ABDII (HOPE) Fenan Befikadu Dawit Getachew & Meron Alemu New Ethiopian Music Official Video

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Singers:- Dawit Getachew Fenan Befikadu Meron Alemu
Music, Lyrics and Melody:- Ermias Senbeto
Director:- Kibreyesus Eyob K/B (G1 Design Production)
Producer:- Ermias Senbeto (Senfam Production)
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Bless you guys and dont forget to subscribe this channel to get more SENFAM production


The Amharic version

ወዳጄ ሆይ ለምን ተስፋ ቆረጥክ
ከጊዜና ሁኔታ ለምንስ ተዋሃድክ
እስኪ ቆም በልና ራስህን ተመልከት
ለእርሷ ተውና ለራስህ ተጓዝ

የራሷን ጉድለት በኣንተ የምትሞላ
ያንተን ለመብላት የራሷን የምትሰስት
ይቺ አለም ሁልጊዜ አስመሳይናት በሁሉም
ዛሬ ሙሉ ነገ ጎዶሎ በጭንቀት የተሞላ ነገር ሁሉ

አለምን ተመልክተ ተስፋ የለኝም አትበል
ጎዶሎ ውስጥ ሆነ ጉድለትህን አትይ
አላወክም አንተ ምን እንደምታህል
ሙሉ እንደሆንክም አታውቅም
እስኪ አይንህን ንቀል እና ቀና ብለ እይ ፈጣሪህን
ፊቱ የሚበራው ለእሷ ወይስ ላንተ?
አንተ አልተረዳህም እንጂ ጎዶሎ አንተ ሳትሆን እሷ ናት

የራሷን ጉድለት በኣንተ የምትሞላ
ያንተን ለመብላት የራሷን የምትሰስት
ይቺ አለም ሁልጊዜ አስመሳይናት በሁሉም
ዛሬ ሙሉ ነገ ጎዶሎ በጭንቀት የተሞላ ነገር ሁሉ

ለራስህን ያየሀው እና ያሰብከውን ያህል አይደለም አባትህ ያሰበልህ
በደም የተገዛክ አንተ ብርቱ ሰው ሆይ ትልቁ ዋጋክ ኢየሱስ ነው
እንደ ጀግና ተነስ ካለህበት አሸናፊውን ኢየሱስህን ያዝና
ህያው ተስፋ ይዞ የምሄድ ሰው ነኝ ብለህ ተናገር እኔ ሙሉ ነኝ

ፍቅር በረከት ሙሉ ሰላም
ይቺህ አለም እንዲኖራት ምትጓጓውን
የሰላም አባት አጠገብህ ነው ለምን ታያለ ሌላውን
ተስፋ መቁረጥህን ተውና ያገኘህን ሰላም ዘምረው/ ሰላምህን ዘምረው

Translated by #Rebuma shiferaw


I am Eritrean tigrigna speaking, i dont understand oromo nor amharic. but this song touches my heart, i am cameraman and photographer intrestining in music, the clip is so epic and the place views the beautiful composition of the voice 100% pure . bless you brothers form Eritrea .


Who saw this video 1k time and don't even understand afan oromo☝ like me


Song lyrics!

Yaa obboleekoo maaf abdii kutatte
Haalaaf yerootti maaf of ijaarte
Mee tak taa'ii baraaf ofis ilaali
Kanshee dhiisi kan keetiif imali

Hir'uukanshee keetiinkan guuttattu
Kankee nyaachuuf kanshee kan waakkattu
Biyyi lafaa yeroo hundaa fakkeessituu gama hundaa
Amma guuttee bor hirruu
Yaaddoon guutuu wanti hunduu

Biyya lafaa laaltee abdii hinqabu hin jedhiin
Hirruu keessa teessee hirruukee hin ilaaliin
Situ hin barre hamma geessu
Guutuu ta'uu kees hin beektu
mee ijakeeirraa kaasi olilaali uumaakee
Fuullisaa kan ifu garashee moo kee?
Situ hin hubanne malee hirruun simitii ishee malee

Hamma ilaalteef hammat of yaaddee
Miti abbaan kan inni siif yaadee
Dhiigaan kan bitamtee yaa nama isa cimaa
Gatiin kee inni guddaan yesuusumaa
Akka gootaat ka'i iddoo jirtuutii
Mo'aa kee yesuusiin qabadhuutii
Nama abdii jiraataa qabatee deemudha
Jedhii itti dubbadhu an guutuudhaa

Jaalalaaf eebbaaf nagaa guutuu
Addunyaan tun qabaachuuf hawwituu
Abbaan nagaa sibira
Maaf ilaaltaa kan biraa?
Abdii kutuu kee dhiisi
Nagaa qabduuf weeddisi
God bless y’all ❤️


One of my Quarantine time medicine I don’t know Oromifa but I know the Holy Spirit is talking to me I feel blessed God bless you all !


"በደምህም ለእግዚአብሔር ከነገድ ከቋንቋም ሁሉ ከወገንም ሁሉ ከሕዝብም ሁሉ ሰዎችን ዋጅተህ ለአምላካችን መንግስትና ካህናት ይሁን ዘንድ አደረግሃቸው በምድርም ላይ ይነግሳሉ" ይገባሀል ኢየሱስ ይዘመርል እውነትም መንገድም አንተ ብቻ ነህ የአባቴ ብሩካን ተባረኩ ፀጋውን ያብዛላችው


My 8 years old daughter love this song so much. God bless you guys. Here I wrote z lyrics below.

Yaa obboleekoo maaf abdii kutatte
Haalaaf yerootti maaliif of ijaarte
Mee gad taa'ii baraaf ofis ilaali
Kanshee dhiisi kan keetiif imali

Hir'uu kanshee keetiin kan guuttattu
Kan kee nyaachuuf kanshee kan waakkattu
Biyyi lafaa yeroo hundaa fakkeessituu gama hundaa
Amma guuttee boor hir’u Yaaddoon guutuu waanti hunduu

Biyya lafaa laaltee abdii hin qabu hin jedhiin
Hir’uu keessa teessee hir’uu kee hin ilaaliin
Situ hin barre hamma geessu
Guutuu ta'uu kees hin beektu
Mee ija kee irraa kaasi olilaali uumaakee
Fuullisaa kan ifu garashee moo kee?
Situ hin hubanne malee hir’uun simitii ishee malee

Hir’uu kanshee keetiin kan guuttattu
Kan kee nyaachuuf kanshee kan waakkattu
Biyyi lafaa yeroo hundaa fakkeessituu gama hundaa
Amma guuttee boor hir’uu Yaaddoon guutuu waanti hunduu

Hamma ilaalteef hamma ati of yaaddee
Miti abbaan kan inni siif yaadee
Dhiigaan kan bitamtee yaa nama isa cimaa
Gatiin kee inni guddaan yesuusumaa

Akka gootaat ka'i iddoo jirtuutii
Mo'aa kee yesuusiin qabadhuutii
Nama abdii jiraataa qabatee deemudha
Jedhii itti dubbadhu an guutuudha

Jaalalaaf eebbaaf nagaa guutuu
Addunyaan tun qabaachuuf hawwituu
Abbaan nagaa sibira Maaf ilaaltaa kan biraa?
Abdii kutuu kee dhiisi Nagaa qabduuf weeddisi !!


I am so surprised by the joy of this music. I am crying for the beautiful song you have made, both in its hopeful lyrics, but also the joyful singing and playing. Thank you for being so whole in your christian lives and music ministry. It is also inspiring to see that someone has worked so hard to make a song perfect. Greetings from Norway.


Im orthodox Christian but appreciate the lyrics, thank you. This is beautiful. Bertu!


Wow... can't stop litsening and sharing. This is amazing song. Dawit you are so blessed and am proud of you helping young generation to worship our Heavenly Father. Hope


እኔ 🇪🇹 ነኝ ግን ኦሮምኛ አልችልም ግን ከ<50ጊዜ በላይ አይቻዋለው ስሰማው ደስ ይለኛል


Now, this is a message that should come from all corners of Ethiopia. Despair doesn’t fit us, we are larger than that. Hopelessness doesn’t serve us, we have a class that this world doesn’t understand. No matter which language/dialect you speak, if you are Ethiopian born of The Cross of Christ, you have an amazing ‘BLESSED’ hope in Him. Our hope is Christ now and forever.


ፌናን፣ የሰማይ አምላክ እግዚያብሔር በማያልቀዉ በረከቱ በሰፊዉ እጁ ይባርክሽ፡፡


Even though I'm secular person (ኢ-አማኒ) or I don't have nothing to do with any religion I can't stop listening to this incredible song I actually don't even understand Oromifa as well but it doesn't really matter cause i know that music is a universal language.


I was sleeping and the this song was singing in my mind: but I could not figure out immediately. so I wakeup and tried to remember the song, then I found it. Then I read the script well. Now I know why God put it in my mind! Amazing message .


shame of you those who dislike this amazing and world class gospel song


❤❤❤❤ bless you brothers and sisters am from IS THE LORD


Who's here search intentionally to see this masterpiece after couple of years just to make himself out of motivation and to see Dave????


Wow. Wow. Wow. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah! His anointing is ever fresh and sweet fragrance. ABDII group may you ever increase in his manifestation! Proud of you...much love!
