The Gospel of Mark | Animated Movie | Chapter 7

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The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, some religious leaders come looking for trouble, but they get more than they bargained for, when Jesus sets them (and everyone else, including his disciples) straight on what real 'cleanliness' is all about! From there Jesus tests the faith of a Syrian woman. Will she pass the test? And when Jesus commands a crowd not to publicize a healing, will they obey?

Produced by: Jude, Silas, Felix, John, & Jack,
Narrated by: Several JCs
Written by: Dave

What is "A Voice in the Desert"?

The purpose of A Voice in the Desert is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.


Sand blows on the Great Sand Dunes by Kelly Kochanski
Creative Commons (reuse allowed)
Рекомендации по теме

Im reading through the New Testament. I just read this chapter, and I love how Jesus said its not what goes into a person that makes them evil, but what comes out.


It's truly a shame really that people neglect Jesus....


Thank u. Keep up the good work! God bless u.


I just turned 18(finally), 2 days ago and I'm gonna start gettin' closer to God cuz If I make the decision to forsake my life fully(cuz now I can do it cuz I'm 18), I'll do it but I need a few months to prepare spiritually

EDIT: Guys send me your E-MAIL but I'll e-mail you guys on a different account

To be honest I'm excited cuz now I can do more things I couldn't do before I remember havin to ask my parents to go out so I could help people but now I'm officially 18 so it wouldn't really matter if I go out to preach


Thank you. Your animation truly is a blessings to many.


The words are added and some of the words are taking away this is life


This is wrong. In their time they didnt have 2:20
