Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts

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In this Python Flask Tutorial, we will be learning how to add the ability for users to create, update, and delete posts. We will also learn how we can prevent users from updating posts that don't belong to them. Let's get started...

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THOSE who are facing Modal not popping up in your screen because of bootstrap version 5, just change these things
in the copied bootstrap live demo code ->

1> data-toggle to data-bs-toggle
2> data-target to data-bs-target
3> data-dismiss to data-bs-dismiss

** anyway happy coding, and keep learning from this beautiful channel **


I have to admit that this is the best python series in the world. That too for free is just how beautiful this world is!


....And 5 years later this series remains AMAZIINNNGGG!!


this series has literally taught me so much its incredible.


Thank you for these tutorials, Corey. I'm jobless at this moment but I promise that when I get my first job, I'll surely support you through Patreon. You have my word. You are doing an incredible job. (Y)


"Now it wouldn't be a very good application if you could only create posts, but you couldn't correct typos"
Haha, Twitter


Fantastic Tutorials.
I did have an issue with the modal not appearing but fixed it with:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm m-1" data-bs-toggle="modal"
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary"

Note the addition of '-bs' in data-bs-target, etc.
In case anyone else is having this issue...


another goated video, things seem to be intuitive now that we have practiced through several features that i can go ahead and put features in alongside Corey talking knowing what goes where and how


and at 17:00 is when I became so stoked to see "babby's first post". Thanks Corey


I really like how you do the tutorial iteratively so as to mirror the way development actually happens (sometimes). You'll write a few lines of code just to make sure something works and then remove it and then build it up a bit more and then retest. And you also only do imports just before you're about to code for them so we know exactly what they're for (unlike other tutorials where they'll just import everything and say we'll need it later).


I just wanted to say I have been doing this tutorial this week now and I really really like it. The explanation is just right for me. Not to much extra unnecessary explanations and the pace is really good for me. I had no experience with FLASK, SQLAlchemy, or web development in general (including HTML and Bootstrap) but this really helps me allot. I Love it. Thanks for doing this.


You gave me the confidence to complete my project. I couldn't have done it without your selfless help. Amazing work!!


THANK YOU - these are so good and I'm learning so much. Thanks again! The world is a better place with sharing like this!


I haven't found a single Python video on this channel that's not unique and helpful..each video is very intuitive and the great thing is how Corey teaches the basics and builds the concepts.. thanks a lot Corey for all these wonderful videos..


these videos have literally been one of the prime source's of info that i used to get skills that have landed my a second job in web dev inside of flask thank you so much for all the incredible knowledge :O)


Corey, as a new grad who got a job at a big 4 with projects on my resume built on this and some of your other tutorials and whose final capstone project is pretty much a heavy modification of this with some extra functionalities and some ML analysis in the backend, I couldn't thank you enough! You've earned my respect for your work. Expect a dedicated Patreon as soon as I start working.


Amazing series. 2021 still coming back to this channel


If Corey can cook, he’d make a beautiful soup!


I’ve got to say, I’m doing python for my gcse’s, I believe they’re called final exams in America, but this is extremely helpful for forums, final exam projects etc... once you learn these basics you know anything since websites are basically fully based around databases and basic functionality nowadays.

Edit: Like, if you notice a lot of repetition is used in websites, forms, design, forms, design, forms, design, and then the rest is just basic to intermediate functionalities.

I added a few extra functionalities after watching this video, such as dislikes and likes, and it’s ordered by likes-dislikes, so basically the popularity of the post, so say a post has 2 likes and 1 dislike and 1 post has 5 likes but 5 dislikes, the first one will be more popular because it has +1 instead of 0.


god damn bro I was literally clueless where to start with learning flask since taking a coding break after leaving my last job doing nodejs... incredible series I've learned so much
