John Lennox - Work, Wealth, and Living Under the Lordship of Christ

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In a bonus interview to mark the launch of the audiobook of 'A Good Return', John Lennox urges us to consider whether we are seeking first the Kingdom of God in our daily work.

Topics covered include

00:17 - Why Christians should invest in eternal things
01:38 - The impact on our own spiritual lives
05:02 - Christianity is fundamentally about sharing Christ with others
06:03 - Humans are made for work
07:22 - The goal of work
10:28 - Debunking the myth of a secular/sacred divide
11:24 - Wealth
14:52 - Gospel patrons
16:46 - Other forms of investment
18:56 - All of life is to be lived for the Lord
21:40 - The church often fails to prepare people for the work place
24:03 - Questions to open up the conversation and a final takeaway

Available as a Paperback, Audiobook and Kindle Ebook:
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Absolutely wonderful! I never get tired of hearing John Lennox. I pray the Lord extend his life as long as possible for it is profitable for us.


Dr John Lennox should be declared an International Treasure. He is without doubt one of the greatest minds of our time.


This guy with his arguments through debates, lectures and interviews had biggest impact on me to come back to Christianity. I will probably never meet you in this life Dr Lennox, but i cannot wait to see you in afterlife. After Jesus ofc :)


A big thank you to Professor John Lennox - it has often confused me why churches focus so much on ministry work, and not the more common, usual work of many believers. It was all sorted out after I was water baptised and given the gift of the Holy Spirit - I realised I needed to bring Jesus into every aspect of my day - from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep. I would talk to God while I was at work, and ask Him to help me to a good job for the organisation and be a helper and support others. It changed my attitude towards work and colleagues so much - it is far more enjoyable. I walk so closely with God that I find myself talking to Him all the time!! At home, at work, at a cafe with a friend, while gardening, identity is now found in Him, and I am not the same person.


Love this guy!!! He’s like one big hug from God ❤. Thank you Mr. Lennox. 🫶


Love John Lennox and the way he teaches, gets to the bottom of messages that need to be shared with the children of God as well as the rest of the world. Thank you for these insights 🛐✝️🙏


I love you Professor Dr John, over the many, many years I've been following you, I think I've watched every video you've ever been in, several times each 😅 I hope Mrs Lennox is getting a bit more of you these days 😀 You have blessed me in so many ways in my walk with the Lord, your legacy of work will go on helping the Body of Christ for generations to come. Thank you ❤🙏✝️🤠🌏🦘


Thank you so much Mr. John Lennox. I love your talks. You have inspired and encouraged me.🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
May God bless you abundantly always.


I'm so happy he is still with us. 😊😊😊


So grateful for Professor Lennox. I have not met him, but he feels like my grandfather every time I listen to him


As a carer for my 84 year old mother i sometimes selfishly thought is there where God really wants me to be . Now I am 100% sure and in no doubt, im learning to be patient along with many other areas in my life as before I became a born again christain after hitting rock bottom from drink and drugs addictions and through Gods grace alone received forgiveness through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach me all things, to my own shame I must admit I am slow to learn but God can and has now given me conformation from watching this interview that all is well, just keep soldiering on even though being a carer is not as easy as some may think.
Glory to God.


I just love listening to him. Thank God for John Lennox.m


Brother Lennox is a Christian,
a member of the Body of Christ.
His life has been Christ and is still Christ.
He understands that everything is about Christ. Romans 11:36:
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.


Professor John Lennox's teachings have greatly inspired me to continue to share my faith in Christ with my gallery visitors. My faith & work are always connected. Everyone needs to know about the unique hope of eternal life that Jesus Christ offers.


I am so grateful for this interview and teaching. It makes me think afresh about what my role is in the kingdom as I do my secular job. I teach and think about my students' future eternity a lot, and while I am prohibited from actual teaching about God, I can always work to make sure that my students see Jesus through the way I love them by my actions and caring toward them. I look forward to reading the book!


So, so so nourishing SO good. Thank you Profssor Lennox. Thank you for convicting me of my fear and my arrogance. What I needed is to see you embody what you preach, a true man of God, as I look for the right way to serve Christ through my work. And choosing to surrender and Have HIM lead me where he wants me. Every job can serve Him. But not the ego-driven career or purpose that I made up to feel powerful or important. So much Grace in Him. Pray for me.


I'm currently searching for my place as a newly baptized follower of Jesus. I've been thinking about what comes next. How I can serve others. I thought I had to give up my current life, but this video started me thinking about how I can serve Jesus where I am currently. My service to God might end up somewhere else, but it seems I can serve him where I'm at right now..


"We live in a world where we know how everything works but we know the meaning of nothing"


So so grateful to You Lord for raising and steadfastly keeping Your faithful, bold and holy Saint John to keep teaching The Truth about You and Your Words and to keep encouraging Your True sheep and church to live Coram Deo! Hallelujah. Amen.


Thank you, Dr. Lennox for explaining the meaning of the Lordship of Christ.
When you choose Christ as your LORD, He does not give you a job as the world gives; He gives you vocation as only God can give. Thus, your whole being becomes a response to the LORD’s calling for you.
