Make Him Realize What He Lost (Incredibly Effective)
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How To Make Him Realize What He Lost With Four Simple Tips
In this video we’re going to discuss;
- No Contact Rule
- Utilize a Zeigarnik Effect
- Utilize the road not taken study
- My personal commitment theory
Tip #1 – The No Contact Rule
This is something I recommend to almost everyone who Is going through a break up, because it works in two very simple ways.
It makes your ex miss you, and secondly it gives you a chance to reset your life and get your stuff together.
Tip #2 – Utilize a Zeigarnik Effect
It is one of the most useful strategies you can use to get your ex back after a break up. People seem to remember uncompleted tasks than completed tasks.
If you’re having a conversation with an ex and its abruptly interrupted, he is more likely to remember that conversation more than one that ends naturally.
Tip #3 – Utilize the road not taken study
Actual self, personal qualities that you personally believe that you have. The Ideal self, which consists of qualities that you want to have. Finally, the ought self, the person you feel that you ought to have been.
76% of individuals answered with one singular thought, they thought they hadn’t fulfilled their ideal self. Often when people feel regret with something, they feel they haven’t achieved yet, this encapsulates your situation.
You want him to regret his decision and come back to you. At the moment he doesn’t regret his decision, but you need to show him something that he wants but can’t have.
Tip #4 – My personal commitment theory
One of the things that I've come up with recently, is how to make someone commit to you, my theory is that there are six factors to take into account to get someone to commit to you;
- Satisfaction
- Alternatives
- Investment
- Scarcity
- Urgency
- Fear of loss
You'll probably find that nine out of ten of the success stories that we have, combines these six factors to get a commitment from their exes.