I Tested Viral Slab Bending

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I Try Bending A Slab
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My grandad passed in 1985 sadly and a few years earlier he gave me some advice that's lived with me ever since. He said, "if you drop something let it drop, you can do more harm by trying to stop it!" Wise words from a wise man. I'm sorry John but the health and wellbeing of your employees is paramount over anything else!!


EDIT: The video has been edited to cutout all the parts where John digs into Sam and edits removed dunking on him. I'm glad the changes were made. I wish it was acknowledged in some way, but I'm glad. Thanks to the team 👍

Sam getting dunked on the whole video sucks. Especially digging into him for not catching a 300lb slab getting married to gravity. Damn.


As the owner and boss of my company, I've learned a very important lesson watching this video, then reading everyone's comments. I have got to be a lot more careful with my attitude and planning.
I typically do not care about falling objects versus employee health . Let it fall, I have insurance for that . But boy can I get worked up when my team is in a tight spot and we are in the super crunch type situation .
I have got to be far more patient and develop my mentor attitude alot more .
So to everyone who posted concerning that one situation, thank you. I'll take some lessons from it for my behavior, perspectives, and how and when I say things.


As a boss and manager I would not fathom being such an prick to my guys for my failures in planning and knowledge.


So, for those who are watching the video now and don't know why people are saying John should apologize to Sam:
After the slab falls, by the end of the video, John says "didn't you even think of catching it" to Sam. The he throws a fit and doesn't say a word for two hours apparently.
He cut off the part he said that after he got huge backlash in the comments.


As someone who has run teams from five or six to over a hundred people in the past, I agree with the comments that you need to apologise to Sam, and not just for the bit about stopping the slab, when your immediate reaction should have been "Are you OK? I'm glad you didn't do anything stupid like trying to catch it". In fact, you should have planned for something like this and told your guys quite clearly "if it starts to go, just get the hell out of the way". You should also avoid throwing tantrums like that in front of your staff. Obviously what happened was heartbreaking, but as the leader you suck it up, make sure everyone else is OK, then throw a fit in private, not in front of your team. I appreciate it might be good content, but it's not good for you as a leader or for your team.

A good manager always puts the welfare and wellbeing of their team first, especially in a potentially dangerous environment like a workshop and, quite honestly, Sam already looks like he's scared witless of you. I'm a big guy too, and we sometimes don't realise how imposing a large, confident man can be to those around them, and while you are probably just joking, it really doesn't look to me like Sam finds it funny. When you make people nervous and jumpy, that's when accidents happen, which is exactly what happened here. You constantly badgering your team to hurry up and mocking them for being slow lead to mistakes being made with the result seen in the video.

You're former NFL, I'm former army, we spent a lot of time in environments where such "banter" is seen as normal and you give as well as you get, but a lot of "normal" people don't see it the same way and you really might want to consider that. It's entirely possible Sam's totally OK with it, but that is not the perception that your videos put across, and as a wise man once said, "it's not what you do that's important, but what you're seen to be doing" and, frankly, you're coming over as a bit of a bully. People don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad managers.


Sam was right to step aside. Trying to catch that falling slab could have seriously hurt him. The man lived after falling from a ladder, whilst saving your wedding photos. Give him props.
Anyhow, I would suggest using a steel frame on the front side of the desk to help hold it in place. You could add a Malecki logo to the steel also. On the back side, I would consider another steel brace that also incorporates a couple of drawers for the desk. Stay safe, fam.


After seeing how snappy and impatient he was with the employees it was satisfying seeing that happen.


John fucks up after doing sketchy shit: 🤭🤪

Sam doesn’t catch a falling giant heavy table on his own: 🤬😤


Say hey big dog, I'm a machinist for the second largest countertop shop in the Kansas City Metro area, but even still it's a small business. When shit happens at our snap business, the first thing the Managers check on is the employees, not the slabs or the machines, they make sure their people are okay. That's what keeps employees. Not giving a fuck about your employees mental or physical health while even playfully scolding them about things they can't fix, is a pretty sure way to find another camera man and another shop helper. Nobody wants to get bitched at for being human at work, John.


POUR IT! I think Sam IS pretty athletic dodging that 300 pound wooden linebacker!


Man, this guy just oozes with aggression, finished the video feeling like I came back from a long shift in a sweatshop.


I would have gotten mad at my employee if they had actually tried to get under that falling table


John DEFINITELY owes Sam a Major public apology for that SHID!!! He already belittle hims in almost every video 😤😤


John, you're a very talented, accomplished woodworker However, as a manager you have a lot to learn.


Imagine how he treats his guys with the cameras off lol


2 little clamps on a metal bar stuck in there sideways that was always going to let go. That's on John 100%. You can also see Sam wasn't really looking at it when it started to fall. He was also holding that track. Good job Sam. Fuck that slab. Don't be a dink John. The kid signed up to work in a woodshop and he's jumping off ladders and dodging huge slabs.


Was nervous the comments weren’t going to call put John’s behaviour being pretty damn terrible this video. Glad to see everyone coming to Sam’s defense!! We love you Sam!!!!


Glad to see the respect for workplace safety in the comments, big agree on what most everyone is saying.
Heat of the moment stuff gets said, do hope for a proper apology. I'd assume that's already been done. But an onscreen recap and correction goes a long way for a community not in the loop of everything real time.
Regarding the fix to the project, I like the resin option.


15:30 Hint: A table saw blade can be measured for thickness, but the cut will be SLIGHTLY thicker because it's nearly impossible to have zero wobble in a blade. You really want to do a test cut and measure the cut's channel width, not measure the saw blade's thickness. It very well might make a 0.125" cut. Also, as I said in my previous video, stick to damned decimal!!!
