Selenium Advanced Level Training (JPACT Program) Demo Day 01

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This video covers the following topics...


1. Automation Basics
2. Selenium IDE
3. Element Identification - ID, Name, Link Text, xPath and CSS.
4. Install Eclipse, JRE, JARfiles. Able to write and manage our programs in Java/JUnit/TestNG
5. Selenium IDE script and place that on Eclipse as a Selenium WebDriver
6. Read and understand the basic flow of a Selenium WebDriver code with JUnit.
7. JUnit annotations. Before, Test, After.
8. Basic concepts of Objects and Variables.

How to automate A manual test case (1 Test Case) using Selenium WebDriver and JUnit?
1. Understand the AUT... specifically the Test Case.
2. Write the Manual Test Steps. Text, Excel, JIRA, ALM.
3. 3 thumb rules for Automation Testing - ERA - Efficiency, Reusability, Accuracy. Lot of effort will be put to automate a manual process. ROI (Return on Investment)... HumanHours, Resources, Expenses tools/licenses/hardware ... If we out x effort, our return should x+. ROI comes over an extended period of time.
4. Write our JUnit/SW code in eclipse.
5. Test run to ensure our code is correct.
6. Make sure that the code is free of x and y errors. Syntax and RunTime. Syntax talks about the code being understood by the programming language. Grammatical errors. Code grammar/syntax is fine, but when we execute we get an error when the program is running. MASTER at fixing these issues. Happens throug experience.

1 AUT --- x Modules
Each Module --- x Test Cases
Each Test Case --- x Test Steps

1. Open Eclipse
2. Create a new workspace or use existing
3. Create a new project(Java) or use existing
4. Link (add to our build) all the related JAR Files.
5. Write our basic JUnit code for the Test Case.
6. Run and ensure no errors.

Process :
Inspect Element
Get element id info
Verify using Selenium IDE.
Take it to webdriver

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