Paris terrorist attack: manhunt for Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects moves north of Paris

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The manhunt for two at-large suspects involved in the Charlie Hebdo terror attack continued Thursday in the Picardy region of France.

A third suspect, Hamyd Mourad, turned himself over to authorities Wednesday night after hearing his name linked to the deadly shootings at the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, are said to be armed and dangerous. Several towns in the Picardy region—near the Belgium border—were put on lockdown while police searched house after house for the brothers, who are thought to be responsible for the attack that took twelve lives Wednesday morning.

The search intensified in the Picardy region after a grey Renault Clio, matching the description of the car the brothers hijacked after the shooting, was spotted at an Avia gas station near the town of Villers-Cotteret. Two witnesses said they saw two armed men resembling the suspects steal gas and food from the station.

Soon after the sighting, police surrounded a farmhouse in Longpont, and some reports said police had the suspects surrounded. After several hours, however, the search came up short.

Police also searched every house in the nearby village of Aisne. Several media outlets also reported police in head-to-toe gear had approached Foret de Retz around 5 p.m. As of 10 p.m., police were searching a large cave in Foret de Retz, where they said they believed the brothers were hiding earlier in the day.

Two other incidents were under investigation as of Thursday night. A 27-year-old policewoman was shot dead while on duty in Montrouge, a suburb of Paris. Officials said the shooting did not appear to be connected to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, but that it was being treated as a terror attack.

Officials also investigated an explosion at a kebab restaurant near a Mosque in eastern France. Unconfirmed reports stated the explosion was the result of a fault in the electrical system of a car. No injuries have been reported.


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when they say suspect turned themselves in, does that mean they admitted to the crime or theyre just going to the police to clear their names out?


بأبى انت وامى وروحى فداك يا حبيبى يا رسول الله ;-)


The French government has set aside Muslim only zones.  Police and Fire departments will not go into these areas.  I'm Moroccan and I won't go into these areas.  They are actually allowed a sort of self government under Sharia law and even operate Sharia courts. Why are the French surprised that this atrocity has occurred?

There are 100 or so (illegal) Sharia courts in the UK alone.

Some Muslims in Denmark are threatening violence unless the Dutch enact "Sharia Law Zones" where they can dole out justice in accordance with their selective interpretation of the Qur'an.


My French teacher showed us this and he was fucking pissed off due to the fact it was near where he lived and they nearly killed some of his friends


If the damn French would just finally change it from "French" fries to "Freedom" fries then everything would be ok.!


Maybe they have help to get away cause their getting smarter or getting information from somewhere it doesn't make sense.


I just want to know.Why they do this??Why they kill every time a lot of people?? :(


How are the French people reacting to all this? They angry, scared, sad, what? Will there be anti-Muslim backlash? I want to know their state of mind. Knowing after 9/11 America was not scared, we were fucking furious. I hope this ends peacefully if possible. France does have a very active international force and presence


What will happened to them when they will get caught?


You people should look into the facts before you start accusing the muslims. Here are some facts about the attack and i invite you to look them up:
1- The claimed terrorists forgot their IDs inside of the car although as the Frensh goverment said that it was stolen, and that's a mistake that not even a small time criminal would do.
2- If you watch the video and notice the car used in the attack and the car found by the police, you must be blind if you didn't notice the difference, the color of the car's side mirrors in the atteck was similar to chrome, but the car that was found had black side mirrors.
4- The streets were empty at 11am, which is almost impossible to happen in the heart of Paris, the city that never sleeps.
5- Some reporters had a bullet-proof jacket while the shooting as if he knew about it.
6- The attack continued for 5 minutes and the police didn't show up although the average time needed for the police to show up at a crime site inside of paris is approximitly 45 seconds.
This terrorist act was staged, to spread even more a disease called Islamophobia. And one more thing, when we talk aout Islam, we ddon't do it to make you convert to it, we only do it to teach you about the real Islam, because most of are are victims of the mass media's PROPAGANDA.
FYI: We hate the terrorists more than you do.
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I will find another video on this cause I just couldnt focus anymore due to that HORRIBLE whistle this lady has when she speaks. Now dont get me wrong, nothing bad about pronouncing words with a horrible whistle in it, but keep it in private! Just like there are qualifying criteria for every job, one should be NO WHISTLING for public speakers ;) 


people trying too hard to get $100

only the naturally funny can get paid for funny


Where's drawings? Very funny that they were killed!


Je inclus les exécutants de processus ne sont pas arrêtés à ce jour, malgré la technologie et les ressources disponibles et Wu etc. Lada faciliter notre tâche et le réalisateur du film se attend à des suspects dans la côte de l'Algérie par la mer ou la piscine Libye Hahahahahahahah ne me et élue comprennent pas
Je Odhan ce scénario sera excellent pour la fin du film


comeon people, you dnt know any thing about muslims or islam; maybe yes they are muslims but they are bad ones ; arent theire any bad juish or cristian, ,,,anser me ;youve got to know, at lest  about islam withe an open mind cause what youre saying  is wrong, i m sorry about what others are doing by the name of islam im so sorry
