Essential Electronics Components that you will need for creating projects!

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In this video I will present you my list of the essential electronics components that you should have laying around in order to create projects! Let's get started!

Component list (affiliate links):

Videos about components:

Thanks to JLCPCB for sponsoring this video

2011 Lookalike by Bartlebeats
Killing Time, Kevin MacLeod
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Thanks for all the feedback :-) I looked through the comments and created a list of components that viewers often use. Here it is (affiliate links):


The *First Law of Electronic Components:* _"The component you need is always the one you don't have."_
The *Second Law of Electronic Components:* _"You never have all the components you need to complete a project."_
The *Third Law of Electronic Components:* _"If you have all the components for a project, at least one will fail or become damaged."_

All three are corollaries of Murphy's Law.


Also, an important component is Relay. I also highly recommend having some more powerful NPN and PNP transistors just for amplifiers, since they are quite popular too. For NPN I would go with BD139 and BD911 and for PNP BD140 and BD912. I would also recommend 4R and 6R power resistors as a load.
Thanks for your amazing content :)


Hi Scott, I dropped out of my bachelor's degree because I wanted to become an electronics engineer (still working on it), I always wanted to! but due to lack of money I couldn't do so. But recently, I saved some money and I also started to work as a freelance video editor on the side to pursue this hobby. I'll try to buy as many of the components as I can. Just wanted to say that your videos have been very helpful. Thank you and keep rocking.


Well, to me it's always useful to ha e heatsinks, I keep every one I find, Always useful


7:38 For full-bridge...
GS: ...with N-channel MOSFET
Me: Ah, nevermind.

Anyway, good video. Seems like my Aliexpress account will be full of orders once again.


first 1 month when I played with electronic I was happy with 5 type of resistor and capacitors and 555 timer.. Now I have components in thousand peaces, which worth thousands of euro and still I find component which is missing in my collection:D Do not forget linear low power voltage regulators :) Great Job, Great Scott!


What basic components do you probably need to have?

GreatScott: Well, just buy all the kits lol!


The most important component I still am looking for, is a functioning brain😔


You're looking great, very fit. I've just completed my EE degree and also lost 40lbs from cycling and I'm very happy to accomplish my goals. As an aside, EE is the best profession ever and thank you for sharing it with the world.


1:53 No of course not.
I have it all in a big plastic bag.
Super easy to not find anything


You’re my favorite electronics content creator! I have taught myself everything online and reading books and built my own AC 110v -12v-2v adjustable power supply! If the world ends Friday, I just wanted to thank you for everything!


7 years wow. Really do appreciate your videos. You're informative, engaging and entertaining. Thanks for all you do!


Nice Video! I would add the 74HC595 Shift Register. I realy Love that chip, ist fast, and you can Use ist on the SPI Bus. I need one of them in almost every Projekt. For example to controll many LEDs.


Greatscott - rail to rail
Techmoan - reel to reel


Not missing much here except a few of the IC's which can usually be worked around, love video's like this and the compilations of viewer suggestions that come up, every few years what's available on the market changes enough that seeing these every now and again is a great idea.


I have been looking for a solid essential components overview for a while – this is not just solid, this is great! Thank you so much for making this, I can't overstate how helpful this is for a noob like myself.


Few things I learned since I started with electronics:
- Start a project, however simple, and then buy components. Few projects in you will get wide variety of stuff. Few more projects in you will have too much stuff and never exactly everything necessary for that next project.
- Label and catalogue everything. This is hobestly the most annoying thing about electronics.
- SMD components are super compact when compared to TH. Yes, you may need TH to prototype on a breadboard, but a SMD kit can be much more comprehensive and compact.
- If you order PCB, go with SMD! Honestly SMD stuff is so much easier so solder and your project can be much smaller.
- Just keep SMD sizes sane. 0603 minimum for resistors/capacitors, use only those ICs that have visible pins to touch with iron.
- Have a cheap iron with adjustable temperature and a tip that can be replaced with a small one (by some chance I have the ERSA one that is on Great Scott's workbench).


a few parts that also come in handy a bunch of the time: h bridge ic for motor control, shift register, relays, and the generic soldering boards. and if going more into active components, then small motors/servos, and lcd/oled screens, and rotary encoders are also really useful. after building my projects, i make sure to have extra of that i listed since i know it will probably be used later on anyway.


I just want to thank you Scott for all videos you have made in these years, i have learned more than i could imagine from them. Realy thank you!
