🔥Heated Debate With A Qadiani | Adnan Rashid | Speakers Corner

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I was Ahmedi, Alhamdulillah Allah guided me 🤲🏽


When i heard this sects, i realise how lucky i am to be born as a sunni muslim .. alhamdulillah !

Update: by sunni i meant the sunna of the prophet the way the sahaba understand it !


I am so so grateful Allah has chose me to be a part of the ummah of Muhammed saw. Alhumdulillah 🤲🏻


In 1974, Muslim scholars from 124 countries gathered in Mecca, adopted a fatwa describing Mirzah Ahmed Ghulam and his followers of the Ahmadiyya movement as apostates and disbelievers.


Salam. It’s always a pleasure to see Brother Adnan, a lion truly. Alhamdulillah, also happy to see your channel exceed 100, 000 subscribers.


Proud to be amongst the Ummah of MUHAMMAD SAW. ALHAMDULILLAH.


Adnan completely destroyed the old guy Qadyani from Ireland last week, Adnan is really knowledgeable


Alhamdulilah for Sunni Islam. How lost can one be to follow another Prophet after RasoolAllah.


Most Respect to the brilliant Brother Adnan Rashid. Congratulations Dawah wise
* Although such a clear Non Muslim Lost minority Group shouldn’t be given such platform nor should a well informed Figure like Ustad Adnan debate with them instead some lectures or Videos more then enough to demonstrate their deviation from Islam


He never came to learn. He came to argue, like uncle Ibrahim in the park. One min he lied that mirza didn't say it. Then after Ustaadh Adnan gives the reference of the dirty language Ibrahim starts justifying it. This guy came to moan not learn, and even kicks off because of Internet issues, giant man-child.


Mashallah, It is top level job and work that brother Adnan Rashid done in connection of dawah programme. To expose Qadyani is most important for they use name of Islam.❤


Ahmadi or kadiani are not mulim. May Allah save us all those who are misgudie


Brother Adnan is honest, above board and does not have one inch of hypocrisy.


Mansour brother I like your style ...no nonsense ....tops bro


Qadianis are so lost.. its so confusing when they say the prophet s.a.w and are actually referring to Mirza Ghulam..


How can they still believe in a guy who died more than 120 years ago and none of his prophecies realized, they should have ceased to follow him right after his death...


Guys you have to let them speak, even if we don't believe and they are wrong


Mirza Ghulam facts:
Birth place: Qadiyaniyya, that's why the so called "Ahmediyya" are called Qadiyaniyya.
This sect arose in the Indian subcontinent at the time of weakening and break-up of the Khilafah, which was under Ottoman ruling. The idea of creating this sect was born in London, as the leaders of english colonialism met to debate the possibility of occupying Islamic territories. They knew that the unity of Muslims the main key is and that they're most dangerous to them, if it's build on the teachings which the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, left behind. The English decided to create a sect whose followers look and sound like they were Muslims. Experts had been sent to the Islamic world to occupy and colonize it. Hence Mirza Ghulam was sent to the Indian subcontinent with this mission. He grew up in a family which was working for the English colonialists. His father was one of the traitors and spies to the detriment of Muslims. Even Mirza Ghulam stated in his work "Tuhfatu-l-Kaysariyyah" on page number 16, that his father Ghulam Murteda has had deep connection with the english government and further more a high status among the english rule, at the time as the revolution was attempted in the year 1851 against the English and his father was on the side of the English. The English put the crown of delegation on his head.

Mirza Ghulam wrote in "Beygum Sulh" page 19, that "few days after the Messenger of Allah was born, his father Abdullah died". Everyone who has just a little bit knowledge about Islamic history, knows that the father of Rasulullah, s.a.w.s, died before he was born!

In an other work "'Aynu-l-Ma'rifah" he wrote: "Muhammad s.a.w.s. had 11 sons and all of them died", despite the fact that in all well known Islamic books it's stated that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had 3 sons (most correct view):

Al-Qāsim, Abdullah and Ibrahim, but there's a dispute among the scholars, if Abdullah had two nicknames: Tayyib and at-Tahir, or if these two were two other children of him ﷺ. All were from Ummu-l-Muminīn Khadijah r.a. except Ibrahim was from Maryam Qubtiyyah r.a.

In "Izalatu-l-Awhan" page 253 he wrote: "They asked Rasulullah s.a.w.s. when will the Day of Judgment occur? Rasulullah said: 'The Day of Judgment will occur 100 years after this day to all people'". Look at the claims despite the Quranic Ayat on different places and Ahadith which talk about that no one has knowledge about when the Judgment Day will occur!

The islamic scholars warned him and told him to stop the lies against the Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h., and to stop with his self proclamation that he's the promised Messiah-Reformer, but that didn't help.

He even made Du'ā to Allah in public that Allah and His angels curse him if he doesn't tells the truth. He debated several times and wrote to Shaykh Senaullah, like on the 15th April 1907, which was published in several papers at that time.

He wrote: "I prophesize that if you don't die during my lifetime due to Allah's punishment that only comes from Allah, like for instance that you die from Cholera or Leprosy, then I'm not sent from Allah. O God, if I'm a liar, punish me and let the followers of Senaullah be happy, and if he's a liar and I'm your truthful Messenger, then punish him with Cholera so that he dies during my lifetime....Ghulam Ahmed al-Masih, the promised Messiah, may Allah help him! (his signature)", published 15th April 1907.

He even claimed that he had Wahy from Allah and he wrote it according to Allah's command. His followers had no doubt that Shaykh Senaullah will be destroyed. And Allah s.w.t. showed the world who's the liar. Exactly 13 months and 10 days after this letter, Allah's Decree took place, as Mirza Ghulam got the Cholera disease, of which he was sick few days. He stank very badly. From his mouth very bad smelling liquid was dripping too. Finally his filthy soul left his body in a toilet. He died on the 26th of May 1908.

Allah told the truth (Translation of the meanings ): *_And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or says, "It has been inspired to me, " while nothing has been inspired to him, and one who says, "I will reveal (something) like what Allah revealed." And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death while the angels extend their hands, (saying), "Discharge your souls! Today you will be awarded the punishment of (extreme) humiliation for what you used to say against Allah other than the truth and (that) you were, toward His verses, being arrogant."_* (Qur'an, 6:93).

1. Qur'an & Sunnah
2. Haqiqatu-l-babiyyah wa-l-bahaiyyah, Muhsin Abdul Hamid, Menshurat Maktabati Islamiyy 1st edition 1969.
3. Al-Qadiyaniyyah-ihsan ilahi Zahir-Idaretu Terjuman Sunnah-Pakistan 4th edition 1972.


pls do a series of several episodes on qadianism. invite adnan rashid, amir haq, a k sheikh, and sone other muslims who have expertise on qadiani belief. also invite scholar/representatives from that group. and have q&a session in those episodes.


alhamdulah its been more than a year i left this cult, all praise to allah even my whole family left the ahmadya jamat it was these streams that made my perants leave and one of my sister had to leave her husband because he wanted to stay with this cult and my final oldest sister is still with her husband in this cult, i think that she didnt want leave her husband please pray for her to come out of this ahmadi cult
