Baby Reindeer's Real 'Martha' Interview Is SO Brutal

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Today we react to the real life Martha (Fiona harvey) interview from Baby reindeer on Piers Morgan uncensored. Baby Reindeer is a Netflix series created by Richard Gadd about a stalker called Martha who turns his life upside down. Will Richard Gadd respond to Fiona harvey? Let me know what you think! Is Fiona Harvey lieing or telling the truth?


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What were your thought after watching the interview?


I can bet the whole $3 in my bank account that if she pulled up her Netflix account, it would have Baby Reindeer in the “watch again” category


Jessica probably listened to the hundreds of voice mails ‘Martha’ sent to Gadd to be able to mimic her so effortlessly. She did a fantastic job in all fairness


She made 72 Facebook posts all about Baby Reindeer in the same day.. And 51 the next day, 38 the next. So that makes me believe she very well could've sent 41, 000 emails to him and however many other messages on different platforms


Her lawyer boyfriend is probably just her lawyer or a friend, and he has no idea she considers him her boyfriend! 😂


I actually found Martha a more sympathetic character in the show than in this interview. Jessica portrayed her as a deluded and vulnerable woman who actually had feelings for Richard, but Fiona just comes across as manipulative, defensive and cruel. Even though we can't accurately judge someone's character on a single interview, it doesn't give me a great impression of her.

This is a real contrast to Richard's honesty and bravery in Baby Reindeer. He could've glossed over times he actually sought out his abusers, but by explaining his mindset I began to understand how lack of self-esteem and compassion for a mentally vulnerable woman led to the decisions he took. My younger sister was in a similar situation with a man and I used to get annoyed with her for not reporting him. I feel like this show has helped me to understand her mindset better


Please note it was Fiona who approached Piers - she chose to go on an interview circus. She's a grown adult - she made that choice - she loves attention. She'd already been interviewed by another journo before talking with Piers.
The £150 is not for appearance it's called a per diem - usually to help cover transport, food cost, sometimes clothes care for the interview.
Guests are not usually paid - that way they can talk freely without money motivation.
We have to remember that Richard Gadd is the true victim. He's been honest & raw about his faults. He does not seek revenge.
Entitled Fiona has not owned responsibility for anything.
Like a lot of abusers she has reversed the truth & plays victimhood for herself. It's a form of silencing the true victim.
Fiona smells money in Richard's success & so inserts herself in his life again.


This interview is wild. Gadd told us that he wanted to protect everyone’s identity and here she is, doing interviews.


Her saying "i don't lie" is giving "i actually don''t sweat"


Fiona: "Yes I've got a boyfriend.... it doesn't matter where he is"
Me: " he in your head?"


Other than her obvious lying and creepiness, my main takeaway was if someone made a Netflix show about me based on a handful of interactions 14 yrs ago in a pub, I wouldn’t recognize it as being about me because I wouldn’t remember it! Her detailed memories contradict everything she’s trying to say about what happened.


Funny that she hasn't watched the series, but thinks the actress is Scottish, when she only used the accent in the series


Her defence:

This never happened
And I wasn't there when it didn't happen
And that wasn't me who wasn't there when this didn't happen
And I'm the real victim of this thing that didn't happen when someone who isn't me wasn't there.


She has spent decades bullying, stalking and harassing people. She is full of resentment and anger. Remember this is her on her BEST behaviour and she can't help herself. I don't feel sorry for her, she is loving this attention.


After blurting out the four phones bombshell, she started to lose her composure, and the character from the drama revealed itself!


“I haven’t watched any of it”

~“I very much disagree with how I’m portrayed and I’m suing Netflix”

~“I am not Martha, the show is not depicting me”

Would love to see what’s going on in that brain


Season 2 piers : 'I offered her a glass of water'


She can't keep any of her stories straight, but she's fantastic at misdirection. Piers is an experienced interviewer and she flawlessly steered the conversation multiple times.


She’s so mentally unwell but masks like she’s capable, I’m so sorry for Richard Gadd


She's a genuine stalker. They have narcissistic tendencies and are very dangerous people. Do not feel sorry for her.
One of the first things narcs do is demean you to elevate themselves. She consistently demeans and diminishes people to elevate herself throughout this interview - including Morgan.
This is why she will not admit to watching the show. It's a way of letting people know it's all beneath her and she has no interest in 'all this rot'. She's better than the show.
The truth is insanely different of course. BTW I agree that we all need to stop giving her a platform. Not only is it taking advantage of a deranged person, it is also playing with fire.
Stalkers kill.
