Supreme Court Decision Marks An End To California Ammo Ban!!!

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In this video I discuss the Rhode v. Bonta California ammunition ban case and how it was impacted by the recent Supreme Court ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen!
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I certainly hope to see Newsom and the State of California have their asses handed to them on all gun laws they implement.


I saw someone trying to buy ammo get denied because he hadn't purchased a firearm in five years. That was the only mitigating factor, not a criminal, just an old plinker who didn't need a new gun. So stupid California


It sure would be nice if laws were tested for constitutionality before they are passed, instead of the tyrannical process now forcing the people to fight for the inalienable rights they already have.


I wonder why we don't do background checks to determine if someone is eligible to vote. Wouldn't this just be a common sense voting law?


The politicians that came up with this bill need to be held accountable because this was one of the worst, blatant violations of our 2A rights that’s ever been done! If not, they will just keep doing it! It needs to stop, now.


Again (again, again...), as a Tennessean it shocks me how many laws California managed to put in place that are blatantly unconstitutional. I get to go online and buy cheap ammo in bulk and have it shipped directly to my door as if it were any other online item. You guys should be able to do that, too.


SCOTUS is saving Cali... but the people of CA need to protect those rights.


They need to make violating someone's constitutional rights a felony. Be it a mayor, a governor, a judge. or a president.


Gun license
When the constitution was written, and long afterwards there was not any gun licenses anywhere in United States.
     There is no mention of people being confined to the State they live in order to carry a firearm, and everyone at that time brought their firearm everywhere they wanted to go including across state lines.
  Outside of my home is anywhere in the United States as a legal citizen.
   Because the Supreme Court stated text, history and tradition is to be used, any legal citizen of the United States should be allowed to carry their firearm anywhere in the United States without a license or permit.
     Constitutional carry should be the law of the land.
Please pass this message on to others .


The politicians who passed this bill committed a felony and need to be held accountable for their actions. This proposition is very unconstitutional and needs to be rescinded and those who passed it need to be replaced.


I live in California and it would be nice to get ammunition online for a change. 2A 🇺🇸🇺🇸


It was pointed out as unconstitutional but yet nothing changes in this state. It's a never ending battle for us.


The good news just keep coming I love Justice Thomas! Every time one of Neswscums Tyrannical laws gets contested or overturned I get a big patriotic hopeful smile ear to ear!


I just found recently that you have to buy a gun once every 7 years or you can’t buy ammo here in commifornia. What ever it takes to know what we’re doing. That’s some big time BS!!!!


I can’t imagine having a poll tax like this for any other right. California is despicable.


Can CA be retroactively sued and forced to hand back the $1 background check money it illegally took?


Yes, almost all of kommifornia's 2A infringements were invalidated by the NY vs Bruen decision. It doesn't benefit anyone who lives in Kommifornia, until Kommifornia is slapped in court and told to cease and desist.


Everyone involved in passing Unconstitutional Laws should go to Prison for 50 years. NO Parole!!!!


What I believe will happen is that the courts will fight it all, and the 9th Circuit will sit on the lawsuits for a few years before hearing them again. Can we as citizens file a million to billion $ lawsuits against the state of California and the 9th circuit for violating our rights now and back to when the laws were unjustly putting into effect, therefore violating our 2nd Amendment rights?
