Quantum Internet: No One Needs This

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Quantum physics can bring us faster computers, more precise measurements, custom-designed materials, and much more. But the quantum internet is a solution in search of a problem. What is Quantum Internet? Can it really go faster than the speed of light? Do we need it to keep data safe? Let’s have a look.

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Post-quantum cryptography would be an interesting video.


When you have two socks you never know which one is right and which one is left. Once you put one on your left leg, the other immediately becomes the right one! This happens instantaneously and does not depend on the distance between the legs!
Quantum entanglement! It is everywhere!


OMG i love how Sabine calls out the BS in quantum public relations. this is the teacher that everyone in the world deserves. thank you.


I love that Sabine has titled such a topic with "no one needs this", as someone who feels like no one most of the time, I strongly agree!


Suggest "Quantum Sabine". Then you can have the cool "QS" acronym, and thus entangled will be correlated with every time 'quantum' is used.


I really like your cookie analogy.... I'll be using it in the future. Thanks!


Agree with almost everything commented in the video, however I think the title is wrong. What Sabina is adressing are called quantum communications networks. Quantum internet is refered to distributed quantum computation, which has a differenr purpose, and faces different challenges not realated to those cocered un the video


Thank you for confirming some doubts I've had about entanglement for some time. I think you are one of the best popular science communicators of our time. However, you will never persuade me that a rice cake covered in chocolate is a cookie. 😂🤣😂


You are correct. Reading one entangled particle gives you information about it's pair, but it doesn't change the pair.


I actually got do design the project management plan for a quantum encryption experiment exactly like the one described here for a class in college. We liked to call it quantum read receipts. The experimental apparatus has since made it to the ISS!

The biggest problem we had to plan for was, not only that any sufficiently powerful interaction could mess with the quantum states data had been encoded into, but that the crystal lattice used to encode the data into the quantum states itself was also extraordinarily sensitive to vibration. Basically, it works great for encryption… as long as no one messes with the system at all in any way and the flight to space isn’t too bumpy 😅


5:29 Correction, you can't use it for authentication as this protocol already assumes it!
You can use it only for encryption of data but not for signatures!


Wow, der Cookie ❤ Sabine ist einzigartig darin, Sachverhalte klar und verständlich auf den Punkt zu bringen. Danke dafür!


"Now, when i turn this cookie what happens to the other half?"....
U rock.


So happy to see someone explain entanglement like this. Seen far too many people explain t incorrectly, causing confusion among people. The analogy is great as well!


Quantum internet. where you are correct and incorrect at the same time. Seems a lot like old internet


The way I understood it in my basic way was; by checking if 1 entangled particle is negative or posative it instantly reveals the other particles polarity. So with the cookie analogy, we could cut 1 trillion cookies in half and put them in labeled boxes, send them across the galaxy and use it as a way to comunicate instantly just by opening certain boxes here to send a message while they check what boxes are open to read the message.


why is entanglement always explained by using hidden variables? it is just wrong xD those cookie halves in this example do not have a definitive break up pattern until later. this break up pattern is in a superposition of all possible patterns until you look at them. when you look at one of them, this superposition "collapses" to one definite pattern, and the second cookie will - somehow - have a matching one. that's the whole point and the mysterious part of entanglement. if they had this pattern from the beginning this would be indeed as trivial, as it sounds here. it also would mean hidden variables, which is not what is happening in the standard qm. and no, waving with hands and calling on the correlation gods doesn't help. it is exactly the funny part how they can stay correlated without hidden variables.


From the applied perspective (and I speak with less experience than most) the majority of security breaches can be tied back to human error. Part of this is because you *can* crack a lot of cryptographic hashes given time, the issue more becomes that it just literally stops making sense after a while and no longer becomes worth the adversaries time. I remember hearing about this on a podcast and was sort of disappointed the interviewer didn't press that issue because, at least with classical computers, even large data breaches are more defined by human error (exploits in software, people leaving their credentials in open areas, sharing info with people, etc.)


Sabine we need a deeper video on this.

I CANNOT remember a single physics video out of the hundreds/thousands I watched over the year that did not clearly miscommunicate the "spooky action" phenomenon.

As someone whose only source of physics are these videos and written media that also mostly support this view, I bet there are many out there like me, lets clarify that shit ! Thank you ! :)


في المستقبل البعيد وبفضل التكنولوجيا المتقدمة سوف يتساوى الخيال مع الواقع ويمتلك الإنسان قوى الآلهة ليحول الكون والأكوان المتعددة إلى جنة خالدة ❤
