8 More Unhinged Fallout Canon Facts

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The universe of Fallout is an expansive one, stretching across multiple games, mediums, and decades. Now, the franchise has always been a little weird. Whether it be the existence of the Mothman, anime, or ghosts, Fallout is no stranger to weirdness. As new stories get added to the game's canon, the spotlight on the strange is only amplified. Today, we'll be taking a look at 8 more bits of unhinged Fallout lore that I can't believe are canon.

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From the very beginning, I love how anime is considered as bizarre and otherworldly as the existence of ghosts.


Between the cryptids, parapsychological stuff, aliens, and Great Old One-esque weirdos, I tend to assume that Fallout operates on the basis of "our world, but if tons more weird shit were real".


Surprised you didn't mention that teleportation exists in Fallout New Vegas as well. Teleportation is how you are brought to, and return from, the Big MT.
Potentially implying that teleportation was a pre-war secret technology, if the satellite was part of the system.


On human robots: my theory was always that since radiation works different in the Fallout universe, it might somehow affect their circuits, similar to how ghouls are created. We know in real life that radiation can bit flip, causing rare programming errors.


Grandma sparkle from 3 had the power to crash your game just by looking at her


Absolutely fantastic idea for a video.
Good stuff N_orte


3:20 the timeline of fusion technology is a bit more wonky. The real question is whether Mass Fusion was the first company to make fusion technology, or whether it already existed but the company didn't know how to make it. Because *Fusion cores" already existed, and were in widespread use for the military across America. I don't think that the military, especially in Fallout, would be deceives by marketing.

Plus, we know from the Recharger rifles in NV that nuclear breeder technology existed (search it up if you want specifics). So why wouldn't fusion tech exist before 2077?


I have come to realize the best part of fallout world building is not what they tell you but the parts they leave unexplained. It gives room for your imagination to fill in the blanks.


The USS Constitution is one of my all-time favorite fallout 4 quests


I love the cannon. Just wish it reloaded quicker


I'd like to play a dlc where you get to help the robots get the Constitution into the then be a player home with some unique building/crafting choices.


4:45 also Jake Cabot says his dad has psychic powers plus has lived for around 400 years


Don’t forget how time travel is the canonical reason why the Master’s plan was foiled, as the chosen one from Fallout 2 finds a time gateway to Vault 13 and presses some buttons, accidentally breaking the water chip in the process


Weird u didnt mentioned curie on the robot part, she is a ms nanny who actively tries to "break out of her shell" and become human due the the lonelyness she felt, (with your help) she gets a sinth body, learn emotions such as love and humour, she is the very example we have of a pre war robot achieving humanity


My favorite example of robots developing beyond their personality programs has to be First Mate from 4. The fact that all the robots shown to have developed self awareness are ones that where designed to mimic emotions and complex social interactions like mr handy or the modified military robots kinda implied that they had to have a baseline programing for such things, and thats why i like First Mate. The fact hes a protectron, the stereotype of stupid robots in the wasteland that often dont have the logic to tell if a metro user should die for not having a ticket, or that mindlessly repeat the same 5 prerecorded messages means that there might be something going on more then just programming. Its subtle too, the only real indication of it is that hes distrustful of the sole survivor and attempts to go aginst his own programming to follow the captains orders, something that should be impossible for such a basic robot. Hes still just as monitone as the other protectrons but under his police badge and blue paint i can swear theres something else going on.


Fallout is home to some of the weirdest and wackiest things and it makes it my favorite game series

And this channel makes my game experience 10 times better


I imagined Sonic Invasion as some kinda mod that replaces all characters with poorly modelled Sonic The Hedgehog


I just wanted tobleave a nitpicky reminder that funghi aren't plants


Keep fallout weird! Best part about it, it can balance deep philosophy about the future of humanity and letting go, and then the next quest you do is a mid tier casino owner going "hey ya wanna make a sex bot?"


forever salty you cant join the mothman cultist faction. Praise mothman!
