105'5 Spreeradio Inside - Conchita Wurst

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Mag Conchita Wurst lieber Kostüm- oder Poolparties - Briefe oder Mails? Das und noch viel mehr bei «Spreeradio Inside»!

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Wow … das ist ja eine tolle Überraschung … Conchita „Musik“ vermisse ich seit Jahren bei 105'5 Spreeradio … und jetzt kommt ihr gleich mit einem tollen Interview - Video. 🎶 🎤 ❤️ … danke.


Interessantes Interview mit wohltuend ungewöhnlichen Fragen. Danke ❤



● What do you like to do when you are in Berlin?
I very much love to go eat oysters. In KaDeWe.
And I like to go to KitKat and Berghain.
And I’d like to meet my friends. I love you. Sorry, I put you so low on the list.

● What was your previous career highlight?
I think my career highlight was of course winning the song contest. It would be absurd not to name it. I think for me personally, there have been moments to rival it emotionally. To be allowed to perform at the Sydney Opera House was incredible. To be able to work with JPG was incredible. To get to know myself better through this new life I got was exhausting. It is exhausting, but I love it. And I love it even more to be resting within myself and to know who I am and what I can do.

● Do you have any weakness? Something you cannot do?
I have a quadrillion of weaknesses. I am impatient. I am angry. I am arrogant sometimes. I cannot play football. I don’t like ball sports, I don’t get them. Yes…

● Do you have any hobby that we all did not know about?
Well, mostly there is a reason why you don’t know it. And I’m just thinking… a hobby. Everything I do is my hobby. I love to be. I love to speak. I love to speak about myself. I love to be creative. I love to redecorate my flat. I love to eat. God, I don’t know where to stop.

● Which app on your smartphone do you use most often?

● Is there a person in your life who has particularly inspired or influenced you?
Apart from my parents, of course, who are mostly responsible for who I am, my grandma. My grandma is a very strict, very loving woman who taught me very early that prejudice and negativity only poison you and won’t take you forward. And that you only should drum to the beat of your own drum.

● Where do you prefer to vacation?
Probably with my boys on Mykonos.

● If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would that be?
Myself in three words. A lot. A lot. Hahaha…

● Movie or series
Series, because my attention span is not long enough.

● Coffee or tea?

● Letter or e-mail?
Uh… Well, I have to say that I discussed and articulated some relations/relationships in a letter, but usually I’d prefer writing mails.

● Hero or villain?
Villain, because mostly a little bit more interesting and often the backstory is the reason for why someone becomes a villain at all.

● Shop online or shop?
I love to visit shops. I love to engage sales assistants for hours with all my visions, imagination and feelings. And then I’m calling a friend – the whole theatre. But… Online shopping is fab too. Many things that… I don’t know… I don’t want to carry home from the drug store, I’ll order them (smirk).

● Sweet or sour
Spicy. Sour. Spicy. Sour. Yeah, there you go.

● Britney or Christina?

● Prince or Michael Jackson?

● Pasta or rice?

● Coca Cola or Pepsi?

● Long or short hair?
I can’t make a decision here.

● Submarine or space station?
I am terribly afraid of depths. I couldn’t… You know, when I’m swimming in a lake or the sea, here’s the surface, and I’m a little ball, here I am. And beneath me is an animal like that. This is my vision of the sea. So it’s probably space.

● Whisper or scream?
I think whispering is incredibly exhausting for the voice. And I’m shouting at most of my concerts.

● Ketchup or mayo?
Both, both. And mixed. Both.

● Costume party or pool party?
At best, a combination of both, but costume party. All of my parties are theme parties. All of them. I don’t care if it’s my birthday or we just go out for drinks. I suggest a dress code. I discuss my moods with everyone. If anybody wants to join me… so be it.

● To be late or to leave the house unprepared?
Uuuh, probably go out unprepared and (prepare) along the way…

● Never be stuck in traffic or never recharge your mobile phone?
Uhh…Oh God, I have to give an honest answer: Never recharge the phone.


Dankeschön für dieses witzige und zugleich aufschlussreiche Interview. Auch nach Jahren des Supports gibt es immer wieder Neues von diesem wunderbaren Menschen und Künstler zu erfahren <3


Sos tan hermoso Tom adoro tu risa eres un encanto de persona super profesional estas en cada detalle de tus recitales eres exelente he insisto que no hay un Artista mas completo multifasetico con una personalidad arrolladora eres impactante como adorable tanto en tu glamour como en tu sensilles eres unico te amo Tom


Como siempre agradable y divertido!!! Me encanta verte....desde Perú


Qualquer coisa que eu fale, creio que já foi dita, te amo Tom


Adoro amo de paixão!💘 mas se não tiver legeda pra eu traduzir para o português ficou louca 😱🤪😜 mas assisto sem entender nada mas esse sorriso não dar pra deixar passar💖💖💖


Vielen Dank für das schöne Interview! Bitte spielt auch Songs von Conchita und dem neuen Album von "WURST"- "Truth Over Magnitude". <3


Bei Michael Jackson hat sie mich enttäuscht 😵 Ich finde Michael besser 😂


Danke für dieses witzige Interview. Ich hoffe das die deutschen Radiosender auch Musik aus den neuen Album Truth over Magnitude anfangen zu spielen.


O conchita wurst que bom que você teve essa ideia para nós seus fãs do outro lado continente tem essa oportunidade de te conhecer melhor amei bjs Brasil


Ich würde sagen, männlich, schön und fraulich aber auch interessant.
