【ENigmatic Recollection】May the corrupted take these lands... #ENreco【Episode 1 FINALE】

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Thumbnail Art: @PhdPigeon

◆What is "ENigmatic Recollection"?
It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part.
Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven from myriad realms beyond.


Credits -
Server system: Starmine Inc.
Scenario: ONO-CORO
Scenario Cooperation: Scenario Technology Mikagami Ltd.
Original IP: COVER Corp.
Planning and Production: ENigmatic Recollection Project


Advent: #holoAdvent
Live: #LIVEseki
Memes: #LMOAI
Art: #bijouwled
Pebble Personas: #pebblesona (Please be aware if you use this hashtag your art may appear on stream or other future projects!)


Minecraft skin by aozane
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Reactive png: @keenbiscuit
Transformation Animation: @harutimu_415
Loading Screen: @Ludokano
Room Bg: @3fourpaca
Room Animation: @Alchiet
Ending Bg: @GhweSu_M
Transition: @RefinedDium

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Рекомендации по теме

Ina, in the arena: "Bijou, your Corrupting days are over. Give me the Stain Hat."
Stain Princess: "If you want it, then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that."
And Bijou ending the corrupt King by calling him "Schum"? Immaculate.


*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 5:04)
5:26 - Princess of the Stains: Opening Monologue
9:42 - Start: ENreco
21:32 - Bijou’s words to His Majesty
29:27 - Princess Bijou’s Speech of Commitment
41:04 - Talking with The Reaper! Who Destroyed the Fields?
1:06:42 - “What does *Mpreg* mean? -> 1:15:11 Asking Nerissa: *“What is Mpreg?”*
1:13:40 - Beginning to Write Books: Nerissa X ERB
1:31:35 - Encountering *Ame…* Obsessed with Diamond…
1:35:11/1:42:01 - *JOE MAMA*
1:38:24 - Fl0ating Cloak in the castle...
2:06:42 - Stain Mococo!
2:46:53 - *Fauna Reads Bijou'd Book Trilogy*
2:52:52 - Corruption Spreads! New Stain members…
3:11:44 - The plot to Cure the Princess…
3:20:10 - *DUEL OF THE SISTERS!*
3:24:13 - Bijou is freed from the corruption!
3:36:19 - VS NTRyS
3:42:49 - DIVORCE ARC
4:12:12-4:21:26 - *FINAL BATTLE:* Stain King
4:24:39 - Plot Twist..
4:32:56-4:37:54 - *SECRET BOSS:* The Cpative
4:38:44 - Chapter end
4:42:24 Ending Pictures Together!

2:12:42 *Nerissa* Encourages Biboo to continue writing..
2:13:17 BEEPIN’ Deadlines! Man!!!
2:34:14 *Nerissa:* she is past the dealine.. BEEPIN’ DEADLINES!
2:34:47 *Nerrisa:* "Ypu have a deadline to meet..”
2:38:14 How do people get any work done when there's people up your BEEPIN back!”

1:09:48 *Writing Begins:* Nerissa X ERB fanfiction
1:23:45 *Titie:* FIRE AND FLIGHT: NOT
1:26:07 *Inspiration:* Witnessing Nerissa's beets get REJECTED
1:45:18 Spelling: _“Knowdledge”_
1:55:14 _"Can't a Girl Get some Space to read her Spcy Books? Dangit."_
1:56:13 M̵A̷Y̵ ̷T̴H̷E̴ ̶L̸A̷N̸D̸S̴ ̴B̷U̵R̴N̵ — And then they Kiss.
2:03:06 *Inspiration:* Spyception
2:30:01 SUCC ON...
2:45:05 P-perhaps I Should hand the books to Fauna…
2:46:46 *Fauna Reads Bijous Trilogy*
2:47:04 - Reading Volume *1*
2:47:43 - Reading Volume *2*
2:49:07 "LIGMABALLS"
2:49:21 -- Reading Volume *3*
2:49:20 Mococo calls: “I'm proudof you, I'm busy! “ - Bijou

*[The Princess of the Stains Opening monologue]*
4:37-5:02 *Intro:*
5:26 “Hello.. The ones in my mind... Greetings…”
5:46 “Today is the day where we will make our final Stand…”
6:21 ”It is I, your *stain Princess, Koseki Bijou!* and I will take the responsibility of liberating this world.”.
6:55 Look at them... they *gamble* and play their *lotteries..* and consume and consume and *CONSUME!!* Are we the ones that are truly corrupted then?”
7:32 let the World *Burn..* And then we may rise up former it’s *Ashes…”*
7:54 “You may have seen me around yesterday.. Poking around.. *S0wing the Seeds of CHaos..”*
9:42 *ENRECO*
*Catching up on What Happened in the meantime..*

*[The Princess’ warning]*
10:04 Bijou has set up a WARNING for ALL
10:46 *Oobib:* “Four Representatives of those who had harmed us.. And here, they will BURN ETERNALLY as a warning..”
11:16 *The warning:* FIRE FIRE LIGHT THE FIRE~
11:35 *Bjou’s Bleeding MOAI…* -> 12:14 “IT Cries Tears of Blood.. Just like the land cries as it’s FALSE QUEENS rule upon them.”
12:51 “Who is that?”

*[Bijou discovers A Famine that was not her doing..]*
13:18 Surveying the land… Hole on... ALL the fields lay barren…
14:42 “I did not raise these fields.. What could that mean? Is their an ally to my Cause? I Wonder..”
15:33 “I have with me.. Remnants of my Fallen Comrades…” -> 17:43 Light them all!

*[The Stain Princess at the top of the Ranking!]*
18:16 ”Ahh yes.. Their GAMES… They're.. AMUSEMENTS..”
18:35 “F00LISH that they could even consider recreation on these times.. I had to show them.. F00LS
19:33 *Playing Chicken Minigame:*
20:01 _“DANGIT.”_
20:32 *SCORE 100: *My skills are not as.. STRONG today but.. That is because I have other causes to focus on..”

*[Bijou’s words to His Majesty]*
21:32 “I require an Audience with his Majesty…”
21:46 *Bijou:* “I will not harm you today… not right now anyway. I only come to give you a warning. That YOUR PEOPLE WILL FALL. And it will be ME that sits up on your throne while my people Flood your gates. While your Throne BURNS may you cower behind it and await the DEATH that befalls you. For it Will happen. WATCH as you are helpless and can do NOTHING.. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY? WHY DON'T YOU SPEAK??”
23:00 “Are you that Frozen in Fear you do not see me as a challenge?”
13:15 ”I will come for your head soon, and I Will be the one to RIP IT from your body..”

*[Biboo’’s Tasks for The day: History]*
24:55 *1.* *Write a history:* She recalls a *library…*
25:18 “THe books that lines these walls carry a *FALSE HISTORY.* A history of the kingdom, but not OUR kingdom. So I SAY we write our own history and donate books to fill the Walls with OUR Truth.
25:52 No no, we will not burn it to the ground for if t wa tis left after a kingdom falls. Fi there is no history n owon will know of your deeds.

*[Spotting more corruption!]*
26:54 Oh? What is this? I Have not touched these lands for I do not have the ability to? What are these?
28:37 is it true? Do I have an Ally?

*[Princess Bijou’s SPeech of COMMITMENT]*
29:27 My heart shall not waver. I prepare myself for what must happen. Those who i used to call friend. Those who I battled will Explored with, Traded with… *KIssed.* No.. None of that matters now. Married? NO. None of it matters. I BR0KE ALL my bonds when I awoke. ALL OF THEM. None of it matters to me anymore. NONE OF IT.” I only have ONE purpose and I cannot let anything distract me.
30:30 *My WIFE…* My Life… What was her name? Shiori Nyavella yes.. That was her name wasn’t it
31:15 I Fear she may be on the side of the kingdom. And even if she was to join my side.. Would that even please me NO nONE CAN FIX ME. For I am broken. My
31:42 *My Sister?* MY SISTER. Ah… *NImyanyum Nymanyam*. The promise she made to SLAY ME DOWN> Indeed.. LEts see if she can.

*[Calli Joins!]*
32:33 Has the REAPER arrived it take me away? Maybe after all this is over.. I WELCOME IT.
33:47 “Look at her in her Tavern .. Comfy And C0zy..”

*[Tam Dandr Statue]*
34:58 “QUeen.. False Queen.. I remember Maye if you had been here.. THangs might have been different.”
35:39 “Her statue will be the last to burn..”
36:04 *Bijou:* “I hear them: Save PRincess BIBOO!! Save her! (They can:t even say my name right”) F00LS. All of them.. All of them are F00LS..”


*[Talking with The Reaper!]*
41:04 WHO Raised the Fields?
41:55 IF it's not your doing.. / *Calli:* The land will starve…
42:38 *Calli:* No one Would betray the jade Sword! *Bijou* Are you sure about that?
43:14 *Calli:* I Don't not believe you! *Bijou:* believe what you like. IT doesn't matter to me..”
43:33 *Cali:* “I thought we were friends Bijou!” *Bijou: *“Perhaps we were..”
44:09*Calli:* “I will never forgive you.. *Bijou:* Who is biboo?
45:39 Bijou shall use the field as.. BAIT…
47:22 “I guess we must slay some chickens..:

*[Fuwawa and mococo are Related!]*
48:21 “Are they Not aware Fuwawa and Mococ are related? It is clear as day!”
48:40 Except for some *_Specific assets_* They look the same!”

*[Bijou’s Memories begin to resurface…]*
52:10 *Chat:* Are we rebelling?
52:26 *Bijou:* “Curious.. The world Rebellion sparks something…”
53:56 *RIP JEEP:* “Why do I feel a sense of Guilt and sadness when I slay the mere sheep Where they stand?”
53:42 *Chat:* She's still in there..
54:23 “Tax? Bijou Tax? These words are Foreign to me..”
56:06 “Potato Salad.. Yes.. If I am in desperate need of money I may…”
58:25 “Aaha! MOO.”

*[Getting rid of the Golden Apple]*
1:01:37 Biboo Finds a *GOLDEN APPLE..*
1:02:49 “I am Trying To destroy it!”
1:03:13 “let go my hand!! WHY!??? *Chat:* “weakness…”
1:03:29 “WHY must it Return!?!?”
1:03:53 *“BURN! It is done.”*

*[Finding raora’s proposal to Tam]*
1:04:31 *Bijou:* Will you marry me? What is this?
1:04:52 *Chat:* “Yes!”


The plot twist is insane, I can't believe the king was evil... Rest in peace for all the Stains that have been slain.


Shiori being multiple story arcs behind after being gone for 2 days, and was lost most of the time on what is going on.
Makes u wonder how it would turn out if she was caught up and not continuing what was left off a few days ago.

...and the fact Shiori alludes to never having amnesia and the entire time was just her archiving the entire adventure. lol


Whether you're on the Dark side or the Bright side, we'll always follow you my Princess!!!
Thank for streaming!!!
Glad to hear you have an amazing time!!!
This adventure will be a beautiful memory for you, all the EN members and us!!!
OTSU~Farewell my Princess~


Amazing Story and Plots, I shall wait for Chapter 2! HUZZAH!!


It was a lot of fun Biboo, you really did a great job of providing us this new and wonderful experience in a way that really suited you. From getting to know the Cerulean Cup, to becoming the Stain Princess, to the grand finale, it was fun. Phenomenal job on playing the part of the Stain Princess, the small appearances you did all over did not go unnoticed and today’s stream as well. I eagerly await chapter 2 to see what Cover, the talents, and you will cook up. 10/10 peak experience.


This was one heck of an adventure, hats off to you and everyone else. I'm already hyped for the next Chapter.😊


You cooked with the whole Princess Stain arc, Biboo! You were so fun to watch! Thank you~!


Ive been awake for over 24 hours from yesterdays EnRecos events and staying up to make sure i didnt miss Soras anniversary event till now. And yey after that rollercoaster of emotions i dont feel tired at all. Huzzah Biboo!




Thank you for the stream, Princess! It was an amazing journey


IT ISN'T OVER, WE SHALL PREVAIL, MARK MY WORDS, the stain princess will arise again, until then we stains await her return, FOR THE STAINS


And so we must persevere as Adventure Awaits...


Bad enough losing the fight with Eldritch Sister in the arena fight and then found out that our Stain Princess was a good person all along!

The King definitely deserved to get Rock Hard in the final battle!


Thanks for the stream, Princess Bijou! Thank you for sharing this experience with us!


Great story & Adventure. I hope all EN members can play together like this again. Thankyou for the streaming Biboo. ❤


ENReco o7!! It was truly peak cinema
All of the streams were really fun!


"blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne" - Warhammer 40k


Thanks for giving us absolute CINEMA with that story line Biboo you did great, I hope the stain princess returns.