Doctor Discusses Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital

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Katherine Economy, MD discusses the pros and cons of a vaginal birth following a cesarean delivery known as a VBAC at Brigham and Women's Hospital
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Thank you for such an informative and educational video!


The 2017 ACOG VBAC guidelines recognize there is limited data for excluding moms with low vertical scars. According to ACOG, "recognizing the limitations of available data the obstetrician or other obstetric care provider and patient may choose to proceed with a TOLAC (Trial of Labor After Cesarean) in the presence of documented prior low vertical uterine incision."


I want to do v-back. I had c-section and prefer vaginal delivery with next month


So I recently found out that my recovery after cesarean was not normal. I couldn't understand what all the fuss about cesareans being so painful and the long recovery talk was about. I was up walking around in the halls and took a shower and left on day two after I was told I would be in the hospital for four days minimum because I'm diabetic and had a cesarean. The hardest part was dealing with the sorry ass nurses I got and the most painful thing about having my baby was pooping afterwards. I was picking my baby up by myself and changing his diapers. My cut healed completely on the outside on day four. I drove on week two, I was carrying my baby in his carseat. But then again I have a high tolerance to pain and nothing about my pregnancy was normal. My baby is my 15th pregnancy, my first child. I was a high risk pregnancy do to that fact and also the fact that I'm diabetic. I was walking five flights of stairs then the next day I could hardly walk and was on bedrest from that point on. I had to wear a v-go pac. So I guess that's the trade off. I just didn't know how bad cesareans were supposed to be I always thought that vaginal birth was the scariest thing in the world. To each his own, I guess. Good luck and be blessed ladies.


I had an emergency vertical with my last 5 yrs ago i dont want another c section I want to go naturally 😩


I had cs for my first child, my cervix couldn't open. I couldn't dialate . Now I'm pregnant again, does that mean I have to do cs again?


I don't know what type of incision was done on my CSection. And I don't know a way to find out as the clinic didn't keep records and that's more than 5years ago. Should I still opt for a VBAC for my next pregnancy? Has the scar on uterus healed enough to disregard whether it was vertical or horizontal incision on uterus? Reason for CS was that I wasn't dilated enough and my water had broken nearly 3days before the CS, yeah this happened in Nigeria where incompetent doctors are hired. I'm scared but still want to attempt VBAC


What about VBAC on APS mother? I prescribed with 3x1 thrombo aspilet.. when should I stop the thrombo aspilet?


Do you know any VBAC friendly Dr/Hospital in Houston Texas?
I had 2 misscarges😒
3rd baby vaginal delivery born at 37week.
4th baby c section because my baby was breech in time of delivery. ( I was over due baby born at 41weeks)
and 5th I had rapture epitopic pregnancy and they had to do emergency surgery and removed my right fallopian tube 😒😥
My question is am I good candidate for VBAC? if I do get pregnant in future.


I have 5 kids my first born was vaginal but my last 4 pregnancy where csection can I still have a vbac?


Idk im a kid male and im watching birth videos.


Can I have a VBAC after 4 csections? I tried with my 3rd baby but after 2 hours of labor I was rushed in for an emergency csection where the doctor didn’t even have time to put an epidural. I was told my vaginal canal was too narrow and it’s probably the reason I stop dilating at 4 cm. but how’s that possible? I’ve seen smaller women than me have natural deliveries? I don’t want another surgery 😢


I have a appendix scar from my belly button to waist. And a csection vertical. Since my uterus wasn't cut during the appendicitis can I do vbac? Also I had a csection from pprom due to a wreck. I will ask my dr but wanted yalls opinion since my drs appoinment is in 2 weeks.


No VBAC for breech? That is a bit horrible of ya


My pelvis is narrow and I have large babies. My first born was csection and second doctor insisted I try vaginal. I went through over a day of labor even trying to push him out but, he got stuck. He was in transverse arrest heart eate was dropping and was losing oxygen. So, they did an emergency csection to deliver him. I asked my doctor to please have section second tome she didnt listen. Even the doctor on call was pissed at her and said it was negligent of her to make me attempt to go through vaginal birth.
My son is developmentally disabled. So, dont tell me that its okay to have a vaginal birth after csection. A lot of moms and babies died before cseaction was developed.


‘We will support you whatever you choose’ NO YOU WONT lol. That is a big fat lie. Hey how bout discussing the horrendous physical and emotional trauma we go through during and long after the birth, when you send us home with no resources and a newborn to care for. After youve long forgotten us, we have to deal with the decisions you made for us. How about discussing all that?


i had first 3 normal deliveries last year i get emergency c section after 5 months i again concived now i m 37 week pregnant my gynecologist recommend me that she will try for vbac but i m worried becoZ my scar might be thin there not much gape between 2 delivries..can any one tell me is that vbac possible i want normal delivry


Is Normal delivery possible after c-section


Is that possible to have normal delivery after c section


I had cs for my first child, my cervix couldn't open. I couldn't dialate . Now I'm pregnant again, does that mean I have to do cs again?
