Sperm whale 'asks' a diver to be freed from a fishing hook

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Sperm whales 🐋 are intelligent and social creatures. Here , a Sperm Whale is 'asking' diver for help as there is hook stuck in its mouth & let the diver help him(or her) out.
The brave diver does a fantastic job freeing Sperm Whale from hook.
Sperm whales are the largest tooth whales and apex apex predators of the Ocean in addition to Orca. However, they are gentle and prey mostly on squid deep down in Ocean.
With such a beautiful creature like Sperm whales and countless others,. My request is
Please DONT POLLUTE OCEAN in any way!
The diver name is Hugues Vitry, world famous Maurician environmentalist and underwater photographer.
Diving with Hugues:
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The brave diver does a fantastic job freeing Sperm Whale from hook.
Sperm whales are the largest tooth whales and apex apex predators of the Ocean in addition to Orca. However, they are gentle and prey mostly on squid deep down in Ocean.
With such a beautiful creature like Sperm whales and countless others,. My request is
Please DONT POLLUTE OCEAN in any way!
The diver name is Hugues Vitry, world famous Maurician environmentalist and underwater photographer.
Diving with Hugues:
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