We Love Your Name (All Cry Glory) [LIVE] – Jaye Thomas & Chris Tofilon

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Watch the live performance of "We Love Your Name (All Cry Glory)" by Jaye Thomas and Chris Tofilon, from "Together: Live Worship at JTL Studios". Recorded live, one take, no overdubs.

How we love your name, Jesus
You're the beautiful one
We love your name

How we love You, King of Kings
How we love You, Lord of Lords

Bridge 1
We bless Your name
We bless Your name
We ascribe to You Lord
The glory due Your name

Bridge 2
I lift my hands in Your sanctuary
For in Your temple all cry glory
I lift my hands in Your sanctuary
I bless Your name and I cry holy

We Love Your Name (All Cry Glory)
Written by Jaye Thomas, Chris Tofilon, Judah Earl, Jim Hester & Travis Damme

Video Credits:
Producer: Israel Vasquez
Director: Israel Vasquez
Editor: Jordan Vanderplate
Coloring: Jordan Vanderplate
Camera 1: Joshua Aldy
Camera 2: Israel Vasquez
Camera 3: Michael Dinsmore
Camera 4: Matthew Grothe
Camera 5: Jordan Vanderplate

Musician Credits:
Album Produced and Mixed by Jared Logan
Engineered by Jared Logan and Zane Callister
Mastered by Brian Calhoon
Lead Vocals: Jaye Thomas
Lead Vocals and Acoustic Guitar: Chris Tofilon
Piano: Eric Lopes
Electric Guitar: Adam Sniegowski
Bass: Cassie Campbell
Drums: Jared Logan
Singers: David Forlu, Allyson Williams, Joshua Fernandez, Rachel Kirkman, Braden Scharfenberg, Abi Bennett Soto, Bethany Lee

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All the way from lift my hands in sanctuary....i cry holy!!!!


So grateful to hear these prayer room classics in one place. God bless!


“We love Your name”
This song is in my top 3
That’s how beautiful it is 💖💖💖


Here because of First15 Podcast, beautiful, Amen!


Jesus in need You more and more in this hard time


Such a blessing. Praises from our hearts to His.


This version is so fresh. Love the piano.


Such a blessing song.. Making my days brighter 🎼❤❤


Jesus is indeed the beautiful one😁😁😇😇🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏


Can I have the lyrics of this song, ?wow so inspired to hear God's message of this song guys!.. hallelujah 😇😇😇


*( Romans 2:4 )*
"Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that his *Kindness* is intended to turn you from your sin?"

❌️ It's *Not* the Wrath of God that leads you to repentance.
❌️ It's *Not* the Judgment of God that leads you to repentance.
❌️ It's *Not* Hell or pain or fire.
❌️ It's *Not* the punishment.
❌️ It's *Not* his anger.

*romans 2:4* ✅️ 💙
"It's the *kindness/goodness* of God that leads you to repentance."

☑ God *Is Not* waiting to judge you.
☑ God *Is Not* waiting to condemn you.
☑ God *Is* waiting to *receive you* with mercy, with love, with open arms.
☑ *Jesus took* the Hell, the Judgment, the Punishment, the Wrath, the Pain, the Sentence that we deserved on the cross.
☑ *"IT IS FINISHED"* Forgiven Once For All. ✝️
☑ Only *Blood* can *Forgive.* Asking forgiveness has *never* forgiven anyone.
☑ Without the *shedding of blood, * there is no *forgiveness* of sins.
☑ The *Blood of Jesus* Was *shed* on the cross. In the Old Testament, they use *animals blood* & *sacrifices.* In the New Testament a *spotless lamb* was shed *for all.*
☑ *REPENT* — means to *turn around, * to *change* your mind, change your path, *align* your belief, turn from. *Change.*
☑ God made him who had no sin (Jesus) *to be sin for us, * so that in him we might become the *righteousness of God.*
☑ Jesus *takes away* the sins of the *world.*
☑ There is *no separation* between You and God, because of *JESUS.* The *veil* of the temple was *torn* in two.
☑ We have *Full Access* to the Father.
☑ God *Is Not* mad or angry at you and *will never* be.
☑ God *Will Not* punish you ever if you *sinned* or did something *bad.* Look to the *cross.* Jesus took the *Punishment.* He took it all away. He took *your place.*
☑ You do *not* have to *SIN.*
☑ God remembers our sins *No More.*
☑ God *doesn't* turn away when you mess up.
☑ God *Is Not* an angry God.
☑ God *Is Not* sad or disappointed.
☑ God *Is Not* judging you.
☑ God *Is Not* condemning you or punishing you.
☑ God *won't hate* you because you made a *mistake* one too many times. That's *Not* how he works.
☑ You are *Loved* by an incredibly *Merciful, Gracious, and Forgiving* Father. The *Tenderness* and *Loving Kindness* of God.
☑ The *Bible* is about *You* and *GOD.*
☑ God speaks to *you* through the *Bible* and the Bible is about you. It's  all about *God's love* for you, *God's promises* for you, and *God's unending willingness* to forgive the mistakes you make.
☑ The *Bible* is also about God. The God who created *the world and everyone* in it. The God who saw what *he made* and it was good. The God who saw *Adam and Eve* fall into sin, and the God who sees everything you *do, think, and say* every moment of every day.
☑ God Endures. God *will never* leave you, God *will never* stop loving you, God *will be* your rock, God *will always* do what is best for you, God *will always* be by your side, every single moment of every single day.
☑ When God created you, *he made you* in his image.
☑ Turn *from* Sin, turn to God, find Life.
☑ JESUS is *the Way, the Truth, * and *the Life.*
☑ JESUS is the *Resurrection and the Life.*
☑ *FEAR GOD* Jesus says you really *shouldn't be afraid* of anything. Instead, *you should* fear God. WHY? Because God holds your *entire story* in his hands. And not just your story here on earth. God is the one who ultimately decides *where* you will spend eternity. But while you fear God, you can also *trust in his Son, Jesus Christ, who died* to forgive you of all the mistakes you make here on earth. On that day when you face God, Jesus *intercedes on your behalf* and reminds *your heavenly Father* that those sins were *wiped away with his sacrifice* on the cross.
☑ Jesus Is *Coming Soon*
☑ Before the *Foundation/Creation* of the World, *God knew you, God loved you, God chose you*
☑ God has the hairs of your head *numbered.* Every moment of your life is *watched by God*
☑ God *knows.* He knows your *past, future, sins, words, heart, thoughts, pain, worries, * everything about you. Surrender. He wants *You.*
☑ God *Knows, * God *Cares.*
☑ It doesn't make any difference *how far* you try to run from God. He *Loves* you. His eye is *on you* and he *sees you*
☑ God *Loves You* with an *Everlasting Love* forever and ever.
☑ God shows *his love for us* in that while we were still sinners, *Christ died for us.*
☑ In this is *love, * not that we have *loved God* but that *he loved us* and sent his *Son* to be the *propitiation for our sins.*
☑ God's steadfast love endures *Forever.*
☑ God *Is* Love, God *Is* Good, always. That's his nature.
☑ *GOD NEVER CHANGES.* God is an *Everlasting God.*
☑ *God's Attributes:* Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnibenevolent, Love, Eternal, Immortal, Goodness, Mercy, Grace, Holy, Jealous, Justice, Just, Immanence, Righteousness, Immutability, Self-Existence, Sovereign, Transcendence, Spirit, Invisible, Infinite, Unchangeable in his being, Wisdom, Wise, Power, Truth.
☑ JESUS said, *"If you've seen me, you've seen the Father."* Jesus is like the Father. See God in Christ.
☑ JESUS is the same *Yesterday, Today, and Forever.*
☑ Satan *cannot stop* the Mercy of God.
☑ The *Devil* is *our Real enemy, * Not people.
☑ Satan *IS* the God of this world, Prince of this world, Accuser, Adversary, Father of lies, Devil, Enemy, Great red dragon, Old serpent, Angel of light, Angel of the bottomless pit, Abaddon, Apollyon, Destroyer, Antichrist, The Beast, Beelzebub, Belial, Deceiver, Evil one, Lawless one, Leviathan, Murderer, Fallen star, Tempter, Thief, Ruler of the darkness, Prince of the power of the air.
☑ The Devil has already been *Judged.*
☑ *Satan* has *already been defeated.* We don't need to defeat him.
☑ We Have The *Victory* ❗
☑ We are *not* fighting *For* Victory, we are fighting *From* Victory, for *Jesus Christ* has already defeated *Satan.*
☑ Everyone have *sinned* and *fallen short* of the Glory of God and if your *born again* you have the *Spirit of God in you* and God sees you *as if you've never sinned.*
☑ We're all worthy of *judgment, * Yet it's the fathers *good pleasure* to give you the *Kingdom.*
☑ God *Will Never Stop* Loving You.
☑ When God looks at you, he sees the *Righteousness* of Jesus.
☑ In God's eyes you are *Loved, Chosen, Holy, and Without Fault*
☑ Jesus made us *HOLY.* He made us *innocent.* We are the *Righteousness of God.*
☑ *Holy, Blameless, * and *Above Reproach* before Him.
☑ God Declares You *Not Guilty*
☑ You are *Perfect* in the Father's sight.
☑ Righteousness Conscious, *Not* Sin Conscious.
☑ Having been *set free* from sin, have become *slaves to Righteousness.*
☑ Think yourself as *blood-washed, * instead of sin-stained.
☑ See yourself the way *God sees* You.
☑ Our *Identity* is in *Christ*
☑ Death in *Adam, * Life in *Christ.* Dead to *Sin, * Alive to *God.*
☑ To *Live* is Christ, to *Die* is gain.
☑ Be transformed by the *renewal of your mind.*
☑ God holds *nothing* against you.
☑ Love keeps *no record* of wrongs.
☑ God *so loved* the world that *he gave* his one and only *Son.*
☑ God *loves* you as much as he *loves* Jesus.
☑ God is *for you, Not against you*
☑ Jesus came from *Heaven to this Earth* for You.
☑ God *wants You* in Heaven. God *wants All people* to be saved. *God's Will for you* is to get you to Heaven. *Bring you back* to the Father. That's the *GOAL*
☑ Our home is *not here but in Heaven.* We are *not* of this world.
☑ Jesus *died for you* on the cross. He took *your place and took your sins* there. Look to Jesus.
☑ Sin cannot exist in God's presence, (God is Holy) so Jesus was *banished* from the presence of God at the cross.
☑ Jesus *Is Risen* from the dead❗ He's alive *forevermore.*
☑ Jesus *Won the Victory.*
☑ Jesus conquered *Death, Hell, * and the *Grave.*
☑ Jesus is seated at the *right hand* of the *throne of God* in Heaven.
☑ Christianity *Is Not* a Religion, it's a *Relationship with God* through Jesus Christ. Religion sets *Rules, * Jesus sets *Free.*
☑ God *wants us* to have *Intimacy* with him, a *Relationship* with him.
☑ 📖 Meditate on *God's Word.* It's *medicine.* It's *food.* It's *Good News.* It builds the inner image of *what* we are and *who* we are in *Jesus.*
☑ "Come, follow me" 🏃

*Despite your mistakes, failures, flaws, sins, words, thoughts, actions, Anything that you've done, GOD, your Heavenly Father, STILL loves you unconditionally.*

👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼🎺

✝️ = 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 🌎
JESUS Loves You
GOD Loves You
You Will Always Be Loved By *GOD.*
Look To *JESUS.*

The poorest person on Earth ever *is not* the one without money,
But *is* the one without JESUS.