Emanet 286. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 286

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Emanet dizisi son bölümünde; Canan'ın akıl almaz planları işe yaramıştır ve Yaman'ın hayatı tehlikeye girmiştir. Peki, Yaman bundan sonra ne yapacak?

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Emanet 286. Bölüm Özeti:
Canan’ın zehirli ilaçlarıyla Yaman’ın karaciğeri iflas etme derecesine kadar gelmiştir. Herkesin gözü önünde yere yığılan Yaman, hastaneye kaldırılır. Doktorun hastalığının ilerlediğini söylemesi, Yaman’ı sinirlendirir ve tedaviyi kabul etmez. Seher’e söylemekten de kaçınır. Peki, Yaman bu acılara daha ne kadar dayanacak?

Halil İbrahim Ceyhan
Sıla Türkoğlu
Berat Rüzgar Özkan
Melih Özkaya
İpek Arkan
Tolga Pancaroğlu
Hülya Aydın
Hilal Yıldız
Onur Saraçer
Derya Oğuz Ertün
Beren Akın
Ömer Gece
Oğuz Yağcı
Adnan Ali Aslan
Özge Agyar
Binnaz Ekren
Zeynep Naz Eyüpoğlu
Volkan Yıldırım
Ferda Işıl

Yönetmenler: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
Senaryo: Başak Yazı Odası
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör

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Yaman you are an amazing actor .Emanet is nothing without Yaman, Sahar and Yusuf


Today, it was so painful to watch Yaman falling down on the floor, just like a pillar
crashed down, in front of all the family members. It was even sadder to watch
Yaman, when the Doctor told him that his liver is like a ticking Bomb, because of it
any time Yaman would collapse! Yaman, you really made us to feel all your pains,
through your excellent acting!! 👏👏😍😍😍


Halil is outstanding in each and every scenes ...the perfection of expressing emotion through eyes and face , the detailing, the intonation that he brings in his performance is just mind blowing ..
Kudos man !! Bravo 🙌👌🏻👍🏻❤️


I do not know where to even begin. I have never posted a comment on Youtube but this series has pushed me over the edge. I truly am dumbfounded with this plot and the direction this series is taking. I want to start off by saying that Halil and Sila do amazing work and the chemistry they have pushed this series to a different level in season 1. So far, in season 2, the last 50 episodes have been revolved around a mother who, quite honestly, should not even be on the show. Does it take more than 50 episodes for one storyline? Seher's character is turning 26 and she is still awkward, shy, and timid with her husband who she hugs, kisses, and sleeps with? Their first kiss was 30 episodes ago and she still can't get close to him to take a picture in this episode? Yaman, who is intuitive, sharp, and used to be so aware of his surrounds, has now become someone who cannot connect the dots. Seriously, he found Seher buried alive. Are you telling your audience he can't figure out his mother and her plots? And what of strong, bullet proof Seher, who would move mountains for her nephew? What happened to her?

Clearly, the writers have gone mad and the viewers have slowly disappeared. And from all the comments emphasizing disappointment over the past few month, it seems we are leaving comments in vain. Between Yaman, Seher, Fikrat, Melki, and Zuhal there have been more episodes in the hospital than anywhere else. How many times will the same storyline repeat itself? Let's drug someone again. Let's, cause jealousy again. Let's get interrupted while trying to kiss (Maybe they are trying to reach a record 100x) again.

I honestly feel for all the actors/actresses in this series. You can only do so much with mediocre and below par material. The writers could take so many different turns and change the narrative of this series if they were just a little more creative.

The only way I think they can redeem themselves at this point, is to reshoot some episodes very quickly to end the mother storyline. Show us flashbacks of Yaman knowing exactly what the mother and Zuhal were up to and him plotting all along to catch them in their own act. Show Seher as a strong woman, who was acting like a ditz while supporting Yaman in his quest to get rid of those 2 for good.

As for Cenger, he can't be that clueless. I think he the mastermind behind all the evil. The butler always is. But if not, he needs to step up and be a part of the solution.

They really need to start fresh. This series is going down the rabbit hole and that is a shame. It had so much potential.

To see this channel lose more than a million viewers per episode is just wrong. They need to make if right if not for the viewers sake for the actors' sake.

I know all I have said has been said before but on this snowy day in Virginia, and work being canceled, I thought what better time than now to share my two cents.

With respect and peace.


Que performance do Halil, que o mundo possa vê quão grande ator você é. Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Yaman ... a very ambitious guy but his health is no joke so he should not hide that he is feeling worse and worse .Beautiful episode .... because Yaman, Seher and Yusuf are a wonderful family and it is a pleasure to see them together.🥰🥰🥰


Yaman é lindo até desmaiando ❤😘😍 eita homem lindo esse Halil .... beleza rara 💙


from MsCleo 2313 Part I (Translation in English and Portuguese)
Seher: But of course, nothing would've change if he wasn't. We promised each other to be there for each other in sickness and in health. I would've gladly kept my promise. If he wasn't stronger, I would've been strong for him.
Yaman: An unbreakable mountain. I need to pull myself together.
Seher: Okay, Brother Fikret. Kiss Melek for me. See you.
Yusef: When are we leaving? Are you not ready yet?
Seher: I'm ready, sweetie, but let's see what your uncle is up to, okay? You...look very
Yaman: I look very what?
Yusef: Uncle, I think auntie liked how you look but she couldn't say it because she got embarrassed.
Seher: No, I was going to say it but I anyway. Shall we go now?
Yusef: Aren't we going to take pictures?
Yaman: Sure, we can take pictures if you want, tough guy.

Bad Doctor: Hello
Canan: Hello? What did you give me? Are you tricking me about the medicine?
Bad Doctor: Calm down, Mrs Canan. I don’t understand.
Canan: I’ve given him the drug and nothing is wrong with him. There are no effects at all.
Bad Doctor: I don’t understand how that could be.
Canan: I think you’ve been lying to me about the effects of the drug you gave me. You said he was going to be sick. You’re lying to me.
Bad Doctor: I am not lying to you, Mrs. Canan. I warned you that his liver would fail. It will fail. Be prepared.
Canan: That drug better work or you will be sorry. Why isn’t anything happening to that guy yet? Why?

Dugyu: Why didn’t you leave me alone? Why didn’t you understand me? I cannot do it, I can’t! I can’t!
Dugyu: The atmosphere at work is now cold. I can’t work with him anymore. How can I look at him? I I have to “Pursuant and within the scope of Article 4A of the Civil Servants Law, I, Dugyu Korkmaz, no longer desire to work as a staff member in the Istanbul Police Department. I am requesting an appointment to be made with Ankara as per the relevant law of legislation. I am requesting that there be no obstacle to prevent the new appointment. Respectfully, Dugyu Korkmaz.”

Yusef: Auntie, get closer to my uncle, you are out of the shot. Now, take my uncle's arm. I'm gonna take your photo like that. I'll take one with the hat. Look at me. It turned out beautiful, look uncle.
Yaman: Yes, tough guy, it's beautiful.
Seher: Shall we go now?
Yusef: All right, let's go.
Yaman: Come on, captain Yusuf. Weigh anchor, and set sail.
Yusef: Hurray!
Yaman: I forgot my wallet. You guys go, I'll be right there.
Seher: Okay.
Ali: Steady…
Dugyu: I’m falling !
Ali: I won’t let go of you, don’t worry. Trust me… I won’t let you go until I see that you are ready, I won’t let you fall. Come on, let’s try again
Ali: Commissioner Duygu, this time this rose is for you. And I’m being serious. Exactly 45 years from now, I want to fight with you over tomatoes…spend my entire life with you and grow old with you
Duygu: I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to

Canan: I was delighted to hear from Ziya that you are going to the boat, Seher. Sea air will do Yaman good and you can rest.
Seher: Thank you, I hope it'll do all of us good.
Cenger: Little master, the hat look good on you. I guess you will be using the boat.
Yusef: Yes but when I grow up. I can't use it now.
Seher: Gosh, I forgot to tell you the good news. I'll tell you all since we're all gathered here. There is a possibility that Zuhal will be able to walk soon. She recently started to move her legs.
Canan: Really? That is a miracle. Congratulations, Zuhal.
Adalet: Get well soon, Zuhal.
Neslihan: Get well soon
Zuhal: Thank you all. Thank you.
Yaman: No, not now.
Cenger: I hope you get your health back soon, Ms. Zuhal.
Zuhal: Thank you Cenger. Thank you very much.
Yusef: My uncle's coming. Uncle, come on, we're going to be late.
Yaman: I'm coming, tough guy.
Seher: Are you okay?
Ziya: Yaman, are you okay?
Seher: Yaman! Yaman! Yaman, open your eyes! Yaman, Open your eyes!
Ziya: Yaman, are you okay? Cenger, call an ambulance, now!
Seher: Can you hear me? Please, God, don't let anything happen to him! God, I beg you, don't let anything happen to him!
Canan: Finally
Zuhal: Goddamn you. Goddamn you.
Seher: Open your eyes! Open your eyes! No

Duygu: It’s going… Hold… Hold me… I’m going to fall…
Ali: I won’t let go of you, don’t worry. Trust me. You’re going really well
Duygu: This is a super feeling, I can feel the wind
Ali: Slow down
Duygu: Don’t worry, I got it
Ali: Slow down! Slow down! Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Duygu: Didn’t I fall funny?
Ali: Yes, it was a little funny. You can’t learn this without falling anyway. Come on, hold my hand
Duygu: No, I’m covered in mud
Ali: I don’t mind
Duygu: Thank you. For everything. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time
Ali: I didn’t do anything. It was all you…
Duygu: Did you set up a cinema in the garden?
Ali: Yes. An outdoor cinema. We’re going to watch a movie together tonight. You need a relief from the tiredness of the day. You did a great job today. You learned how to ride a bike. Do you like it?
Dugyu: Very much. I really like it. Thanks to you, I had a very good day. I was so immersed in my own troubles that I didn’t realize I was alive. I forgot myself. I don’t remember laughing so much and having fun in such a long time. You…you are a really good guy. And I owe you once again
Ali: Ali: You don’t owe me anything. Besides, superheroes don’t expect anything in return. Seeing that smile makes it worth all the effort
Ali: I made a mistake. I should never have approached her. I pressured her. She says she can’t do it. What else will she say? You have to go back and start over at the beginning. It will be so.

Seher: I don’t understand, Brother Cenger. We just spoke with the doctor and he said that everything was fine. He said that his liver was good. Why has this happened?
Cenger: Things were not that good with Mr. Yaman. While you were at the parents meeting, he passed out all of a sudden. He told me that he knew something was wrong.
Seher: Why didn’t you tell me?
Cenger: He didn’t want to say anything because of the boat trip. He also made me promise not to tell you. He said that if his symptoms continued that he would go to the doctor tomorrow.
Seher: God, make him be alright. Please heal him.

Canan: Seher?
Seher: Why did you come?
Canan: I couldn’t say home not knowing how Yaman was doing. Has the doctor said anything?
Cenger: The doctors are still evaluating him and will give information as soon as they know.
Canan: Thank goodness. I hope nothing has happened.

Ali: I want to talk first if you let me. Duygu, I...I'm sorry. I got caught in my feelings, even though I didn't want to. I didn't mean to push you. That wasn't my intention. Yes, I do have feelings for you. I can't deny that. But I shouldn't have revealed these feelings at the cost of losing you. I can't take that chance. Because, you're very precious to me. Stay in my life. What happened yesterday, you know my feelings now. But your friendship is important to me. You kept quiet…ran away so that I wouldn't pressure you.
I didn't see it. I didn't get it, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the things I said to you. Let's start over. Let's stay friends, like before. Let’s start back from the beginning.

Yaman: What’s the problem? What’s wrong?
Doctor: I’m going to make you wait a little bit. I need to talk to the lab first.
Seher: They still haven’t said anything, Brother Cenger. Do you think something bad happened? Why is it taking so long?
Cenger: They will discover whatever is causing the problem. I’m sure of it.
Seher: He is very strong. We will be, too.

Doctor: You’re absolutely sure of the results? Alright! okay.
Yaman: What is it, Doctor? What’s going on? Has everything been analyzed?
Doctor: Mr. Yaman, I don’t know how to say it. This is the first time I’ve experienced such a situation. But the results from your previous appointment were mixed up with another patient. This is the first time this has happened in this hospital. It has never happened to us before. I don’t know how it happened; I’m sorry.
Yaman: What are the results of this test and the previous ones? How are my blood values?
Doctor: I’m sorry to say the results are not good. The condition of your liver is very bad. It is at the point where the situation is almost incurable and the liver is about to fail.
Yaman: What do that mean? What do you mean by that?
Doctor: Mr. Yaman, the drug therapy did not work. It should have worked, but unfortunately, the tests shows advanced liver failure. The consequences are very serious and the only solution now is…
Yaman: No! Bullshit. I do not have such a disease. No!
Doctor: I understand you are in shock, and that you do not want to accept it. You don’t want to. But your situation is very serious. We don’t have a minute to waste.
Seher: It’s just me. I couldn’t wait outside any longer. Please tell me what’s going on. I want to hear it, too.


No soporto ver a Yaman enfermo. Creo que el tema de una enfermedad me genera mucha ansiedad ya que llevamos dos años enfrentando una pandemia y en lo personal mi familia y yo ya hemos pasado dos veces por el Covid y esta novela ha sido mi salida de escape a tantas cosas, entre ellas el encierro. Y llegué al punto de querer tanto está serie que no puedo ver sufrir a los personajes principales! Sé que es un drama pero creo que sería mejor que bajarán la intensidad de maldad y problemas de salud, solo le traen al televidente estrés y tristeza.


La bravura di Hail è disarmante, ho esaurito tutte le parole per definire questo ragazzo, lo adoro 🥰


halil İbrahim Ceyhan çok güzel Yaman kırımlı l Love you


Ziya was right even in his delirium in season 1 that those stairs are unlucky.😂


After Yaman came back from the hospital, while sitting on the couch in his bed room, he remembered what all the Doctor told him.
After he thought about it for some time, he told to himself: Am I sick really?
He got up from the couch and told to himself! I am not sick! I am fine! I have a family, who is waiting for me! I am fine! I have to be fine for my family!
There is a family who needs me!
Fans: Yaman, by God's Grace, for your good heart, for your love for your family members, You will be alright soon!! 🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞


Sei que é apenas uma novela que aprendemos a amar desde o principio, mas ver a mal ganhando do bem muito triste. 😥


The way Yaman tries to pull himself together wen the pain is too much 😂😂😂👍


Halil's good looks enhanced, what a handsome person he is.God bless him and protect him


Meu deus o halilll em cada cena está espetacular mais que talento


Okay, so Zuhal can spill the truth to Yaman and then he can pass out and not remember anything before it happened, but later in the day he passes out and still remembers what happened before he did. Magic gerçekten 😂😂


Yaman is trying to cure himself with the power of positive thinking. 🙄


its painful to see Yaman so much in pain and moreover he didn't want to tell anybody about his bad condition. Its so heartbreaking. next episodes will seem to be full of tension.
Doctor is so unprofessional, why couldn't he tell Seher about his patient condition. How could he hide it🤔
