Sukhoi T 50 PAK FA Stealth Technology

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The Sukhoi PAK FA T 50 is a twin-engine jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi for the Russian Air Force. The Sukhoi T-50 is the prototype for PAK FA.[10] The PAK FA is one of only a handful of stealth jet programs worldwide.

The PAK FA, a fifth generation jet fighter, is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA being developed with India. The T-50 prototype performed its first flight 29 January 2010. Defense Ministry have openly stated that it features stealth technology and has the capability to supercruise,[6] and incorporate advanced avionics such as an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and an artificial intelligence system. It is to be outfitted with the next generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles. The T-50 has a blended wing-body design and incorporates all-moving vertical stabilizers and horizontal elevators. The aircraft has wing leading-edge devices above the jet engine (LEVCONs) designed to control vortices generated by the leading edge for improved behaviour at high AOA. The two engines incorporate 2D thrust vectoring nozzles canted at an angle, similar to the configuration on the Su-35S. Differential actuation of these nozzles can produce rolling and yawing moments. The aircraft inlet incorporates variable intake ramps for increased supersonic engine efficiency and retractable mesh screens to prevent foreign object debris from being ingested into the engines.
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Russia sure has a culture of warfare innovation. Nothing but respect for you guys. Greetings from India.


The T50 outperforms the F22 in just about every way that one can think of period.


I still believe Russia is the best when it comes to flying objects.


Лучший в Мире боевой аппарат. Ждем новых моделей от наших инженеров и ученых!


I hope this project goes well and India gets them fast. 


Much better then the F-35 . Even if the T 50 doesn't face the F35 in combat, the T 50 has all ready won in terms of cost of operating and development.


European made documentaries are so much better and educational that American made TV shows, which revolve around dramatization. 


T-50   this is the best. America in the ass.


F22 is a serious piece of crap that has to have major work done every time its in the air. Pretty sure the Russians have a quality stealth fight that doesn't have a high probability of breaking down each time it takes off.


this was a fairly reasonable presentation of the t50 unlike most videos that show off this stuff


The U.S. always is 50 years ahead of today's technology.


Here is a scenario to play out. Say a F-22 is on the tail of a T-50. F-22 fires its AIM missiles at a high altitude. But the rocket motors do not engage because they're frozen (which has happened numerous times) All the T-50 has to do to kill it is use its super agility to turn around mid air and snipe it then turn back around and keep going.


pak fa for russia
and same version with different name pak fgfa for india
this jet is being developed by an indian company (HAL and sukhoi(russian) (russian and indian version both)
this will wreck f22 and f35 ;)


"Look how perfect Invisible that Plane is"
"Ah yes, I see..."


Congragulations Russia! You finally caught up with the United States stealth technology! You have my congratz. Now, the f-22 has better stealth characteristics, it's cruising speed is Mach 1.5-2 while it's true top speed is classified. The f-22 also has supercruise, allowing it to save fuel while going supersonic speeds (doesn't need afterburner), thus making the range further and more efficient. The f-22 also has AESA radar, a faster, more effiecent Radar that can jam other radar and missiles while it's tracking objects (can be used for close counter attacks). The pakfa has a faster cruising speed and 3d thrust vectoring, making it faster and more maneuverable. Yet it lacks supercruise, making its range shorter. The stealth is a little bit weaker than the f-22. So for the winner, you guys decide. I personally think the f-22 because it's AESA radar can jam missiles up close, and the stealth can hide them from miles away.


i love russian....russian always support the indonesian goverment from australia..usa n england....i hope rusia became advance country in the world???love puttin???♡♡message from the indonesian people


Together we can make it. Please more people ready to rejoin real humnity, go out and do something for it. If you cannot, do it in your mind and soul. Let´s save the planet!


I am sure China will have a better copy in 6 to 8 years, Russia's answer to USA F-22.


Awesome plane! this thing looks to be almost as good as the F-15! excited to see it enter full scale production


Only time will tell which one is better than the other. Now that's a sound advice.
