Sperm whale 'asks' a diver to be freed from a fishing hook

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Sperm whales 🐋 are intelligent and social creatures. Here , a Sperm Whale is 'asking' diver for help as there is hook stuck in its mouth & let the diver help him(or her) out.
The brave diver does a fantastic job freeing Sperm Whale from hook.
Sperm whales are the largest tooth whales and apex apex predators of the Ocean in addition to Orca. However, they are gentle and prey mostly on squid deep down in Ocean.
With such a beautiful creature like Sperm whales and countless others,. My request is
Please DONT POLLUTE OCEAN in any way!

The diver name is Hugues Vitry, world famous Maurician environmentalist and underwater photographer.

Diving with Hugues:
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Translation for those that don't speak French -
Pepe LePew - I saw this whale pass by me and was opening it's mouth like it was talking to me. It made a funny noise but just floated there looking at me. Cautiously, I went to rub it's nose and that's when I saw the line leading up to it's jaw. On closer inspection, I looked in it's mouth and noticed the hook lodged in there pretty good. The whale grunted at me and tried to pull the hook out but was afraid it might bite me. I was thinking, "This whale is probably trying to trick me so he can eat me." Anyway, I carefully yanked out the hook and I was relieved that he didn't try to bite. As he turned and exposed his backside I gave him a little nudge. The whale made another sound and it sounded like he was thanking me. He stayed a few more minutes and I kept giving him gentle rubs. He seemed to like it because I could see his eyeball following me. He left after a few minutes. So please be careful and help protect the seas by not throwing garbage away at sea.


He was like: *hey you, yeah you with the thumbs, c'mere*


Beautiful creature, so obviously has intelligence, it knew a human was the only creature that could help, and trusted him to do it. Well done that man, thank you for helping it.


For those interested, the guy (an overseas French, I’d say Reunionnais but he could from another island) talks about how strange it was to see this sperm whale come to them with its open mouth yet unagressively, how he saw that its mouth was bleeding, and how after the hook was removed he took a little time to try to make the whale understand it was over, hugged it, and how the sperm whale stood by for a while after that, showing signs that could be interpreted as gratitude.


This connection between two wildly divergent creatures, asking for help, is beautiful.


Can u imagine the level of happiness this guy must have been on after this


It's a good thing that Whale took French in High School.


I doubt most people would realize just how rare that moment is. Sperm whales are incredibly reclusive and sightings are very low, plus they can be very aggressive. I fact that it found someone and was willing to even be touched is incredible.


Bravo ! To the diver who performed this noble deed, it is people like him that keep the world turning .


So heartwarming, knowing it was bothering him and could do nothing about the discomfort the magnificent whale truly did approach the diver for help. Beautiful moment.


You are a good and kind human. I don’t believe there’s a better compliment than that.


What an honor to be asked and be able to help this wonderful creature. ❤


: “If animals could speak, mankind would weep.” -Anthony Douglas


That whale is such a gentle and intelligent animal, it could easily have pulled the diver underwater to his death, yet did not. I have logged over 80 open water scuba dives and nothing I have seen can compare with this, truly amazing!


That was one of the bravest and kindness acts that I've ever seen.


I was in SE Alaska from 80-94 working for a Large fish/shellfish processing Co. I was out on one of their Tenders as a Worker/Diver/Mechanic. One calm day a smaller Orca (Killer Whale) surfaced near the boat and followed us. It was clearly tangled in commercial fish netting, mostly around the tail. We stopped and I suited up for a dive. That creature let me cut all that netting free w/o panicking and did a couple of "drive by's" afterwards to either test his/her new freedoms or to say Thx. Orca's are thought to be smarter than Dolphins, and from what I've seen, that's probably True.


The man who named sperm whales isn't allowed to name things anymore


Whale spots diver.

"Ooh, one of those weird cleaner seamonkeys!"


"I met the weirdest cleaner fish today. I think he was French!"


We should all be so humble as this man who literally saved this whale and to the person who filmed this video. That is truly a good man from the heart
