nobis, Zach Fuller, Messias, The - Joshie, Ryan Popo, iratemastermind, Jackie, Olly Thorn, Michael Cavalry, Jyo Vaid, Jonathan Juliao, Yan Egorov, IncognitoMohit, Caleb, Jagerfraggeti, Anger powered, Lyutsifer-, 박건희, Clutchy (20)
- Youtube Golds: lop innit, Antonio Sánchez, Joel van Egmond, Hunter Piggot, Moretti Derek, Elmeri Kurkela, weavel99, JUNGERLAKE, YearnR6 (9)
- Platinum II Patron: Nykyle (1)
- Platinum I Patron: Caicyo (1)
- Gold III Patrons: Jucasan, Florian W, Eos, JimJim, Morning, Brad selmes, Xn1um, DBDPolice, Matton, gardengnome23, keqoos, TimeCop, Genesis, Tyler Curtis (14)
- Gold II Patrons: Fiji.SRH, Finlay (2)
- Gold I Patrons: Xenoscythe, P3likan, Biohazard_Rey, Max, Olaf, Ilumipat13, IncognitoMohit, Betitogarcia, Papa.SRH (9)
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