Just listen 1 time | Your WISH will come TRUE | Just try it and a MIRACLE will happen to YOU

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A dream motivates a person to certain actions and actions. But sometimes it takes a lot of time to fulfill a wish, and some of them remain unrealized at all. Wishes don't come true by themselves. However, there is a simple way that will help to realize any dream and make any wish come true — such as listening to this video program.

Listening to special cosmoenergetic music will gradually create changes in the inner world, helping you to resolve contradictions and lead your thoughts towards light, happiness and contemplation! And the runic formula "Quick Wish Fulfillment" will help you quickly and effectively carry out your plans due to the attraction of new opportunities! With the help of all the elements used in the video session, a directed flow of energy is created, which literally leads a person to the goal, helping to bypass all obstacles!

After the first full listening, you will be charged with positive energy, free from bad thoughts, fears and hesitations! I recommend using this practice at least once a day, until you get the results you need! A video program is primarily a strong motivation that will encourage you to take action. Do not wait for an instant result: the long-awaited changes will come gradually.
This video session is one of the most effective ways to get what you want, tuning in to success at all levels, including the subconscious!

The video uses: the runic formula "Matrix of Wish Fulfillment", binaural rhythms, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations of the matter of the subtle world!

🎧 It is recommended to use headphones.

You can listen to more meditations on my other channels:
Channel "Ankh Priest": @ankh
Channel "Ankh Power": @ankhp
Channel "Ankh Voice": @ankhv

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A dream motivates a person to certain actions and actions. But sometimes it takes a lot of time to fulfill a wish, and some of them remain unrealized at all. Wishes don't come true by themselves. However, there is a simple way that will help to realize any dream and make any wish come true — such as listening to this video program.

Listening to special cosmoenergetic music will gradually create changes in the inner world, helping you to resolve contradictions and lead your thoughts towards light, happiness and contemplation! And the runic formula "Quick Wish Fulfillment" will help you quickly and effectively carry out your plans due to the attraction of new opportunities! With the help of all the elements used in the video session, a directed flow of energy is created, which literally leads a person to the goal, helping to bypass all obstacles!

After the first full listening, you will be charged with positive energy, free from bad thoughts, fears and hesitations! I recommend using this practice at least once a day, until you get the results you need! A video program is primarily a strong motivation that will encourage you to take action. Do not wait for an instant result: the long-awaited changes will come gradually.
This video session is one of the most effective ways to get what you want, tuning in to success at all levels, including the subconscious!


The fact that nobody talks about the book The Cosmic Wealth Frequencies on Borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance.


If you see this comment, please be aware that Your light is very important to this universe! You are not alone in this world. You are important. l hope this comment can make you happy. I wish you lots of health, love and success on your way❤❤❤


I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!


Who feels here different after listening this, ? Suddenly u feel happy and peaceful from the sounds of harmony.


My wish is for the whole world to live in peace. No Ukraine-Russia war. No Israel-Palestine war. All learn to live in peace.


If you’re reading this comment, it’s too late, you’ve already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I’m so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good, it’s your time....


I wish abundant blessings, money, health, happiness and peace to everyone who reads this comment. I hope all luck finds you, inshallah 🙏🏻💙💙


Пусть исполнится желание, о котором мечтаю уже много лет.Да будет так.Аминь


Everything comes true if you just believe in it. 😊Belief can move mountains. The power of the subconscious makes impossible things possible.😁😁😁


My wish is for my body to be healed and my soul restored.I also pray for financial breakthrough


Lord thank you for everything. Today I was able to do my laundry.
Little cleaning and fix my dinner. It’s all because of you.
To all of you reading these posts.
Please remember good things are happening all the time.
Love and gratitude always.


Искренняя Любовь и Благодарность Мастеру создавшему эту музыку.Мира Дружбы Взаимопонимания всем людям на нашей прекрасной планете Земля!😊


I wish abundance, positivity, love, luxury, quality health, peace etc to whoever is reading this.I hope luck finds you.
Inshallah ☘️🕊️❤️


Honestly, the money manifestation tips from shirlest are next level. I've seen such a shift in my financial situation lately.


My wish is fullfilled I got jackpot ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


خداوندا ای خدای مهربانم شکرت انشالله من و تمام کسانی که ویدیو میبینن به آرزوهای قلبیشون برسن


كنت متأكِد من حصولي على منزل احلامي وها قد حصلت عليه.
انا اعيش بمنزل احلامِي الآن وانا سعيد بذلك.
امتلك غرفة خاصة بي وتشبه غرفة احلامِي.
المطبخ كبير ونظيف ومرتب والحمد لله
انا سعيدة للغاية لأننا اشترينا بيت الأحلام كبير وواسع الحمد لله والشكر.
رغبتنا ببيت احلامنا ها قد تحققت واخيرا.
كل هذا الرزق والنعم بفضل الله تعالى.


Deseo que el que lea esto sea sanado de toda enfermedad, tenga mucho amor y sea prospero ❤


Every night before bed or when you have time repeat yourself many times
“The whole world and the universe is full of peace and happiness, all the beings that live in it are full of peace forever, the people who used to be bad are now good"
And then make a visualization of a better world
So we could change the world and help the other ones
