Hibernate Tutorial #7 - Setup Hibernate in Eclipse

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Hibernate Tutorial Transcript
Hey, in this video I'm going to show you how to setup Hibernate in Eclipse.
I love to do lists, so the first thing we're going to do is create an Eclipse Project. Then I'll show you how to download the Hibernate Files. Next we'll download the MySQL JDBC Driver. Then we'll pull it all together by adding these JAR files to the Eclipse Project and in particular we're going to add it to the Eclipse Projects Build Path. Now it's always really important to get your projects set up properly, so I'll go through all the steps required to get this working in Eclipse. We have a lot of good stuff in store, let's go ahead and dive in.
All right, so let's go ahead and move into Eclipse. The first thing I'm going to do is actually change my perspective. Currently right now, I'm using the Java EE perspective and I want to change it. I'll simply go to Window, Perspective, Open Perspective, and choose Java. You may not have to do this but I'm always in the Java EE perspective and I like to change over to just the normal Java perspective. Then I'll close off some of these windows here on the far right.
Now the first thing I want to do here is create a new project. I go to File, New, Java Project, and the project name I'll give here, I'll call it hibernate-tutorial. Just keep it simple, short and sweet. Once you're happy with that go ahead and click the finish button.
Okay, great. Now we have a very basic project, nothings there. We need to go ahead and do some housekeeping work here. The first thing I want to do is create a new folder. I'll simply right-click on my project, I'll say New, Folder. In this folder the name I'll give is lib, L-I-B, then I'll go ahead and hit finish. This is just an empty folder right now, we're going to add our Hibernate JAR Files and also our JDBC JAR Files to this folder, but right now we just set up some stuff.
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This is the end of the Hibernate tutorial transcript.
This Hibernate tutorial series will help you quickly get up to speed with Hibernate.
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Hibernate Tutorial Transcript
Hey, in this video I'm going to show you how to setup Hibernate in Eclipse.
I love to do lists, so the first thing we're going to do is create an Eclipse Project. Then I'll show you how to download the Hibernate Files. Next we'll download the MySQL JDBC Driver. Then we'll pull it all together by adding these JAR files to the Eclipse Project and in particular we're going to add it to the Eclipse Projects Build Path. Now it's always really important to get your projects set up properly, so I'll go through all the steps required to get this working in Eclipse. We have a lot of good stuff in store, let's go ahead and dive in.
All right, so let's go ahead and move into Eclipse. The first thing I'm going to do is actually change my perspective. Currently right now, I'm using the Java EE perspective and I want to change it. I'll simply go to Window, Perspective, Open Perspective, and choose Java. You may not have to do this but I'm always in the Java EE perspective and I like to change over to just the normal Java perspective. Then I'll close off some of these windows here on the far right.
Now the first thing I want to do here is create a new project. I go to File, New, Java Project, and the project name I'll give here, I'll call it hibernate-tutorial. Just keep it simple, short and sweet. Once you're happy with that go ahead and click the finish button.
Okay, great. Now we have a very basic project, nothings there. We need to go ahead and do some housekeeping work here. The first thing I want to do is create a new folder. I'll simply right-click on my project, I'll say New, Folder. In this folder the name I'll give is lib, L-I-B, then I'll go ahead and hit finish. This is just an empty folder right now, we're going to add our Hibernate JAR Files and also our JDBC JAR Files to this folder, but right now we just set up some stuff.
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This is the end of the Hibernate tutorial transcript.