Jacob Prasch - The Rapture'Like a thief'

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Thank you God is with you . God has help me to understand the word by the way you put the word across. Thank you again.


I recently saw a video from this same guy, saying the Rapture was NOT before the Tribulation.


What about the word Parousia=coming=G3952 in 1 Thes 2:19, 3:13, 4:15, 5:23, which times does it mean pretrib coming & which times mean at the end of the age/2nd coming, an how do you tell? since not one verse in scripture clearly says there is a pretrib coming. Look at the times 4 times parousia=coming=G3952 in Mat 24:3, 27, 37 & 39, clearly 2nd coming, at the en verses. Actually look at all 24 times used in the NT, of which 17 refer to Jesus, yet no pretrib parousia=coming. Another word from 1 Thes 4 is from verse 17 is "meet"=apantesis=G529, ...to meet=apantesis the Lord in the air. Used 4 times in the NT, Mat 25:1&6, Acts 28:15 & 1 Thes 4:17. Again, pretribbers say we meet=apantesis the Lord in the air and Jesus does the U-turn and we go to heaven with Him for 7 years until after great tribulation. Compare scripture w/scripture an see who does the U-turn, the one coming or the ones going to meet=apantesis them? In Mat 25 the bridegroom cometh & the virgins go out to meet=apantesis him, then they escort him to the marriage and the door is shut. When the foolish virgins return and ask to enter, the bridegroom says "I know ye not". Who did the U-turn? the virgins, who were told "Go ye out to meet=apantesis him". In Acts 28, Paul is under Roman guard & being brought to Rome, and when brethren in Rome heard Paul was coming some walked as far as Appii and the 3 taverns(over 30 miles from Rome) to meet=apantesis him and then escort him to Rome. Again, who did the U-turn and which way did they go? the brethren, the ones going to meet=apantesis the one coming, and then proceeded in the direction the one coming was headed to begin with. Now apply this to 1 Thes 4:17, Jesus is descending from heaven to earth, the dead rise first, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet=apantesis the Lord in the air. Although it does'nt say directly which way we go, by comparing scripture w/scripture and the meaning of the word apantesis, which one does the U-turn and where do they go? the ones going to meet=apantesis the one coming would be who does the U-turn=the believers in Jesus, those who were caught up, and the coming should continue on to the original place they were headed=Jesus to earth. Of which verse 15 says this is at the coming=parousia=G3952 of the Lord. At the end of the age, the day of the Lord, as stated in chapter 5. Please study this out for yourselves. I mean no disrespect or to offend any brothers or sisters in Christ, and if I did, I sincerely apologize, please forgive me, this is just what I see the scriptures say. GOD Bless, PeaceB2All


All Parousia texts mentioned from 1 Thes and Mt are the caught up not the return on Earth.


harpazo in Latin is rapiemur, 'rapture' is a wrong description of the event, caught up, snatch away, collection and gathering are better words


Where in the Bible does it say anything about a secret rapture?
When Jesus comes back, Revelation 1:7 says, every eye will see him. Also, it's going to be noisy when Jesus returns read 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52.
Let's do what 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us to do, study to show thyself approved unto
Just because something sounds right doesn't necessarily mean that it is.


Typology of noah and lot. GOD does not pour judgement on the righteous along with the wicked.. In revelation there is only one gospel. Its a gospel of creation. Fear him who made heaven and earth. Paul said that if an angel preaches a different gospel to the one he preaches let the be accursed.. Meaning the gospel of salvation through faith must have ended before this time period.


It's not really about the word rapture. What it's about is WHEN it occurs. There is only one second coming, not two or three. The KING comes for HIS bride at the end. Remember the KING warned: 'don't be deceived". If the elect barely will get by, how will t he rest of the church endure? They won't unless they know they will remain here and go through the tribulation. Actually there are 2 tribs. Satan's and then the LORD'S. Knowledge is power, dsicipline, and the patience of the saints... However, satan's trib will be killing the world with kindness, i.e. - fake prosperity, fake peace, strong delusion....
The LORD only comes as a thief for those that haven't studied and know the order of events....
