RBI Grade B Officer Lifestyle | RBI Officer Perks and Allowances | Salary | RBI Grade B 2024

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Are you preparing for RBI Grade B 2024 exam and worried about the facilities that you will get? Don’t be! Because in this video, I am going to help you with this. Do watch the complete video and guide yourself. Cheers!

Who am I:

Manish sir, who is a born teacher, is a physics honours graduate from DU. He started his career in teaching in 2009 with only one thing in his mind - "I want to help students" With this focus and his hardwork and determination, he has supported lakhs of students till date and he looks forward to support each and every student out there!

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Just wanted to share regarding the 9-5 thing that Anuj Sir said. In Delhi, it's actually 9:15 to... (no exact end time). Guys you wont be leaving even after 8 hours. You'll leave by 6 if you're lucky. If not, 7 or 8 is common. And be prepared to work over weekends depending on which department you are posted in. Performance is everything here. Dont come to rbi thinking you'll be relaxing. If you want to rise up the career ladder, then be prepared to work hard, keep yourself updated always, and go beyond your call of duty. All the best!


RBI works like corporate with strict discipline. They need bright minds. Not sarkari mindset.


2:00 if you want power, then don't study, be a rowdy holligan first, then after some time you will be promoted to a politician (may be a low level of politician and after some time you will be again promoted to a high level In this way you may not get infinite power but definitely a massive


Already knew each of it ... But still aspire for RBI .. as these things are not relevant to me
In RBI perform your duties exceptionally & you'll reach higher I believe..
I know RBI grade B isn't that powerful in a sense or that great as it's the starting level.. but when you reach higher levels with hard work, then it's surely reputed and power comes at higher levels only ...
RBI is the apex Bank of our country

Edit: also with time, in coming years many changes will come so always hope for the better


you have infinite power only when you are studying, this is a normal job if you are hoping this as something from the gala land, it's an incredible job if you are into macroeconomics, research and policy making ( not on initial levels) as far as my understanding goes.


It gives enough money to invest quite good amt in ETF, Stocks and Mutual funds which will greatly accumulate your wealth in future


Just only for these cons. in this job I have dropped my plan of preparing for rbi grade b officer.
Last year only I have cracked ssc cgl exam and get selected in cbi dept.


Overall means if you have a unstable financial life. So if you join rbi as a grade b officer your life is unstable to stable and you have good amount salary and perks.
That's its...!!


Inme se koi bhi point mere liye matter nahi karta to RBI hi krna h as a GRADE B officer😎😎


Khujli shaant krdi janta ki apne toh😂😅


U won't be Uktra Rich but definitely upper middle class. Rbi koi power ke liye nahi ata, power ke liye upsc


I'am a Gazetted officer in central government ( Assistant Audit officer in C&AG) and i will leave my job without thinking for a second if i get selected in RBI


The best reality check given by Manish sir 😂


Thanks for the one more nice session sir.


Sir tell us list of some AI apps for our study or making notes., .


Good video. I want to say something on Power. I have worked in SBI and want to tell the power of RBI officer. Its a big ZERO. RBI job is to regulate banks. But if you think, that you can stonewall into a branch and get your way, u r wrong. Of course you will be given respect, but sorry, you cannot influence any decision. In fact i have never heard that a RBI officer entered a branch premises. And outside bank, nobody cares about RBI.


What about political pressure? Is there any political pressure in RBI?


My graduation marks are 52.4% and in MBA 60%, I am eligible for this job post or not


Aree theek hai naukri toh hai na jinke pass nhi hai unse pucho at least you can live a decent life like really decent life aur waise bhi kitni zyada power utna zyada burden if you are someone who can’t handle workload


I agree with the intention of the video, the message was clear . There are some factual errors but it’s ok as the message was right.
