Top 10 Hardest A-Levels #shorts #gcse #alevels #students

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I like how he deliberately put his subjects on the top, lmao stop coping


Bro put psychology before maths, history or comp sci


No way is history harder than maths 💀💀💀


MFL is literally the easiest a level in existence. I did Mandarin A level in one year without knowing word of it (except Ni hao but every one knows that), I got an A* (I’m not chinese btw if that’s what you’re going to ask)


Here from Egypt, took Math, physics, comp sci, 3 A*, Now doing physics in University, wish u all good luck


Here's me wanting to take physics, maths, further maths and greek thinking it will be a breeze


love how all 4 sujects im taking r on this list... imma be 6-feet under next yr 😭😭


Currently sitting my maths, physics and computer science a levels exam . 💀


I’m taking maths, further maths, physics and computer science which are all in this list.


I think that this list is somewhat accurate but people often forget creative subjects - especially fine art. It takes a lot (and I mean a lot) of effort to get a good grade.


Art and music should be up there just purely because of the thousands of hours you have to put in before and during 💀


I put language learning side by side on each level in top 10 because it REALLY matters what language you are doing.
Real one, explained:

1. Further Maths, this shit is actually mind boggling, really really difficult to comprehend anything, logic is flipped upside down, by itself, no A-level compares to this, take it with maths and it gets easier but still the HARDEST

2. Physics, Physics is much harder than Chemisty, physics has a USP that is that all of its questions HAVE DISGUISES, and unless you really UNDERSTAND you can’t get away with just “knowing” max you get is 30%, if you take maths with it then it goes down to be same difficulty as chemistry

3. Chemistry, i know people who hate this one with burning passion, it is ridiculously difficult, unlike further mathematics and physics, it does not have a true “sibling” A-level, those two have Math, the closet to chem would be physics but that’s still not close!

4. Biology, completing the sciences, it’s science, AND you need to know so much shit that’s just memorising waffle 😭 though at least unlike physics if you want to strengthen understanding you can delve into lower levels, lots of physics the reasons for shit is just: it is what it is.

5. History, if you want a good grade in history you need to switch out YouTube for history books, no doom scrolling only medieval scrolling 💀 you don’t need to worry about deep understanding like the above subjects, application in this is much easier, but my GOD does it make up for it in knowledge, you need to know about as much curriculum as like two of the A-levels above, sure you can learn much more passively but TWO IS A SHEDLOAD.

6. English literature, same shtick as above, but to a lesser extent because you can typically get away with applying the same essay structure and strategy to a wide series of topics.

7. Psychology, Psychology is a blend of literature and science, you need to be good at both to be good at this, it’s not just an stem subject, it branches, if you are not already good at constructing arguments then this A-level is HELL.

8. Computer science, computer science is weird because a lot of it is actually quite easy, but some of it is just borderline INSANE and makes NO SENSE, on top of a 20% coursework that is a report that is supposed to be really well done, like if you don’t take an essay based subject this part of the course just hits you like a freight train and without GPT, you’re kinda cooked 💀

9. Economics, actually just tedious, if you are part of the 1% of people that enjoy this subject, then congrats, ur a different breed, but to the other 99%, it’s just so meh, and learning something so meh is just so hard, definition of a chore.

10. Mathematics, if you are in the 1% of economics enjoyers you probably think this is harder, but at least you get dopamine hits from getting a question right, and that satisfaction is useful in learning the subject in the short term, because it’s motivating and makes it easier to study, I’ve always viewed Mathematics as the slap bang average A-level, maybe slightly above average in difficulty but that’s tops.

Language time: this is for English speakers, varies on ur starting language ofc.

10.5: French, Spanish, very similar to Latin English, easiest languages

9.5: Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, slightly less similar and are more difficult for an English speaker to learn.

6.5: Latin, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, i put this just above English because definitely harder than psychology, but still not as deep as English lit.

4.5: Russian, Arabic, Urdu, ever so slightly harder than history, you need much knowledge, similarly but still much understanding.

3.5: Chinese, Japanese, I don’t believe there is a language at A-level that surpasses the big three; Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, this is the 3 all the smart kids take + maths, come on we all know it. So these being the hardest languages go just beneath, harder than biology, and on the cusp of the big 3.

That is the order in my opinion, on this opinionated topic, as of the time I am writing this comment, this decision may change in future, I am flexible. Thank you for reading.


Psychology is the easiest for me its just a lot to remember
Physics is hard but its my favourite
And chemistry is just diabolical if i could go back i would definitely pick geography


Im doing biology, chemistry and psychology 😅


when you're doing further maths, chem, phy, maths-


Me having to pick chemistry biology and either physics or maths to get in to med course in uni


Best of luck to all who are studying any of those subjects!


8 feel like people are forgetting creative subjects, out of my subjects maths, fine art and music I'm finding music the hardest, cause it not just one thing and your done, you have coursework and a written exam, you need to be skilled at an instrument, creative to be able to write melodies and create a piece of music that is unlike most music, be able to recall information and be able to create arguments and compare pieces, it's not a subject like maths where you have to do practice questions and find your mistakes and correct them, you have to do alot of extra work, critically listening to music you wouldn't usually listen to, linking them to pieces you study, try to spot musical elements in other music, you also need to be able to play an instrument if you can't your pretty much screwed, and composing music is a pain. And in the end, you can be marked down or up simply depending o. Who marks your exam and coursework, because music is subjective, like all creative subjects, it's about interpretation. Also I'm ignoring the fact that some questions your screwed if you don't have perfect pitch :)


I’m taking History and literature because I found it easy in secondary and enjoyed it but when it came to a levels, I find it quite hard to get the marks in the exam like the subjects them selves are good and I understand but when it comes to
Writing the papers it’s a total failed 😭


ya'll should try doing bio, history and literature it's suffocating
