ART OF DARKNESS | Animated Bendy and the Ink Machine Song!

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BLIMEY. This one took a while! Believe it or not I started working on Art of Darkness not long after I completed my first Bendy and the Ink Machine song, Find the Keys! But when the channel took off I realised that I should prioritise making more regular content over one big video so I've spent the past year working on this one bit by bit between other videos. I'm so glad to finally be able to share it with you guys!

Given how long it took to make, it went through many changes. It started as a Chapter 3 song but as time went by it ended up including parts of Chapter 4 and 5 too!

A huge amount of work went into this one (over 1000 drawings!) so I want to thank everyone who helped and supported me along the way! All of the drawings, animation, lyrics and voices are my own. But if you find a spelling mistake, my girlfriend did the spell checking. ;)

If you enjoyed the video, please do share! This is a super special project for me and I'd love for everyone to get a chance to see it!

So as I now finally get to work on my next song, I hope in the mean time... You find this one Satisfactory.

If you'd like, you can support my work over on Patreon!

#Bendy #BendyAndTheInkMachine #BATIM


Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs!




Lyrics, Vocals and Video by The Stupendium
Instrumental by Sinima Beats

'Bendy and the Ink Machine' and its characters are property of Joey Drew Studios, The Meatly and KindlyBeast!


You can support The Stupendium on Patreon!

Join the official Stupendium discord server!

Drop me a tweet? @TheStupendium

The Stupendium is a musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join them on their journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! They have some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing themself in the third person.
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Boris! Meet your maker! Ah, I’ll tell you later
It seems this scene has us careening down an elevator
Must have been dreaming to think we'd make a clean escape, I-

Doubt one machine here could make it past a regulator

Swear we never had this many levels, where’s the excavator?

What’s so scary ‘bot a library and a record player?

Thought I’d find the angel in a basement more dilapidated

This is kinda tasteful, Alice tell me who’s your decorator?

I never make a lady wait, I guess you’d say that I’m a player

Angel wants a date and I would really hate to aggravate her

Boris, don’t you worry, I would never let her separate us

Hold it, where'd you go? Damn, I guess I'd better go and save him

Alice thinks that hacking up my pal is gonna medicate her
Fallacy! The treatment that this gal would need is an eraser

Rap against an animator? Alice, get back on your paper

Rhyming on the multiplane, my lyrics work on several layers

If you thought that demons were your problem right now

Well the angel’s on the stage so pipe down

If there are secrets that you want to find out

Hop on the ink machine and ride those pipes down

So you're on the path of the starving artist

But at the heart, well the art is heartless.

Ever seen a masterpiece get discarded?

Then start and depart for the art of darkness

Out of the deep dark depths below

Three ne'er-do-wells will avenge their souls

With a spanner and a wrench and a thirst to quench

Heigh-ho, it’s off to work we go

Heave-ho! Fisher’s coming, crawling out the sea foam

Giving you the Willies as I'm stepping off my steamboat

Left here to the gods and beheaded by a rod

I’ve some deadly black spots for the clod who left us below

You'll wish you headed for the bread line and never ever meddled-

With a pencil lead and bred lines. Monkey with a wrench might

Thunk you in the head, Henry can you see the headlines?

Animator dead by an enemy he designed!

There once was an Angel who swallowed a spider

It wriggled inside her and out came the Striker

Who’d have thought your silly little villain for the children

Would be killing for your heroine, so let her win or die first

If you thought that demons were your problem right now

Well the angel’s on the stage so pipe down

If there are secrets that you want to find out

Hop on the ink machine and ride those pipes down

So you're on the path of the starving artist

But at the heart, well the art is heartless.

Ever seen a masterpiece get discarded?

Then start and depart for the art of darkness

There's no need to be scared now

It's all the fun of the fairground

And I would say I'm on fair grounds

To take a little revenge now

Everybody's heard of Bertram Piedmont

Because my work pertains a certain frisson

A hurtling freefall – disturbing demons

Are out of season so must you keep on?

Are you caught in a spin?

Wurlitzer shame that your organs and limbs
Will be lost in the ink, well it’s awfully grim

Did you want to be him? Waltzer better man than you’ve ever been

It’s a downward spiral, time you felt - a

little hell up in the Helter-skelter

No help or shelter – board the ride

Don’t you know you’ve got to be this tall to DIE

So sing along to the bouncing ball

Wave your flags and renounce these halls

You may have been sacked from this pantomime

But a pal of mine wants you recalled

So march along to the count of 4

Astound at the scoundrel crowd you’ve drawn

Left stranded and damned to this mangled form

To abandon us here was an act of war

It’s laughable to think you’ll bring back the norm

We’ve ink, but no malpractice forms

‘But Henry! You never gave a crap before?’

‘Til we trapped you down ‘neath the factory floor

Clap along to the rapturous score

Three rounds down and back for more

To find the keys in chapter four

Remind me, where’ve you heard that before?

If you thought that demons were your problem right now

Well the angel’s on the stage so pipe down

If there are secrets that you want to find out

Hop on the ink machine and ride those pipes down

So you're on the path of the starving artist

But at the heart, well the art is heartless.

Ever seen a masterpiece get discarded?

Then start and depart for the art of darkness

Well I dropped in from the top and now I've got to block the

Monsters popping off of Nosferatu's rostrum

Preposterous that after this my Oscars will be posthumous

I lived for my work but I died to stop them

Stationery should be stationary, shouldn’t talk back.

I need a shrink, I’m on the brink, the ink has fought back

Thought that the apocalypse was supposed to live on horseback?

Screw that, deliverance was hidden in the Rorschach


This is nothing short of a masterpiece.


I’m just a mom whose kid started playing Stupendium’s Bendy songs in the car on the way to school, and then I found myself continuing to listen to the songs the rest of the day. And now that I’ve had a chance to really check out the art in the videos, my mind is blown. This is absolute genius product across so many mediums.


Can't believe Stupendium hasn't won a Grammy or been awarded on regular TV... one of the most talented modern artists


"Alice, get back on your paper
Rhyming on the multiplane, my lyrics work on several layers" DAMN BARS


An Englishman doing an American accent without cheating by doing a southern accent is amazing


"Rap against an animator? Alice, get back on your paper, rhyming on the multiplane, my lyrics work on several layers" and "Henry can you see the headlines? Animator dead by an enemy he designed!" are two of the rawest lines I have ever heard in my entire life


Love the references:

0:07: Tinkerbell
1:30: The Pixar Lamp
1:57: Snow White
2:00: Steamboat Willie
4:07: Colossal Wonders


BATIM was like 5 years ago. I'm revisiting nearly every fandom that made my childhood. Kirby, DDLC, Pokemon, Undertale, Sonic and of course Bendy. The music from each fan base has left me completely stunned with nostalgia and its completely epic. Bendy impacted my life so much, I became obsessed with horror. And this masterpiece just expresses the true fate that Joey Drew Studios suffered after Henry got fired/or just retired. Perfect as always Stupendium. I remember when this came out like 3 years ago.


I have listened to this song more times than I would like to admit. My mans should be staring in a Broadway musical with a voice like that


Wait wait wait wait wait wait. You can sing, rap, edit, write lyrics, and FREAKING ANIMATE AND

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Excellent job sir!


This song is legitimately amazing! It’s catchy, has lyrics that actually are compatible with the fandom it’s representing and doesn’t just rely on autotune and technological music styles (which I have nothing against but most fandom songs seem dependent on this). Definitely going on multiple playlists!



Today is the day I fully understood this line. A Helter Skelter is what those lighthouse-slide things at fairs and boardwalks are called. And the slide is a DOWNWARD SPIRAL. The depth of your lyrical genius will never cease to amaze me.


Did I enjoy the show? DID I ENJOY THE SHOW? Hell yes I did! Holy moly...


“Now sing along to the bouncing ball”
Love the reference to how old cartoons had something bouncing on the lyrics for you to sing on


The Stupendium puts his soul into his work, like Joey Drew Studio employees. His songs, animation, and acting are unrealistically cool, I dare say, inky. The perfect masterpiece.


Can we talk about the line "so pipe down, ", like it means be quiet, but for a game where your main weapon is a pipe, it also means back off and drop arms.


I won't be surprised is Stupendium becomes a famous voice actor

Edit: thanks for the support


Imagine taking one whole year for this extremely beautiful masterpiece


I know this song isn't one of the most recent, but it's truly a masterpiece. The combination of how well the lyrics go with each other and the talent of the singing, it's genuinely one of the best song I've ever listened to. Stupendium, you should be so proud of yourself for making songs as excellent as this.
