Ghostly Kisses - Empty Note (Acoustic)

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Acoustic version of "Empty Note" by Ghostly Kisses
"Alone Together" EP

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Ghostly Kisses - Empty Note (Acoustic)

How could I ever know you?
When everything lies in disguise
How could I ever forget?
Those eyes looking for my weal

How could I ever know more?
When everything is held by threat
How could I ever feel you?
Once again, without losing my mind

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

How could I ever know you?
When you are miles and miles away
How could I forgive myself?
How blind and scared I was

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end
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the best thing about this type of music is that there are no toxic people here
we just want to get depressed together and help each other and that's beautiful


Super beautiful people listen and like this type of music.


listening this without being depressed person means you have good music taste but listening this when you are depressed means you have free therapy.


I wrote this for my older brother who shot himself November 9th of 2019

I wish I could see you one more time come walking through the door...but I know that is impossible, I know you can feel my tears and you don’t want me to cry yet my heart is broken because I can’t understand why someone so precious had to die.

I pray that God will give me strength and somehow get me through as I struggle with the heartache that came when we lost you.

you were the best big brother I could ask for you always made me feel safe and protected, you always cheered me up on my lowest days and made me feel confident you taught me not to care what others think and to be myself. There’s never going to be a day where I’m not missing you.

Although you have left this world, You will always be within my heart guiding me as an angel, like you did when you were here. Family is everlasting and so are my memories and love for you You have changed my life so powerfully as for everyone else’s.

EDIT: Thank you all for your kind comments and support I appreciate it so much, it’s been a hard almost eight months without my brother being here to be a goofball and overall a trouble maker ❤️


To everyone here: you have excellent taste in music


When I was on my way from my good friend's funeral, your music accompanied me and gave me strength, a year passes and the song always gives me tears of emotion.Thank you





How could I ever know you?
When everything lies in disguise
How could I ever forget?
Those eyes looking for my weal

How could I ever know more?
When everything is held by threat
How could I ever feel you?
Once again, without losing my mind

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end
Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

How could I ever know you?
When you are miles and miles away
How could I forgive myself?
How blind and scared I was

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end
Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end.


keep recommending me this good music YouTube and I'm going to have to kiss you on your forehead


اول مره سمعت الأغنية كان قبل سنتين، وقت مراجعة الوزاري يعني اصعب وقت للطالب، من حيث صعوبة الماده ومن حيث الجانب النفسي المنهار كانت اغانيها تاخذني لعالم ثاني بعيد عن ضغط الدراسه، الحمد لله خلصت هذيك الأيام بس اثرها بقى مع الأغنية كلما ارجع اسمعها تجيني مشاعر غريبة واتذكر اشخاص كان اخر لقائي بيهم هو اخر امتحان وزاري


ليتنا لم نلتق منذ البداية... ليتني يومها تأخرت في النوم عشر دقائق اخر، كنت إختصرت عمرا من الوجع...!🕯


And all my beautiful lonely people with good taste in music meet here, I love u♡


This gives me nostalgia to the point where I miss or crave something I've never had. I wish to create memories, that I can think back on and smile then say.. "I wish I could go back."


Лучшее что слышал за последнее время, так устал от своих эмоций и того что не могу ничего поделать со своей агрессией, стараясь бороться пытаюсь не потерять себя и прийти к порядку в голове наладить мысли


i found this song again, a few years after i discovered it
at the time i was in a pretty bad place, and im 100% sure i was crying to this song
now i was just looking for a poetic and ethereal kind of vibe, and it fits perfectly


kinda wanna talk to someone but i feel like im wasting my breath


Why so underrated?
Okay she is our little secret❤❤
She will blow up soon❤


حرفيًا ليس بموسوعي ووسعتي وصف ما أشعر به عندما اسمع هذة الأغنية ولكنها تلامسني وتلامس قلبي ومشاعري لست ادري لماذا ولكنني منذ ان بدأت في استماعها وانا اشعر ان من المفترض ان اسمعها يومًا وراء يوم وعندما لا استمع لها اشعر بأن يومي ناقصًُ جدًا ومختلف بطريقة سلبية تؤسر مشاعري السلبية المفرطة لهذا انا استمع لهذه الأغنية منذ سنة ونص ومن الجيد أنني استمع اليها
written by: Ray


Oh my god.. my old days bring me here .. I was listening to this song when I went to school in winter, the time was from 1 Pm to 7 Pm and when I finish, I listen to this in the bus to my house . It was warm song in cold and rainy days 🧡🧡 I remember all that now .. Thank you Ghostly for this legendary song.. WITH RESPECT ⚘


I wasn't able to sleep for the last couple of days. I guess all the stress was too overwhelming. Anyways, last night I found myself listening to this song and couldn't get enough of it. Replayed it over and over again. Guess what, slept like a baby. It gives me some sort of a warm, cozy and cuddly feeling. Like we're all sitting in front of a fireplace, covered with blankets, holding our hot cocoa, and hidden in a winter cabin somewhere.
