Sedimentary blankets - evidence for Noah's Flood

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One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt.
The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across North America. Such vast sedimentary layers suggest that geological processes must have occurred in the past that we don’t observe today. Sedimentary deposits forming today are localised and confined to river deltas, lakebeds and along narrow strips of coastline.
Sedimentary blankets covering vast areas are exactly what we would expect if the global flood recorded in the Bible actually occurred.

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Just shared with my class of year 9 who had never heard this before.


Nice point here. I hope this video gets shared with some skeptics!


What is the volume of the sedimentary rock layers around the world?


Yes! I have seen the same white chalk cliffs with black flint banding at the White Cliffs of Dover and at Rosh Hanikra in northern Israel!


Care to explain how the extreme number of coccolithophores required to create those massive chalk beds could possibly have existed at the same time? They would have choked out all other life in the ocean if they existed together. The only way the chalk beds make sense is if they took millions of years to form.


A Christian and a geologist here. This is factually wrong, and literally not how the geology of the planet works. Stuff like this is why people don't take Christianity seriously. It flies in the face of careful scientific observation of the geologic record, and contradicts the processes we can observe happening around us even today. When non-believers see these kinds of things, they think in order to be a Christian, you have to reject basic reality to do so, and of course they turn away. Why would they listen to the message of the Cross when we're talking "nonsense" (to them) about how the Earth is only 10, 000 years old? We are spoiling the spread of the gospel with this stuff, and turning souls away from Christ who might have otherwise listened to His message.

Either the Earth is as old as it seems to be (billions of years), or God has purposely and willfully deceived us into thinking it's old when it's not... which makes no sense, and would serve no purpose at all. Old world creationism is the only answer that makes sense, harmonizes with science (which God Himself created), and is compliant with scripture (when studied in Hebrew, Greek, etc).

The Earth and the universe is so much more majestic and amazing when we realize how massive, old, and astonishingly awesome it truly is. Isn't this in keeping with a truly great, majestic God? Some ask why would He bother with such an old and massive universe, but why not? Perhaps, in all His great glory, it pleases Him. "And He saw that it was good."


Amazingly ignorant of geology! He is presenting evidence for the geologic column without realising it! The consistency of the geologic column across the world is evidence in favour of plate tectonics. The different ;layers with different fossil species inside are evidence of millions to billions of years of geologic time. Please go read a biology textbook. I suggest you start with something really simple.
