100 Linux/Unix Basic Commands in 60 Min | You Must Know Today 🔥🔥🔥

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In This Video I have Explained 100 linux/unix basic commands:
pwd: Print current working directory.
ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
cd: Change directory.
mkdir: Create a new directory.
rmdir: Remove an empty directory.
touch: Create an empty file.
rm: Remove files or directories.
cp: Copy files or directories.
mv: Move or rename files and directories.
cat: Display the contents of a file.
more or less: View file contents page by page.
head: Display the beginning of a file.
tail: Display the end of a file.
nano or vim: Text editors.
grep: Search for text patterns in files.
find: Search for files and directories.
which: Locate a command.
whoami: Display the current user.
who: Show who is logged on.
ps: List running processes.
top or htop: Monitor system activity.
kill: Terminate processes.
chmod: Change file permissions.
chown: Change file ownership.
chgrp: Change group ownership.
df: Show disk space usage.
du: Display directory space usage.
free: Display system memory usage.
tar: Archive and compress files.
gzip or gunzip: Compress or decompress files.
zip or unzip: Create or extract ZIP archives.
wget: Download files from the internet.
curl: Transfer data with URLs.
ping: Test network connectivity.
ifconfig or ip: Network configuration.
ssh: Secure Shell for remote login.
scp: Securely copy files over SSH.
rsync: Synchronize files and directories.
passwd: Change user password.
useradd: Create a new user.
userdel: Delete a user.
usermod: Modify user properties.
groupadd: Create a new group.
groupdel: Delete a group.
groupmod: Modify group properties.
sudo: Execute commands with superuser privileges.
su: Switch to another user.
whois: Look up domain information.
date: Display the current date and time.
cal: Display a calendar.
hostname: Display or set the system's hostname.
uname: Display system information.
lsblk: List block devices.
mount: Mount a filesystem.
umount: Unmount a filesystem.
ps aux: List all running processes.
killall: Terminate processes by name.
netstat: Network statistics.
lspci: List PCI devices.
lsusb: List USB devices.
mkfs: Create a filesystem.
fsck: Filesystem consistency check.
rpm -ivh
rpm -qa
service or systemctl: Manage system services.
rpm -e
history: Display command history.
awk: Text processing language.
sed: Stream editor.
sort: Sort lines of text.
uniq: Remove duplicate lines.
cut: Extract sections from lines of files.
wc: Word, line, character, and byte count.
tee: Redirect output to a file and stdout.
alias: Create a shortcut for a command.
echo: Print text to the terminal.
sleep: Pause for a specified amount of time.
watch: Repeatedly execute a command.
nc: Network utility for reading/writing network connections.
lsof: List open files and processes.
man: Display the manual page for a command.
whatis: Display a short description of a command.
kill: Terminate processes.
ssh-keygen: Generate SSH keys.
pvs or pvdisplay
vgs or vgdisplay
lvs or lvdisplay
tailf or tail -f
crontab -l
reboot: Reboot the system.
shutdown: Schedule a system shutdown.

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Excellent sirji aapki 1 video ne muje bahut kuch sikha diya.
Thank you so much 😊


Thank you so much sir for this tutorial . Me heartfelt appreciation for creating it. I will watch it as daily revision in 1.5x speed for my upcoming Linux+ exam

Thank you so much !!!!



Grep stands for ...global regular expression


sir can you please make a video on how fresher can apply for as a linux administrator


Sir, please suggest me is there any option to recover the data if i accidentally execute rm * / command


Hi Abhishek
-How to recovering the deleted files in linux
-How to schedule cron jobs for every 30 second
-who will change the umask value either root user or normal user


Tee command is used to put the output in a file on the same time right ??
