Object lesson 'Magic Trick'- Wisdom! Being Smart or Being Wise? (CHILDREN'S MESSAGE)

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제 블로그에 오시면, 아래의 영상 영어설교문을 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다.
King Solomon asked God for wisdom. He wanted to be a wise king rather than just a smart king. God blessed him with wisdom and he became a wise king. God gave Solomon the ability to make good decisions based on justice and he ruled over Israel with wisdom.
Do you know the difference between being smart and being wise?
Being smart means a person knows a lot of facts and information. However, being wise means a person makes good decisions or choices in life.
제 블로그에 오시면, 아래의 영상 영어설교문을 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다.
King Solomon asked God for wisdom. He wanted to be a wise king rather than just a smart king. God blessed him with wisdom and he became a wise king. God gave Solomon the ability to make good decisions based on justice and he ruled over Israel with wisdom.
Do you know the difference between being smart and being wise?
Being smart means a person knows a lot of facts and information. However, being wise means a person makes good decisions or choices in life.