Eating with Braces: Foods to Eat and Avoid

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Boyd Orthodontics | (803) 788-7000 | Columbia, SC

Eating the wrong kind of foods can damage your braces. Being smart about what you eat can make your treatment go much more smoothly and comfortably. Cut your foods into bite-size pieces whenever possible.

Avoid foods that are hard or crunchy such as nuts, pretzels, and jolly ranchers. Avoid meat with bones in it such as ribs and chicken wings.

Also avoid sticky and chewy foods like gum, starburst, skittles, caramel, taffy, gummy bears, etc.

We recommend eating yogurt, bananas, grapes, fruit bars, and oatmeal. If you must have something sweet, you can have chocolate bars, Reese's cups, cake, and soft cookies -- BUT! -- these foods are very high in sugar, so be sure to do a good job brushing your teeth after eating sweets.
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