What is PERUGIA known for? | The Capital of Umbria, Italy drone 4K

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PERUGIA in 4K, the capital of Umbria, is located in central Italy between Lake Trazyme and the Tiber River. How big is Perugia italy? City has about 150,000 inhabitants. A Perugia today it's been badly overrun by tourists.

What is perugia known for? The most important sights worth visiting and seeing in Perugia are: Cathedral of San Lorenzo (00:36), Church of San Bevignate or Church of the Knights Templar, Church of San Domenico, Rocca Paolina or Paolina Fortress, Collegio del Cambio, Church of St. Peter, Arco Etrusco the oldest and largest city gate in Perugia, Palazzo dei Priori, Tempio or Church of St. Michael the Archangel (00:30) is a circular based historic church built around the 5th century, Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria,

Every October, the European chocolate festival Eurochocolate, known by its Italian name Il Festival del Cioccolato, is held here, bringing together exhibitors and chocolate lovers from around the world
In summer, the city opens its doors to all music lovers during the annual Umbria Jazz music festival.

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PL: Perugia stolica Umbrii leży w środkowych Włoszech między Jeziorem Trazymeńskim a Tybrem, liczy około 150 000 mieszkańców.
Najważniejsze warte odwiedzenia i zobaczenia zabytki Perugii to: Katedra San Lorenzo, Kościół San Bevignate czyli Kościół Templariuszy, Kościół San Domenico, Rocca Paolina czyli Twierdza Paolina, Collegio del Cambio, Kościół św. Piotra, Arco Etrusco najstarsza i największą bramą miejską w Perugii, Palazzo dei Priori, Tempio czyli Kościół świętego Michała Archanioła to oparty na planie koła zabytkowy kościół wybudowany około V wieku, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria,

Co roku w październiku odbywa się tu europejski festiwal czekolady Eurochocolate, znany pod włoską nazwą Il Festival del Cioccolato, na który przyjeżdżają wystawcy i amatorzy czekolady z całego świata. Latem odbywa się coroczny festiwal muzyki Umbria Jazz.

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I love that city so much!!! Went to study there at the university for foreigners last year. Amazing experience, amazing people, amazing food, amazing architecture! love it all.


This is so cool .. such a fabulous landscapes.. I am amazed 🤩👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Absolutely fantastic footage of the area.


Going for a visit in 4 weeks. I was there 3 years ago. So beautiful.


we just visited Perugia two weeks ago. It was absolutely fabulous.


Will be there in 2 weeks - looking forward to flying there.


My 2 favorite sizeable cities are Lucca in Tuscany & Perugia in Umbria!!!


La città di messer Pietro Vannucci detto "Il Perugino", il meglio maestro d'Italia🖌️


Seeing here, I would say for having been kept ORIGINAL!


✋🏾🙂🇸🇦Vengo dall'Arabia Saudita. Io uso il traduttore. Dopo un anno emigrerò in Italia😘🇮🇹


Why this terrible, vulgar “club” music?! Surely, a place as beautiful, and timeless as Perugia deserves better!
