Beat Hazard - Mad Mad Mad Gameplay 1080p

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New game I got off Steam (it was on sale). I found it to be quite enjoyable, so of course I had to share it. The song used is one of 10 songs included in the game. All of them are good to play on.

The video is 1080p HD too, since the game doesn't have any setting for resolution, so full screen is the same as your monitor.

I think I did pretty well here too XD I was playing on the second hardest difficulty, and I didn't die or anything, I call that pretty good XD

If there was ever a game that could cause seizures for those that are photosensitive, this is it XD
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You mean the preview that's playing before I start a game? No idea. I wish the game would let you jump to the track that it's previewing (I've had a few tracks that sounded interesting, but I had no idea where to find them).

I DO think it's a track included with Beat Hazard though.
